Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Question: follow up time frame on full requests

I am wondering how long is appropriate to follow up on a full request. I saw one of your posts that said to absolutely follow up, but you did not specify the appropriate amount of time. I'm hearing 8 weeks, 12 weeks, six months.

Also, when following up with said agent, should I mention that the MS has been requested by other agents in the interim? I have not received offers, but requests. 

The industry standard here is ironclad:
1. Follow up in the time frame suggested by the agent's website or submission guidelines.

2. If there are no guidelines, you follow up in 30 days on a query, and 90 days on a full.  NO sooner.

I actually have a list of what to do if I don't respond to your query in 30 days.  It's here at Query Letter Diagnostics.  You can apply that to most other agents as well since most of us do these same things.

As to the second part of your question, no you don't mention how many requests you have. You DO mention if you get an offer.  In fact, if you get an offer you email everyone who requested a full and tell them. You also mention your time frame: you have a week to reply to the offer; you have ten days to reply to the offer; you have 7 minutes to reply, get out your rocket propelled eyeballs for a quick skim.

1 comment:

DLM said...

Rocket propelled eyeballs ...

A SHARK with rocket propelled eyeballs.

As smart as this one.

The world is filled with wonders, and I live in exultation and a liiiiittle bit o' gibbering fear.