Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Still reading!


  1. You that caption just sent one of your hopefuls into a tailspin. ;)

  2. And because - I am drinking raspberry iced tea and have taken up smoking again. Anybody got a light, my bic just ran out of butane.

  3. Since these are supposed to be finished, (read polished) manuscripts aiming to wow (woo?) the Shark, and thereby receive an offer of representation, I'm surprised.

    I bet every single one of these folks are cringing - just a little.

    Carolynn, I think that might actually be vodka and cranberry juice. Can someone bring a lime wedge? Might as well make it a Cape Codder.

  4. Sounds like you finally got to mine. Nice!

  5. Gossamer is cringing because he fears he's been replaced.

  6. Maybe Gossamer blew a gasket during the family Christmas. Now he's cringing from embarrassment. I hope those with fulls out there can restrain themselves. Good luck.

  7. Goss didn't even join family Christmas, he stuck around the house with Penelope. Almost certainly napping.


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