Wednesday, August 19, 2020


We are not normally dog people but this 10-week old stinker has stolen our hearts. My sister-in-law is visiting from Brooklyn with her two 4-year-old terriers and this little gal. My daughter is beside herself. The only downside is that she's a foster dog, meaning my SIL will need to get her spade downstate and we will need to file an application through the agency, so there is a decent chance someone else will get her. I'm pretty sure the waiting line for this pup is pretty long.--Tim Lowe


  1. She's adorable! Hope you end up her parents, but even if it's someone else, fostering has given her a chance at life and there are lots of others out there who need that chance as well.

  2. What a sweatheart! I can almost feel her soft fur.

  3. Yay! Let's get all the pups adopted! (I hope your daughter's wish comes true with this one.)

  4. Aw, she is such a cutey! Totally understand how she stole your hearts. I hope you are able to become her forever family *fingers crossed*

  5. Aww, I can almost smell that new puppy smell. What an adorable little face! This is why I'd never be able to foster pets-- I'd keep them all. Kudos to your SIL.

    Thanks for sharing this, Tim. I'm confident your family will find a new furry friend to love and care for. Luckily, every single one of them is this lovable.

  6. Better you than me, Tim. I would fail as a foster for this one.


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