Wednesday, January 18, 2023

El Splatto

This cracked me up completely.

From the incoming mail bag:
Your article "Ghosting" (linked here) inspired me and my team to create an article called "How Do You Cope with Being Ghosted?". Ghosting is becoming increasingly popular nowadays although this dating term is relatively new. Our team of experts created this article because ghosting may cause serious mental health problems and people need to know how to cope with it. Our guide contains 11 useful tips for those who faced ghosting as well as its reasons and consequences

If you read the blog post, it's about ghost writers.

Why should you do anything but laugh about this?

Because more than once writers mentioned some sort of connection between me and a well-known author. They assume the author is my client. Well, no. I just mentioned them in a blog post.

Telling me you're querying because I represent Thomas Harris or Clive Cussler is an INSTANT pass because it signals sloppy work. I'm not looking for sloppy work in prospective clients. Not now, not ever.

Any questions?


  1. Not only is it sloppy, it's lazy. They read the title (one word) and assumed the rest. Worse, now I want cake!

  2. Any reference to "Cake Wrecks" is a win in my books.

  3. Was this a query? It sounds like tricky advertising. Like they compiled a list of bloggers who have posts about ghosting (l bet there are a lot) and emailed them all in hopes that someone would mention their article and lead readers to whatever services they provide.

  4. Luralee I think it was a request to link back to them (I've forgotten the specifics).

  5. It sounds like one of the better thought out Phishing schemes. One that might catch enough attention for someone with a brain to click on it.

  6. Ha! Stephen King must hear from these guys a lot. He's often writing about ghosting.

    Not completely off the subject, the best horror story I've read in a long time is Simone St. James' The Sun Down Hotel. Deliciously creepy. Also, I don't represent her, so don't send me your queries. (Not that anybody here would do such a thing.)

  7. Dear Janet, I have read online that are you are looking for articles that answer queries about sharks. Our team of experts created this article because sharks may cause serious physical and mental health problems that people need to know how to cope with. Our guide contains 11 useful answers to queries readers may have about sharks.

  8. Is it ok to mention Jeff Somers and his small army of cats in a query to you? Or is that too an instant pass? Just curious. I'll show myself out.


  9. John - I'm a huge fan of Simone St James! I've read all of her books, and her most recent - The Book of Cold Cases - was excellent.

    (I know I'm kind of continuing the off topic trend but couldn't help myself!)

  10. I read the post. Got to the cake. Went to investigate the site...half an hour later I've come back and totally forgotten the post but am in a great mood after laughing at the cake wrecks. Thanks, Janet.


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