Friday, December 08, 2023

Flash fiction contest of a different sort

A friend and I were talking about her dogs and she casually mentioned she had business cards for them!

 Well, that made me curious so I asked to see one.

Kind soul that she was, she didn't mention she'd have to go digging, but dig she did.


Here it is:



So this week's flash fiction contest is: write copy for your dog/cat/dragon pet of any sort and post it in the comments column of this blog post.

Word count limit: 30 words.

You must include your familiar's name. You don't need to tell a story.

And your familiar doesn't need to be anything but themselves (ie couch potatoes are not discouraged.)

Here's what I would write about my fuzzy friend Mx Pix:

Mx Pix: Parkour Champion of Astoria Queens.

I leap while you sleep.


Dimitrius Harmata said...

Hi! I’m Fluffy.
I chose to spend one of my nine lives standing guard over Dimitrius during the rough 90’s.
My reward was a bat I caught all by myself!

Craig F said...

All who visit are advised to keep their hands to themselves. Yes, he’s a large cat, and he might be my pet, but his name is Bob for a reason

Kate Larkindale said...

I'm Frankie the Fearful, fleeing the house at every knock at the door since 2017. But I'll cuddle with you in bed every night too.

Steve Forti said...

Zoey: (noun) petite cuddly feline. Black void. Impatient eater, fluffy yarn ball destroyer, spring chaser. Scared of the dark. That comfy seat you wanted? It’s mine. Your bed? Also mine.

Erin Scruggs said...

I’m Molly the maltipoo: master of suspense. Hobbies include rolling dirty (in the grass), sprinting (at Olympic speed), and barking at animals on television (especially make-believe creatures in allergy commercials).

Luralee said...

Pepper—now known as whiny dog

Used to sit
Used to stay
Got spoiled by Grandma.

Still a sweetheart.

Erin Scruggs said...

I’m Stetson the schnoodle: a loyal companion. Skills include licking people (unexpectedly), napping (snoring loudly while farting silently), and winning staring contests (especially effective when grandparents and bacon are involved).

Beth Carpenter said...

Wascally wabbits destroying your garden? You need Annie, the rabbit chaser who never slows down.* Call 1-800-462-6643, that's 1-800-GOANNIE.

*Disclaimer: Annie has never actually caught a rabbit.

MaggieJ said...

Marilla: I am Maggie’s moggy, defender of hearth and home against mice, rats, shrews, snakes, bats, and all things like that. Weasels are my specialty: quick clean kills ensured.

Just Jan said...

Captain Jack, a.k.a. the Boston Terr(o)r
Peg-legged. Born under a bad sign.
Lack of intelligence surpassed only by absurd loyalty to anyone with food.

Lennon Faris said...

Poppy: Watchdog, snuggler.

Ready for any* threat:

- Humans wearing hats
- Bubbles
- Bunnies (includes free murder)

I will protect you! Will work for cheese.

*no bad guys please

Mother of Monster said...

Monster, Maine Coon Extraordinaire. I shed so you don't have to.

Amy Johnson said...

mama canis
Gentle and joyful doter on children of various ages and species.
Temporarily transforms into mama ursa to protect them from the vacuum cleaner.
aka: Good Girl

Leigh Caron said...

He dominates me.
“Ow! Don’t bite my hair! It’s 4 a.m.!”
His eyes squint his desire.
As he chomps the Whiskas salmon flakes, I coo, “Love you, Indie boy.”

Michael Seese said...

Allie, a.k(anine).a. "Doggo"

Chasing balls since 2018

E.M. Goldsmith said...

Rest in peace, Frankie. The best pug ever.
I will see you on the other side. Keep watch
as you always have. I’ll be home soon.

Theblondepi said...

Angel on Earth
now angel in Heaven
(treats still accepted)

Tomas Zandir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tomas Zandir said...

Holly: One of a legion of feline impersonators sent by rulers of planet Xanon to enslave human population of Earth. Mission wildly successful! Bowser, household dog, is still a problem.

travelkat said...

My name’s Patrick, King of Cats;
Look on my Snores, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains
In the colossal wreck of my food-dish
Now it’s time to play.

J.R. Raglow said...

From hello Molly, you choose me?
As sweet as fine chocolate
Lab of my life,
Bar dog, car dog, barn dog, bird dog,
Danger detector, domain protector,
Partner, companion, friend.

KDJames said...

Cauliflower, aka The White Ninja

Intrepidly Accessing the Inaccessible, since 2008

- napping
- purring
- shedding
- acrobatic zoomies, extra

- fish, chicken, treats
- effusive praise
- petting, scritches

- invitation only

Colin Smith said...

Seouler and Momo: Bug-catchers extraordinaire. Proving you need neither sight nor sanity to hunt pests.

BJ Muntain said...

Little Girl Dog creeps
Softly in my dreams; Angel
Racing lightning down.

Koko, my heart dog,
Always beside me; Angel
He will always be.

SDK said...

Kokhan: Cat for hire.
Will shred all your enemy’s soft furnishings and knock over all fragile artefacts of value.
In and out in 30 mins. Discreet. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Tain Leonard-Peck said...

Prehistoric reptile, mix-and-match critter. Alligator tail, lizard legs, hydraulic cutter jaws. Living behind glass for your safety, not mine. Pet me at your peril, turtle with a snap.

John Davis Frain said...

Experienced walking companion
No leash necessary

EasternRose said...

Thelma and Louise, bonded rescue rabbits.

Plunging in cars not their thing.

Will beg for Timothy hay.

Will cuddle for willow.

Kregger said...

Barn Mouse: Extraordinaire!

Creepy, poopy, destructive.

Cohabitant: Kregger

He hates me.

Fburgos said...

My name is Hudson
I'm a cadaver dog
And I just found my master.

Barbara Etlin said...

Echo, Sheltie (always remembered)

Intruder-chaser, Blue Jays very short stop, model, philosopher, poet
Hobbies: napping, guarding the bathroom door

I'm a Sheltie. Don't call me "mini Lassie."