Monday, August 24, 2020


What a soul-boost getting to know everyone’s wonderful furry families! That said, there’s been a shocking lack of dragons, so in the interest of balance and appeasing everyone’s favorite sky-beasts, I thought I’d share a couple of photos myself.

First up is a beach where dragons like hanging out. You can see a couple of mischievous dragonlings trying out their wings.

Second is a fun little spot where you can sometimes spy the footprints of a dragon that's just ambled past.

Finally, for the impolitely nosy among you (and because dragons aren't always magical) is a bit of dragon flop.

love to all from flashfriday xo


  1. How has COVID 19 affected the publishing business?

  2. FlashFriday, how secretive you must be to be able to spy on young dragonlings like that. Their shy nature is surely the reason none have been featured on the blog before now.


  3. Such a fitting topic for me today,. The vineyard was harvested today by a mechanical harvester, for the local co-op. As I was inspecting the young vines to ensure they weren't damaged, I was thinking of a name to maybe label the wine with next year.

    For some reason the name "Dragontree Vineyards" hit me.

    Love dragons, but I wouldn't want to clean the dragon litter box after them. Five cats is enough.

  4. I am picking up a red dragon today or tomorrow. The Tai Chi group is giving up its rented space and I spoke up first so he's mine.

  5. Kitty, I would love to know, too.

    I have come across a few things that really concern me. My book is still showing as "pre-order" and "awaiting publication" on the Waterstones website:

    At the same time, it shows 31st July as the publication date. When I emailed the contact I have for this, the response was an auto-reply saying that this email address was now out of service.
    Pretty poops, really, and maybe nobody's fault but just Covid-19's?!

    There was an article the other day saying that 600 books had been published on one day, and how this was bad for small publishers and independent authors.
    Pretty poops, again.

    I'd love your question, Kitty, to be answered as well.

  6. I live near Dragon's Place in my hometown. Many people think it's merely a Chinese restaurant, but they've never ventured into the rafters...

  7. Got to be careful of those dragons in the wild. The one I met would rather have made a pet of, than to be made into a pet.

    Temple dragons aren't worth the effort, those snobby beasts.

  8. Flashfriday, is that Haystack rock?

  9. @Brigid: Yes, it's rumored some humans call it that. :D

  10. "dragon flop" - that's going to keep me laughing all day! Thank you, Flash Friday!

  11. Yay, dragons! FlashFriday I admire your patience and tenacity in stalking these shy and somewhat... um... carnivorous beasties.


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