Sunday, November 17, 2019

Happy Sunday!

hat tip to blog reader Sharyn Ekbergh for this gem!


  1. Here's another great writing-themed cartoon, this one from Dilbert: I'm dreading writing the jacket flap.

  2. All my childhood dreams. Dashed!

    So funny. Thank you for sharing. Happy Sunday, Reiders.

  3. Nice way to start a Sunday afternoon. Enjoy!

  4. At this point, falling off Success Mountain would feel like a....success! Time for more coffee.

    Happy Sunday, everyone :-)

  5. I saw this the other day, but what went through my head was, where is the boulder?

  6. I love Pearls Before Swine. This is the one that really got me!

  7. This is perfect for this weekend! It's ME today... I'm a little very bruised.

    Yesterday, I was at an event and my book sold 15 times within 2 hours. Only 1 copy was left at the end. I was flying; running up that success mountain.

    Today, I was at another event and my book sold 1 time within 6 hours. Yes, 1 time. No, I did NOT forget a zero after 1.


    Yesterday was 100% my target audience, today not. Oh well, I didn't have to do much accounting today. Done and settled on the sofa already.

    When Fiance and I get married next summer, we're going somewhere special and just the two of us - no guests, no party, no dishes to wash afterwards.
    *thumbs up*

  8. My favourite cartoon. Stephan Pastis’s mind is addictive.


  9. Oddly enough, it's not the fall that hurts you, it's the instant deceleration.

  10. Love it and the one CED posted! I read Pearls Before Swine every day.

    Happy Sunday, everyone.

  11. Katja, you're still averaging an impressive sales pace IMHO, and now you know more about your audience. Good job!

  12. I've never seen Pearls Before Swine it!

  13. Thank you, Beth!!! Yes, I did learn quite a bit. Also how lucky you've got to be about where you are placed in a room with 40 other authors.

    I met other authors, observed their marketing strategies, realised how easily you can claim "bestselling author" or put 'stickers' on your book, print out signs etc.
    I looked up a few of my fellow authors under my table on my phone... some things they had told me seemed to match with Amazon/Goodreads, but some did not. Bizarre.

    One guy told me he had sold 100,000 copies. In his first year, he had sold 7. Then, one January 1000 on Amazon. All of a sudden. I asked "how come?" since I was surprised (but positively). Then he replied: "I don't know. I really don't know."
    Bizarre, ha ha.

    Fiancé and I just entertained each other... humour became darker and darker with every hour.
    Then we packed up 20 minutes early and 'ran away'. I didn't want to be asked by anyone "How did it go?" as they had handed out opinion sheets.

    Yes, it was interesting ;) ;).


  14. That's why I'm packing my hang gliding apparatus.

    Katja, congrats on a successful sales day, a good learning experience, and your choice of fiancé -- sounds like a keeper, for sure!

  15. Oh, gosh, really???
    Not sure I needed to know that ...

  16. It was kind of a rough day for me. I knew it would be, but it was harder than I expected. Everything I tried to do fought back at me.

    Que Sera. I hope the garden will get another hour or two of winter sun, if we ever see the sun again.

    Hope the book goes great, Katja

  17. Still, it is better to have climbed the mountain and crashed than to never have scaled the mountain at all. Right? Right?

    Shhhhhh ... I'm not supposed to be here yet. Not allowing myself to join the banter until I get my word count in, so this falls clearly into the procrastinating camp. Time to flip the sand timer...


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