Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Blog hiatus coming up

I'm just falling farther and farther behind on reading.
I'm going to take a reading retreat for at least a week.
While I'm offline (mostly) it's a chance for you to share pictures of your pets!

If you haven't shared before, please do!
Send a photo, and some info (name, how you came to be together, etc.)

ONE photo is easier than several in an email.
Attached, not embedded.

I'll let you know when received.

Ready, set, send!


  1. Hi, All. Will someone tell me what email address to use to send a pet pic to Janet? I'm sure, if left alone, I will do the wrong thing.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. Kaphri I believe it's the same email that's linked on the top right-hand side of this page where it says "email me." Reiders, please correct me if I'm wrong!

  3. Enjoy yourself, my Queen. U am almost glad it isn't me. My mind is what is having a hard time reading. Both my comprehensive part and my generally mindfulness is off. I would get frustrated.


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