Sunday, December 13, 2020

SGC Flash fiction results, this time for real

 Remember when I said I'd post the results "later today"?

Well, clearly that turned out to be Bald Faced Lie.

(what's a bald face?)

It's two weeks now and you all have been quite patient with my dawdling.

It's kind of felt like being on vacation not doing these daily posts, but I do miss it, and I'm going to get back to posting. Not daily, but at least not silent!

So, the results

I went back and read the ones that caught my eye again.

Sometimes a day or two can make me change my mind.

But not this time.

The winner is Jennifer Rand.

The prize is

Thanks to all of you who wrote and posted entries.

You are a talented bunch, and I have the post that proves it!


  1. Congratulations, Jennifer!

    Janet, I hope you and the SGC enjoyed your vacation.

  2. Congrats Jennifer! Well deserved win. : )

  3. Fantastic writing, Jennifer, congratulations!

  4. Well done, Jennifer! Congratulations on your win.

    Nice to see you back, Janet. I've missed your posts in the mornings.

  5. Good to see you again. I was worried you had disappeared because you had contracted The Illness, but after about a week I suddenly thought of Googling you, and there you were, on Twitter all the time. Whew!

  6. Yay! Congrats Jennifer!!!

    And, like Adele, I got worried about Our Queen Of The Writer-Chomping Jaws until I remembered Twitter and found her merrily brandishing her fins there. Glad to hear you enjoyed the vacation, Janet!

  7. Congratulations Jennifer!

    Janet, a bald-faced lie is an obvious lie, because a bald face is one with no facial hair or other covering (like a mask) to hide behind. Every bit of expression can be seen clearly and obviously. Does that help?

  8. Congrats Jennifer: a cool piece, though I hope it was imaginative.

    Missed you, my Queen, and started to worry, even though it had been a wild world out there. I hope you are fine, someone needs to be.

  9. Congrats, Jennifer!

    Yes, Janet. You were missed but glad you enjoyed the time off.

  10. Congrats Jennifer. And welcome back Janet.

  11. Congratulations, Jennifer! Two in a row--that's rare. :)

    I've updated the contest spreadsheet in the Treasure Chest.

  12. Congratulations, Jennifer!

  13. Yay! Very exciting!! Thank you, Janet. And thank you, everyone else, for your kind thoughts.

    Glad you're back, Ms Shark, even if only to occasionally swim in our waters.


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