Monday, December 29, 2014

"They are future ninjas for Christ."

John Scalzi with some Script Notes on The Birth of Jesus

I'm posting this today because several people are getting responses to their requested fulls from me today.  This blog post is to say "hey, at least I don't want you to include ninjas for Christ in those revisions. Or product placement!"


  1. FTA: marketing pointed out this gives us an opportunity to create a line of stuffed animals

    Guess what day it is

  2. This post by John Scalzi was creative and funny! Anyone named "Chad," even fictionally, makes me think of hanging chads. Can't get passed the image of that one guy scrutinizing each voting card.

    I imagine anyone with a full who reads the blog, has suddenly run to the nearest bathroom to throw up.

    Good luck to them..., and maybe someone is going to ring in 2015 with the Shark for an agent!

  3. This is basically what Ridley Scott did with Exodus. Pretty great critique of Hollywood.

  4. Kevin Bacon starred in a 1989 movie called "The Big Picture" about a film school grad whose winning short film was going to be made into a movie. He went to Hollywood thinking his career was made only to watch his script get hacked to bits.

  5. I think this is the first time I'm glad you you don't have a full of anything I've written....

  6. People inventing stories that detract from the story of Christ's birth? As if...! :)

    All the best to those getting Shark Notes today. :)

  7. Scalzi left out references to sequels based on the resurrection. Maybe too on the nose?

  8. By now I'm sure the responses have been received and the drinking has begun, either in frustration or celebration.
    Either way, how lucky they are. Either way, they got an answer. Speculation and not knowing sux.

  9. I'm glad you found a couch to sob on, so you could re-focus and get some reading done. Now it must be time for Scotch. Happy New Year.


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