Sunday, July 05, 2020

Happy Sunday!

I am ensconced in beautiful downtown Queens for a reading retreat.
Intermission is a round of laser tag with my furred accomplice.

This is the standoff.
Cue theme music from The Good The Bad and the Ugly!


  1. Oooh! Lucky you! We call that Mr Red Dot and don't dare say it around Murphy. He thinks it's a Doberman's Delight. Loaner Cat on the other hand, looks at it sardonically like, "Really? Moi?"

    Looks like you're going to have good times there! Tuna and Scotch ;)

  2. Little Girl Dog used to love laser tag.

    Tell Intern Ty he's doing a marvelous job keeping our beloved Shark Queen sane.

  3. One of my bad habits (euphemistically called hobbies) is tying fishing flies. I also tie cat flies.

    Sometimes I let the cats catch them and then I get to make something new for them. A win-win situation.

    Hope y'all had a great Holiday weekend, even if we are living in some bizarro purgatory.

  4. A reading staycation with Intern Ty! Sounds like the perfect holiday.

  5. Ty looks like he's not quite sure that dot is worth getting up for, but I think he's just playing it cool to lull it into a a false sense of security before he pounces.

  6. I grew up in Queens, though I'm not sure what part of it is considered downtown. I have very fond memories of it. I hope the air conditioning is blasting and you finally have cooking gas!

    Enjoy your interlude.


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