Monday, December 26, 2022

slothful day


i was given clear instructions to do nothing yesterday so I didn't.

Which includes the writing contest results.

But I think I can only use this excuse once, or I'm going to be shipped off to Carkoon my ownself.


  1. There is no way, with the amount of valuable insight you produce, that we'd ever let you get shipped off to Carkoon. Even the Internet is scared of Carkoon, so we wouldn't get to hear from you. The blockade of sharks will undoubtedly protect you.

    I also have to commend the people who were able to submit to the flash (sorta) contest this weekend. I had every intention, but family thwarted me at every turn. I'm beginning to question my priorities. (Sorry, family. You're winning right now, but don't get comfortable with your lead.)

  2. Such a cute mug!
    I've been working on a new screenplay (I entered another one in a contest - fingers crossed - so I didn't enter either.
    Glad to see everyone. I've missed you all! ❤️

  3. I really enjoyed this contest. My entry was from my middle grade novel - ANY feedback is super welcomed. Gretchen Goodwin is not my main character, but the book has a large cast.

  4. The day after Christmas should be National Stress Recovery Day.

    So much stress leading up to the day and then the crash.

    Take all the time you need, please.

  5. That is an awesome mug.

    If you can't be slothful at Christmas I think priorities need to be re-examined!

    I tried to enter, as in, I sat with my manuscript many times over the contest period, but didn't have a paragraph I could just pluck out. That meant rewriting for the contest. I started, but then entries started rolling in and the awesomeness of the Reef left me a little intimidated (you're all so good!) so I abandoned the contest in favour of more over-indulging on Christmas treats.

  6. I wasn't able to write anything this past week. Or enter anything - except the icy clutches of a winter hell on earth. Everything was frozen: water troughs, water hydrants, spigots, gate latches, my hands, my face... we had to tote buckets of hot water out to the barn. Horses were all fine. I wanted to weep. In fact, I may have, several times. Frozen tears.

    Today, it's in the 60s. I can't imagine living where the blizzard was hitting the Mountain West and the Northern Plains or anywhere near Buffalo, NY.

  7. Slothful days are wonderful and should be the norm between Christmas and New Year. It was helped by the weather. Minnesota's powdery snow combined with wind created a stay-off-the-roads winter wonderland.

    For this contest, when I combed through my manuscript, I realized several of my characters just slide into the scene without any kind of an introduction. So I'm trying to find my brain and give that a good think.

  8. Congrats, Katja, on the new job and being near what you love most! I know it's beautiful there!

    Sorry, Melanie, for those troubles! NO FUN. I feel bad for having bombarded you with my dilemma - now, happily resolved.

    I have an affinity for that mug.

    Happy New Year, all!

  9. Happy new year everyone!

    And congratulations, Katja! It finally came true!!

  10. Thank you so much, Donnaeve. 💗🙏

  11. So, being writers, I can't imagine that I am the only one who does this...When Janet goes quiet for a few days, I have her lying in a hospital bed with a sign hanging on the end "Unknown". or Jane Doe. She was mugged in the subway. Her ID was stolen. She hit her head and wandered off at the wrong stop. A priest took her in and gave her a pew to sleep on. After the alter was lit with an unusual number of candles due to the death of the retired Pope, the church caught fire. She fled into a bomb cyclone and was found by the ferry, huddled with her hair frozen like Aqua Net. She remains at the hospital, her amnesia worsening. Soon she will be transferred to Belleview if she keeps saying "Carkoon."

    Anyway, there are a hundred scenarios. She is probably working hard and feeding her cat.

  12. Hair frozen like Aqua-net is exactly the image I want people to remember me by.


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