Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Texts from Mittens

 Next blog post scheduled for 3/23/22.


  1. Happy Birthday dear Kitty!

  2. Happy Birthday, Kitty.

    So excited for tomorrow now. Is that weird?

  3. Thank you! But it's actually tomorrow. When I read Janet will post on the 23rd I thought what a nice b-day present.

  4. Then, Happy Birthday tomorrow, Kitty, may a wish come true for you.

  5. Happy birthday, Kitty!

    I wonder if that cat calendar is for real. I adore cats, but my allergies definitely do NOT :-/

  6. Kitty, next year your birthday will be a wonderful palindrome! 3-23-23.

    Know any birthday twins named Hannah?!

  7. John, thanks for pointing that out because I'm a palindrome fanatic. How about twins named Otto?

  8. So, um, a few of us are waiting outside and it's getting a bit nippy. They elected me to knock. Okay, actually, I was the first one to fall asleep, but anyway ...

    We kinda thought with the teaser, you might be opening at midnight for this special announcement. Ya know, like our favorite bookstore when a new Jack Reacher hits.

    No? You're sure? Did I mention it's getting cold out here? Also that these fans aren't gonna be happy when I return with bad news...

    Maybe you could leave a tooth mark on my wrist, so I can show them how hard I tried--

    Okay, okay, I'm turning around. Unless -- nope, don't dial 9-1-1, I'm leaving the premises. Outta here. Name's L-O-W-E in case you make that call, remember the E at the end. Tim Lowe.


  9. Joyeux anniversaire chaton!

    Sante' Henri

  10. What about those of us Down Under? The 23rd is nearly done (it's 10.30pm right now). I mean talk about let down *sigh*.

    Happy Birthday, Kitty, it's been a wonderful day here so I hope that follows as the world turns.

    I hope you share the inside of that calendar, Janet. I think it would be full of fun snark.

  11. Happy birthday, Kitty! I hope you have a great one. March must be a wonderful month for birthdays. Two of my outlaws were born in March, three if you count my ex-husband. Plus, the esteemed Chris Humphreys. You're in good company.

    By a strange coincidence, I just got a new calendar also. A 1974 Holly Hobby!


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