Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Feeling housebound? Yea, me .. nope! Not today!

 Yesterday I attended a Zoom presentation by Jonathan Slaght for his book Owls of the Eastern Ice.

Honestly it was as refreshing as a two mile brisk walk!

 The narration on this book trailer is from the book.

I ordered it as soon as I saw the publisher was FSG.


  1. I love owls. Now, I want this book.

  2. Wow! Thanks, Janet. This book has my name on it. Ordering now and telling my friend, the owl expert, about it.

  3. That sounds like a fabulous book! It's amazing what people with a passion can achieve.

  4. Oh, this sounds fascinating. And what gorgeous film and still shots too. Adding to my wish list.

  5. Sure, sure, it sounds interesting and all. But why did seeing the publisher was FSG seal the deal? Why couldn't the publisher have been anyone?

    (I was pretty impressed with myself that I knew who FSG was (low bar to hurdle to impress myself!), but I can't figure out the answer to my question. Grrrr.)

  6. I have actual owls in my woods. Sounds like a great book!

  7. Ow wow, cool! This is the perfect Christmas present for my Dad! (I am of course not going to sneakily borrow it the moment he puts it down...)

  8. I too love Owls. I am proud that I have Eastern Screech Owls nesting in my yard, I have some great pics of Barred Owls, a a couple of Great Horned Owls.

    I am, however, a Florida resident and therefore a real wimp about water temperatures. I'll get the book anyway, because biodiversity is a big thing for me, not to mention helping to save such a magnificent beast is too cool.


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