Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Hello! Welcome back!

My son sent me this to remind me that there are plenty of people dealing with stress.
I’m not alone.
Yup. That’s a grizzly. She probably figures she owns the place.--Brenda McQueen Neil


  1. Yep. It is quite understandable the stress here. Imagine being a grizzly bear dealing with the trauma of modern urban living. Doubtless she is looking for honest work and finding the doors closed in her face.

  2. I wonder who was more freaked out? The worker or the grizzly who probably thought she was *this close* to lunch.

  3. I think that's just cool. Curious bear, freaked out worker, what more could you ask for?

  4. I feel for that guy (worker?). I think maybe my heart would have stopped right there and then - ready meal for the bear.
    Hopefully this ended well for both participants. I mean seriously well!

  5. Whoa! I like how the man's arm is in motion. Miss Grizzly does not look super concerned. I would have liked to see a video of that one.

  6. Ah, close the door leave the cannoli?

  7. Ms Grizzly was highly dissatisfied with the customer service she received at the drive thru window. She was expecting a meal on wheels; instead, got a door slammed in her face. Kids these days, tsk.

  8. Badda bing. Badda bang. Badda boom.
    EM, you’re a bad influence.

  9. Perfect, EM!

    Brenda's photo puts soooo much in perspective.

  10. I've often heard that bears are shockingly fast for their size and appearance. Maybe that guy didn't believe it!

  11. Is this curbside pickup? I ordered two salmon and three hundred pounds of blueberries. I want to take Smokey his lunch, he's really busy.

  12. It's a bear market right now...

  13. Obviously, this bear is a recent graduate of the "Putting Bears to Work" program. It appears that this bear is experiencing workplace discrimination. Did she SAY she was a bear in her application? Well, if this is the reaction one gets when they show up to the interview, it's no wonder she didn't disclose her...um...bearness. Bears are great at warehouse work. You should see her forklift skills!

  14. Argh!

    What I noticed first? The bear's right forepaw. Looking like she's about to leap straight ahead!

    What a photo... *takes deep breath to slow heart-rate*


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