Wednesday, July 01, 2020


Hey, Janet! Leaping Lizards is a literal phrase around our house. You may not post this because it’s gross to some people. Kuda sheds every so often. He gets all puffed up and stares us down. His scales turn black. Then he sheds his skin eventually. This picture captured a little of that. Usually he’s friendly, and he will eat zucchini from my hand.
--Sherry Howard

Blog hiatus report: Getting lots of reading done, and planning a couple days staycation with my furry orange friend Intern Ty. A good friend of mine needs cat sitting services and I'm always happy to oblige. Ty and I will be found supine upon the couch for a week. We have rousing laser tag tournaments, and we like to look out the window at the birds.

Not this bird of course,

 we're into more hors d'oeuvre sized things.

 PS Holy Moly, it's July!


  1. Kuda is WONDERFUL! I have a still, and likely forever, unsold piece on my computer with a blue iguana named Eddie in the cast...and someday, Eddie's going to turn up again! Very glad our shark has a visitor...birds are Cat TV.

  2. Kuda is cool! And he's obviously well cared for to shed his skin often because that's a sign of outgrowing the old.

    I had a Cuda...not the same though. Mine had four wheels and a big engine...

  3. Janet, for those of us who don't have pets, I'm beginning to feel a little left out. I think I'll go take photos of people walking their dogs on the streets of Paris and send them to you. (I'm kidding, of course.)

    Btw, nice looking bird and as far as lizards go, that's not a bad-looking one either.

  4. LynnRodz
    You are welcome to send photos of Paris, dogs of Paris,
    or anything Paris any time!

  5. Kuda is giving you that look because you STILL haven't realised he's really a dragon. He was bamboozled into taking Shrinking Potion by a nefarious warlock. All the skin shedding is just him trying to return to his natural size.

    He is very gorgeous. Envious!

    Also, high five to LynnRodz from your fellow left out and petless hoomanz! I was considering photographing my ugly flowers instead but they really are too too hideous.

  6. Fluffy-headed chickens! I haven't seen one before. Trying to figure out if this one is groomed, or does it always looks like that. (city-girl question, I know)

  7. Oh, and NLiu, I don't think there are ugly flowers. (I'd like to see yours, but this isn't my website and I don't want to be sent to Carkoon so I'll leave it at that.)

  8. Cool! Kuda has the best expression.

    Janet, hope you and Ty have having deep conversations and lots of fun together. How can it possibly be July?

  9. Hi, Kuda! What a cool guy you are.


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