Sunday, April 05, 2020


We got through another week, although I am now describing myself as hanging in there by the skin of my teeth.

Your notes and photos are very much appreciated!

From Janice Barnhart
Thank you so much for keeping your blog going during this terrible time.  Both your posts and the comments from the community you've fostered have been a boon to me during the past two weeks. 
This is Pearl, whose words of wisdom are: "Keep calm and always wear your best strand."  I only hope I can live up to her standards

A sunrise in Maine, taken by my husband earlier this week.  He has relocated for the duration, as his job takes him out in public every day.  This photo reminds me there is a reason we are making these sacrifices.  

Meanwhile, my soon-to-be-80 mother, myself, and my 7 year old are holding down the farm in New Hampshire.  Mom sure thought she'd packed her sewing machine away for good until she saw that our local hospital was requesting homemade masks.  She's spent every day for the past two weeks, from sunup to sundown, sewing masks.  It's this type of indomitable spirit that makes me certain Americans will overcome our current predicament.

And if you're looking for patterns and sewing help, our own Brenda McQueen Neil has instructions on YouTube.

Here's the first one

And the second one

And don't forget Brenda is from Canadia, so 56 degrees is CELSIUS, not Fahrenheit.
For those of you not from Canadia, that means 133 F.

There's a new post up at QueryShark!

 Let's all hang in there! We will get through this because that's the only option.


  1. Pearl is a pearl!! :)

    And the sunrise is gorgeous.

    It was 31 when we got up this morning. In Michigan. That's Fahrenheit. I stand at the doorwall and stare at my back 2 acres and wonder if I'll ever get a warm enough day to do a little clean up in my flowerbeds. The wind here on the hill is relentless so unless the sun is shining bright, which it isn't yet again today, the wind will cut right through you until it hits around 75.

    Thing 1 & 2 and I are discussing Easter Sunday. I usually do a simple but big dinner for the family. Obviously not this year. Thing 1 will be working Easter Sunday. So far, their COVID unit is not full, but she's had a patient crash almost every shift. Since she's working that unit, I'm staying away from her which breaks my heart, but needs must.

    I'm thinking we'll just fire up Google Duo for a group chat, put our phones on stands facing our respective tables and have dinner as a family that way. I got nothing better :/

    Hang in there, Janet! Maybe you could foster a kitty? Our rescue groups out here are begging for fosters and they'll deliver. Just a thought.

  2. I'm not trying to promote anything or get likes or anything like that. But about nine years ago I made this website, and then it died so I moved it all to facebook.

    If anyone needs a break, it's quite a decent collection of beaches.

    If the link doesn't work, you can just look for Sainte-Somewhere on facebook. it's an open page, and hopefully it will give you a smile or two on a day you need it.

    And Janet, sorry if this breaks protocol. Just thought folks might like it.

  3. Hey Matt
    No worries!
    The protocol is to post stuff that blog readers can use, and this sure qualifies.

    Here's the clickable link:

    Click on  Sainte Somewhere for beaches!

  4. Thanks Janet. Our crafty types have now made over 100 scrub caps for local hospitals. They save on the nurse’s ears.

  5. Pearl is just a darling, look at her! Ulrike would look lovely in pearls....for the 30-45 seconds it would take her to go somewhere too rapidly/barrel through someplace she ought not and break them. Pearl is clearly more of a lady!

    It was almost 50 (F) here today, so a lovely temperature to go to the dog park so Ulrike and her friend could bound around joyfully, and her friend's owner and I could stand at least 6 feet apart and laugh at their antics. We missed last week due to extreme rain/mud, so they were extra prancey and pouncey today! I've been taking her on regular walks, but running and wrestling with her bestie is the best way to burn a lot of energy.

    Oh thank you for all of the pictures of beaches! If I miss anything, always, it is the beach.

    With my writing group moving online (we're just doing a big ol' email thread), I've been posting my session prompts on my Patreon for free. I'm able to share more multimedia thing than I'd otherwise do with my in-person group, and I'm actually having a lot of fun with them. I've also been working on one story since I started with this this, and am very interested in seeing how it turns out.

  6. Pearl...! She's beyond lovely. We have a horse named Pearl. She, too, is lovely and beyond.

    I've been on the tractor all day. I'm hot, filthy, tired, and ready for an adult carbonated beverage.

    Janet, thank you, as always, for this peaceful place of learning.

  7. Pearl is a cutie.

    Dull, gray day down here. The sky was spitting at us all day, the kind of stuff that takes 12 hours to be measurable. About an hour ago it picked up a little. We really need all we can get, as far as rain going.

    This, at least, breaks the string of summer like weather we had in March. April, so far, has been cooler than March had been.

  8. Pearl really classes up the joint! What a delight. I appreciate the beach pics, Matt. One of my lifelines has been the North Shore Tribe Facebook group, where the locals are doing a great public service by putting up a steady stream of breathtaking photos of Lake Superior, the Northern Lights (which put in a a glorious appearance last week), the frolicking wildlife, and the waterfalls and rivers that are roaring into high gear with the spring melt. We city-bound folks are dying to get up there but we are dutifully staying down here and keeping our contagions to ourselves. Stay safe and sane, everyone!

  9. Pearl is adorable and much better dressed than I am. I attended (virtual) Mass this morning in gym shorts and a sports bra. Happy Palm Sunday, y'all.

    It's been cool and rainy here. Gizmo (my pomeranian) and I went for a long walk in the drizzle. Felt great. It was beautifully quiet. Saw a few bike riders, but that was it. The little dogs were annoyed that I didn't take them, then they realized it was raining and said "Never mind."

    I haven't worked out this much since I was in the Air Force.

    Wishing good health to all.

  10. I've started putting my tablet on my bedside table when I go to bed so the first thing I do when I wake up is to check the latest news from the US (cause of the our night, your day thing). The numbers are horrifying.

    Our lockdown here is apparently going to stretch over Christmas, possibly longer they are saying at the moment. Definitely until October anyway. I'm hoping they are giving worst case and then when things are lifted we'll all be happy. Guess time will tell!

    Janice, Pearl is a beauty! And that sunrise is stunning. I'm sorry you are one of the families who have to separate during this time. That's tough.

  11. Pearl is pretty as a picture! Is she a Boston Terrier? One of my nephews is a Boston Terrier named Peppy.

  12. Pearl is a charmer. That strand looks just right on a black and white pup. Thank you to Janice and Matt for the sunrise and the beautiful beach photos, to Brenda McQueen Neil for her very helpful (and moving) YouTube videos on how to sew personal protective gear, and to Janice's mom - you're a hero.

    The dishes are done. The dogs are groomed (first time we did it ourselves - sorry Juno & Zuzu. Someday you'll look normal again!). Now it's time to read that new post on QueryShark.

    Chin up and stay well, everyone!


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