Sunday, May 03, 2020

Happy Sunday!

Bluebonetts always improve the day!

How's your day going?


Craig F said...

So far just working on the yard, pool deck and house. Hoping to paint the deck and house before the monsoon season arrives.

Lived in Houston for a year, partially so the annual bluebonnet sojourn would be a little closer. My infamous first wife came from their, so when I reminisce about it I listen to Gulf Coast Highway

Jennifer R. Donohue said...

Just had a lovely, if slightly too hot, walk with the puppy (it is suddenly 70F here.) I ought to have gotten up earlier to walk her but I wanted to sleep more, so a noon walk it was. She turns 2 on Tuesday, and what a journey it's been!

The pins for my bookshelf shelves have been located, so the writing space revamp can move forward (apparently my husband knew where they were all along. I forgot where they were the moment they bookshelves entered the house.) ONE DAY, I'll have a photo to send you, Janet!

Otherwise, I do hope to get writing in today. Either the new short story that I'm working on, Run With the Hunted 3, or Other. Yesterday I didn't compose a single word, but did rearrange all the files in my google drive, to get a better sense of what could genuinely be considered in progress, and what was an empty file with a compelling idea as the title. Some of those are GREAT ideas, truly. I just don't rightly know where they're going yet.

Beth Carpenter said...

Bluebonnets! My mother's favorite flower. I'll have to mention them on our next phone conversation.

Theresa said...

What a lovely photo to represent a lovely spring day. It was perfect for a walk outside. Other than that, it's a reading and writing day. We may put the umbrella table out on the back deck.

Happy Sunday, everyone.

CynthiaMc said...

Catching up on laundry and my chore list.
Planting seeds to fill the garden in hopes that something will grow and be happy. This yard loves vinca (I planted a white seedling several years ago - now they're all over). Red begonias like the front bed so may pick up some more of those. Orange impatiens are in my Spanish pots and white Beacon impatiens in the hanging basket by the bird feeder.
Chicken thawing for teriyaki.
Taking the pups for a stroll when it cools off (at least below 85).
Made a list of all my writing projects and an outline of where to send them. We are working reduced hours due to low patient census so more time to write.

Happy Sunday, everyone.

Casual-T said...

So far it's been an alright Sunday. From what I hear it's quite beautiful outside. Although, this might simply be enemy propaganda. There's no way of knowing, since the windows in my virus-proof underground bunker open directly into a mole family's living room. Have you ever seen three moles play UNO? It's quite a sight to behold!

Whenever I'm not observing moles and earthworms go about their daily business, I'm spending my days setting up a website for my landscape & macro photography, working on some music with Mrs. Casual—one of our recent videos received a few thousand views on Facebook, which, for us, is unheard of—and working on getting better at illustration. And lets not forget that adding a few, more or less sensible, words to my space adventure WIP is always on the to-do list.

When in doubt (or in quarantine), make stuff up...

Hope everyone's doing great!

MaggieJ said...

Those bluebonnets are gorgeous.

Just taking a short break from revising a chapter of my WIP. The sun is shining but there's a chilly breeze, so the day looks nicer than it really is. Our Siberian squill are doing their best to outdo the blue of the sky. I love seeing blue overhead and underfoot at the same time.

Back to work now.

Katja said...

Ha, these blue bonnets look very familiar. The photograph, I mean. I think I know the author. Err, photographer!

nightsmusic said...

Bluebonnets! Lovely flowers. I've been in the yard all day and just finished up. I have my green bean soup started for dinner and can finally enjoy the beautiful day. Good thing because we're supposed to have accumulating snow on Thursday. sigh

BJ Muntain said...

Finally got my air conditioning working today. I've needed it for a couple weeks now, but was trying to cool the apartment by opening the balcony door. But it's too warm outside for that to help anymore.

I'm otherwise doing okay. Gaining weight, but I think a lot of people are. At least, that's what Facebook tells me. Facebook, Twitter, and a friend who calls regularly are my main contacts with the outside world.

Tonight, I might print out some pages and take a harsh pencil to them. That should be fun. I hope the new printer works...

Carolynnwith2Ns said...

During the last couple of days I reread my memoir as if I hadn't written it. I loved it. Laughed out loud and shed a few tears. If it wasn't mine I would have bought it anyway.
Time to update and start querying again.

Funny though. After all these years I don't even remember writing some of that stuff. Strange how that works.

Laura Stegman said...

Carolynn, I'm loving that you're finding laughs and tears as you read your work. And I especially related when you said you don't remember coming up with some of it. When I read parts of my my soon-to-be-published book, I have absolutely had that question running through my mind: "who wrote that???"

AJ Blythe said...

Autumn (fall) day here, so I am appreciating the changing colours in some of the trees. I'm lucky to live in one of the places that gets 4 seasons (and that there are a lot of imported deciduous trees, lol).