Thursday, June 20, 2019

One of the many reasons I love this blog

You guyz just crack me up.


  1. I am just a giggling and laughing here and NOT sipping my tea!

    Luv it! Thank you, Janet. Thank you Steve Forti, Timothy Lowe and John Davis Frain. What a great addition to my Thursday morning!

  2. For anyone interested, Forti published a translation late in yesterday's comment feed. Yes, he has foiled Janet once again, even in the absence of a hurled gauntlet.

  3. Always glad to entertain :)
    Gotta try harder next time, though, so no translation will be necessary...

    Oh, and I'll just put this table back now: ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

  4. For extra credit, could you put a cup of coffee on that table, Steve? Some of us are in need :-)

  5. Give a guy an interrobang, and he builds a story. What would he do with a hammer?

    Don't answer that, Steve, I see blood. Lots of blood.

  6. Yup, still chuckling from yesterday.


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