Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Flash Fiction contest results (final)

 I had such high hopes.

I figured string quartet would finally thwart Mr. Forti. I originally had Ouagadougu (the capitol of Burkina Faso) but I thought for sure he'd be able to twist that into something hilarious.


I guess I should quit finding my prompt words in the Acme Dictionary.

But string quartet?? 

Well, not only did Mr. Forti thwart me, a bunch of the rest of you formed a Forti Mob and did me in as well.

Fortunately, this week I am cat sitting so I have in-house purring to sooth me.

Ms. Pix my purry companion

And then, to make matters worse, Mr. Forti sweeps the competition and wins the whole damn flash fiction contest.

There were some blazingly good entries this week, but I have to recognize genius even when it's cloaked in Nemesis.

(which is better than being cloaked in emesis, I guess).


Steve, send me your preferred mailing address, and what kind of books you like to read, and I'll get your prize in the mail next week (cat-sitting so not post office-ing).


Thanks to all of you who took the time to write and post entries.

It was a buffet of fabulous writing.

And if anyone has any ideas on how to stymie Steve, I'm ALL EARS!


  1. Congrats, Mr. Forti! A double victory for sure!

    And thanks for your kind words, Amy!

    I have updated the Contest Spreadsheet in the Treasure Chest. Curious to know how many times Mr. Forti has won? Want to read previous winning stories? Check out the spreadsheet!

  2. (twirls sinister mustache)

    For real, though. It still humbles me just that anyone here even enjoys my little bits enough to remember my name that accompanies them from week to week, so to get challenged by Janet and supported by this crowd floors me. I'd had a pretty rough week, so all your comments raise more spirits than you realize. And your talent always raises the bar.

    Thanks :)

  3. Congratulations and small surprise though there were some outstanding offerings.

    Everyone put forth some really great stories.

    Good job.

  4. Congrats, Steve!!

    Janet, since you asked (and as long as names of geographical objects are allowed), I suggest Crni Vrh, which is a mountain in Serbia (translated from Serbian as "Black Mountaintop" and pronounced ts-rnee vrkh).

  5. Congratulations Steve! A well-deserved win. Excellent word-spinning as always - I salute you!

    And Dimitrius Harmata that is just cruel!! But also... so very devious.

  6. Congratulations, Mr Forti! Here's hoping your weeks get increasingly better!


  7. For-ti's a jolly good wordsmith,
    For-ti's a jolly good wordsmith,
    For-ti's a jolly good wordsmith,
    Which none of us will deny.

    I think you're going to have to call in Bill Murray from Caddyshack to eradicate Steve, but there might be laws against that in some areas.

  8. Congrats to Steve Forti!

    And I'm cackling at the suggestions listed to stymie him in the next contest!

  9. Belated congrats, Steve! Very well done. I am flabbergasted (oooh, prompt word?) to hear that you imagine your writing is somehow anonymous or easily forgettable over here. That's crazy talk. Stop it. I'm sorry you've had a rough week. May your troubles fade quickly.

    @Julie Why yes, you may imagine me as an eager husky pup. *snort* I WISH I had even half that kind of energy. [from last comment thread]

    Janet, have fun bowing and scraping to your feline companion. I love that kitty face. It looks like she fell asleep with half her face in a dish of melted milk chocolate. NOTE: Do not let your cat get that close to chocolate, not that anyone would, as it is very bad for them. And for dogs.

    Hope all of you who celebrate the day have a wonderful and indulgent Thanksgiving!

  10. well done and well-earned, Forti.


  11. Well done Steve, yet another virtuoso performance.


  12. Congratulations, Steve, on your well-deserved win! I imagine Steve's brain contains a chamber full of Rube Goldberg-esque devices. Input prompt words. Chugging. Whistling. Some gurgling? Out comes an amazing story. The variety of subjects, the wild word combos -- incredible. Every time.

    Thanks ever so much for the kind words, writer pals.

    I shall get right on ordering "I Wanna Be Steve Forti" T-shirts for everyone.

  13. Congratulations Steve Forti! Well deserved and again so impressive with the word-wrangling. I’m never brave enough to attempt the extra challenge that you always rise to conquer. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!


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