Tuesday, July 07, 2020


This is Marilyn! 

a.k.a. Mare-Bear. She is probably about 13 or 14 years old and is our newest clinic cat. As per our usual, when our former clinic cat, Mia, passed, even though we were all heartbroken--it was only a matter of days before the Universe presented us with another ancient feline that no one seemed to want anymore.

Well, guess what? We wanted her. And she has fit right in. Ever since day 1, in a very un-cat-like manner, she waddles around, completely unafraid of her new surroundings and loud noises and strangers scooping her up and flipping her upside down to give her a belly rub. She was so unconcerned (esp. about the noises) that at first we thought she might be deaf. But no, that's apparently just Marilyn.

This picture is flattering (she likes to pose), but she's actually as round as a basketball and unfortunately has extremely arthritis knees. But she's so happy. She is one of the most content cats I've ever met. Every morning she shuffles around to get the most pets per person. I am proud to say, I'm one of her favorites. We give her therapy laser sessions for the knees and of course, all the pets possible.

Hope you are hangin' in there and maybe not descending into madness like I am. These times, sheesh!


Hiatus update: I am reading my eyeballs out, and getting caught up on email, all while helping Intern Ty build his skill set. Very glad to have content provided by all y'all!


  1. All hail Marilyn the bestest ancient cat (I do love oldies, of all species)

  2. Aw, Mare-Bear!

    Aphra, she is a pretty incredible ancient gal, isn't she?

  3. I love that her black nose really does make her look like a bear! So sweet to hear how adored she is in her dotage.

  4. She's adorable! And that nose looks like someone added a pom-pom to her face ;)

  5. Cute kitty, Lennon! Glad she's found a wonderful home at your clinic. She deserves all the tummy rubs :-)

  6. Mere-bear really does look like a cuddly teddy bear. I'm so glad she's getting the petting and attention she deserves, and passing the affection along.

  7. Sounds like the clinic is perfect for her and she's perfect for the clinic. What a lucky, and gorgeous, Mare-bear.

  8. I've been enjoying all the pet pictures, (including the jade plant...I forget its name) but haven't had time to comment. But Mare Bear! This cat just steals my heart. She called me (in confidence of course) to say that she's not fat, just extra fluffy! I'm glad she gets all that extra attention. Ever since Mehitabel's departure to the great beyond, I have been adrift, catless in my self quarantine.

    After making all these felty pandas, I'm getting ready to try my hand at making a life size felted kitten. Mare bear makes a great model. Give her a tummy rub, an ear scritch and a nose boop from me, would you Lennon?

  9. She's a lovely girl, Lennon.

    Reminds me of a cat named Max i once knew. He was the cat at the bird food store I buy at. He was also big boned.

    They had this odd bird feeder by the front door. It was one of those chainsaw carvings. I could never tell if it was support to be a monk or someone from Handmaid's Tale.

    A shallow bowl rested in its arms. From there Max watched the world go by, or for a favored person to come pet him.

    If it was a favored person he would be standing when you got in the door.

    You would pet him for a few minutes and he would climb up your chest, wrap his front legs around your neck and hug you.

    I miss him, too.


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