Sunday, December 28, 2014

Even though you've already heard and seen this story

sometimes you just want to see it again.

This seems like a good day to remember that dreams can come true.


  1. Right? Gave me tears when I first heard Susan Boyle sing...especially when her audience had been so unreceptive.

  2. Thanks for reminding us that dreams DO come true.

  3. Carolyn w/2ns. Does that mean the rum balls will be delivered TO my door?

  4. Can't not cry when I see this, but the thing that gets me most, each time, is the way the guys in the wings know what's coming.

    It reminds me, that anyone who believes in a dreamer is worth celebrating too.

    Thank you, Janet Reid, for being one of them.

  5. And with her soaring voice, she flew effortlessly towards a new sunrise, and she took us all with her.

    I still get choked up as soon as I hear that first sentence, and the purity and quality of tone.

    This is without a doubt, one of my favorite moments watching any talent show.

    The best reminder of a dream come true EVER.

  6. I have her first CD. Must take that out and put it in the car - lovely drive time music.

    Her own smile seconds before she begins is wonderful - just you wait, you doubters.

    Thank you, Janet, for being part of our 2014. We'll all keep you posted on our dreams as we go ...

  7. Thank you. Yes, we know the story, but for me at least, it never ceases to inspire. Now to find the tissues...

  8. MB Owen, the balls were delivered but your neighbor decided to remove the box from your stoop.

  9. Carolynwith2ns. Happens every dang time.

  10. Shivers. I have this moment documented on a list of favourite inspirational quotes and moments. It's great to see this again, and have it put more power in the engine!

  11. Watched it again. Can't hold back the tears. Such a powerful piece of music and such a wonderful moment.
    Janet, I don't know how you come up with what you post but thanks again. We all need something like this from time to time.

  12. I was rushing out the door today and couldn't comment sooner. I love watching this video and it brings to mind Jonathan Antoine's audition on BGT which was very similar to Susan Boyle's. I watch it every so often just to feel good. What's wonderful about Jonathan is how his life has turned around. He was a young depressed kid who was constantly bullied by his peers when he appeared on Britian's Got Talent with his friend Charlotte. Simon Cowell was...well, shall we say, Simon Cowell.

    Today Jonathan is a totally different person. His album Tenore recently reached # 1 on the Classical Album charts and he's been compared to Caruso and Pavarotti. If you love Susan Boyle's video, I'm sure you'll love watching Jonathan's as well.

  13. I go watch this and the performance by the Korean homeless boy who sang opera to remind myself that dreams do come true and life isn't really as bad as I think it is at times.

    Thanks for reminding me.

  14. They certainly do! Getting a chance to meet you was a dream that came through for me this year. It was wonderful getting to thank you in person for all you do for the writing community. Reading Query Shark--and doing my best to follow your advice--helped get my books published. Please know that your efforts--and patience--with us newbies is appreciated!

  15. Still gives me a chill to watch. Thanks for the reminder.

  16. You will never know how much I needed this at the exact moment I decided to check your blog today. Ah, but of course you know. Angels indeed.

  17. The year this happened, I made my eighth graders watch this clip as part of our unit on prejudice. The judges literally "pre-judged" this woman's talent. It's a good reminder not only that dreams come true, but not to pre-judge whether or not someone is capable of making their own dreams come true.


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