Friday, July 10, 2020


This is Casey, who is no longer with us, but a favorite memory is her frequently joining my wife in reading at the kitchen table. She had a preference for mysteries, as I recall.--Ray Rhamey


  1. Awww, what a mistakingly contemplative face when in actuality she's using her deductive powers to solve a mystery! Gorgeous .

  2. So sorry for your loss but what a Holmesian expression.

  3. She's hoping for a red herring.

  4. Sorry you lost such a sweet reading buddy! I'm sure she's proud to be on Janet's blog today.

    Um, by the way cats and reading... and writing...
    Today is a really good day to take a look at Colin's blog TOO... huh... 😮
    Just saying cause he's been soooo kind to me.

    It's even on topic today. 😁

  5. under-rated comment right there by InkStainedWench

  6. Red herring! (snort) Beautiful kitty!

  7. For a second I thought that was a picture of my cat, Brigada. Almost identical.

    Beautiful cat. Really nice picture. Great memories I'm sure.


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