Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mr. Furkles

Pictured is Mister Furkles, my nom de plummy tail

A photographer said "A wide angle lens enlarges things in front." She was so right, but after putting the camera away, Furk's tail returned to its former size. I was terribly disappointed. 

I always wondered about the name Mr. Furkles!
And now we know.

That tail looks like it could be hired out as a fan!


  1. Mr. Furkles (the cat) is majestic, from tip to tail!

  2. Pardon my forwardness, but I think that perhaps "Brothers Grimm" or "Hans Christian" might have been a more appropriate name for this beauty of a beast. For this is one hell of an exciting furry tail.

  3. Mr Furkles appears to be 1/4 fox and 100% stunning.

    Are auditions for Puss in Boots 2022 still open? Someone call Disney!

  4. Oh, my... Mr. Furkles is indeed one handsome fella. Gorgeous face.

  5. Not quite Russian Constructionist, but a nifty form of forced perspective, I hope.

  6. Even at normal size, that must be one impressive plume of a tail, the perfect foil for those lynx-like ears.

  7. Oh, and Mr. Furkles: Mr. Furkles is a beautiful Coon cat.

  8. I didn't get to comment after reading this post yesterday, but my, oh, my, Mr. Furkles struck me as such a debonair fellow!


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