Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your herd!

I am profoundly thankful for Melanie Sue Bowles who does God's work here on earth.

Tell us who you're thankful for this year.


  1. I am thankful for God and my family and my ancestor Moses Simmons.

  2. Thankful to have my family home. That's all I need.

    Back to pie baking! Love you all!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    I am profoundly thankful for my husband, who brightens my days and who gave me the best son.

  4. I'm thankful for so much! My life is rich with family and friends who love and support me. My husband brings me coffee in bed every morning, and the kids helped with baking and cooking yesterday. Writing brings me joy, and the woodland creatures on the reef (seriously mixed metaphors!) have encouraged me to keep at it. Thank you all. So much joy and gratitude today! And turkey, I love turkey.

  5. First, I thank the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness to me. And I'm thankful that He has blessed me with the most awesome family I could ask for. They truly are my favorite people to hang out with. And, of course, for Janet and all of YOU, who share wonderful stories and wisdom, and put up with my vommenting.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, even if you're not in the US! :)

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm incredibly thankful to my wife, my daughter, and my mother-in-law. I would not be the man I am today without them,

  7. I am certainly grateful for the work done by Melanie at Proud Spirit Sanctuary, and for all organizations dedicated to making the lives of animals better.

    As many of you know, I have more to be thankful for than ever this year, and while there is a ways to go, I am happy for the here and now, for family, friends, and most of all, my husband who has been with me every step of the way as we dealt with our least favorite topic ever. :)

    Have a blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving...

  8. I'm unbelievably grateful, among my other family, for our au pair. She is an adventurous, loving, hard-working spirit, who has truly become family to us. We are blessed by her loving care of our children, and happy to be her guides around the US, and support her travels and learning.

  9. My family has blessed me with wishes come true I never dared to dream.
    I am thankful for this community of Reiders who have carried me though tough days regarding the dream I did dare to be a writer.
    To you Janet, may your bird be well done, your gravy hot and your pie always warm.
    Bless us all in the confusing time in which we live.
    Back to peeling spuds, I got 24 coming.

  10. I'm thankful to be spending this holiday with my wonderful husband (and his awesome cooking skills!), our two children, and dear friends. I'm thankful for this community - you all inspire me.

    And I'm thankful for all the people like Janet and Melanie who show us what it means to give from the heart, and who keep us thinking (and laughing!).

  11. i'm grateful to everyone here for brightening my day, every day, even tho i'm at heart a lurker not a poster. :) And especial thanks to El Sharkington herself, without whom i never would've found the courage to leave my woodland shelter and brave the query pool.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    I can't express the depths of my gratitude for Janet, Melanie, and every single one of you here who have brightened my life just by being in it. This is an incredible place. Thinking of all of you today! <3

  13. And a happy Thanksgiving to all of you and all of yours.

    I am still not too sure of how thankful I am of my family. That keep emailing me all that right wing crap. I am tempted to join Facebook again to see which of those are Russian bots.

    Oh, well. All those friends who requested pies have got them and I have a year's worth of booze in return. The blackberry cheesecake, Key Lime pie and pecan pie are ready to go and I have smoked a turkey to counteract all the bland foods I will be blessed with today.

    All of you, be safe.

  14. Yay to Melanie!

    I'm so grateful for a warm home, a loving family, and a million other blessings I tend to take for granted. (Seriously jealous of Kathy Joyce--I do miss my deceased husband! Enjoy that love the coffee represents!)

    I'm thankful for Janet and this blog group, a touchstone to my days. Writing community people are wonderful!

    I'm thankful I have some author pages floating around now. Still pedaling as fast as I can!

  15. I am thankful that God blessed me with such a wonderful family. The one I was born into--wonderful parents and three unique and special sisters. And the one my husband and I created--a daughter and two sons who I love with all my heart. And now there is another generation to love and my heart is happy to have half of them here for a Thanksgiving Saturday.

    And I am profoundly thankful for all of the people who will be working today, serving their communities in hospitals, fire and police departments, military and so many other behind the scenes kind of places that help make our lives run smoothly.

    And thank you Janet, for sharing Melanie's photo--a beautiful thing to wake up to, and for sharing so much of your time and wisdom with us.

  16. Well, WOW! I opened the blog and thought, "Hey, that looks familiar." And then read your incredibly kind words, Janet. You made me teary-eyed, in a good way. Thank you.

    I have a long list of people and life circumstances I'm so truly thankful for... but I'll keep my comment focused on all of you here in Reiderville. This blog has become such a touchstone for me (and I know for many others, as well). It's a safe place to commiserate, reveal weaknesses and fears, get a boost, encouragement, and be reminded that this writing journey were all on in one way or another is pretty darn extraordinary. I'm grateful for everything I've learned here, and continue to learn. And the friendships... whew... the friendships. Okay, teary-eyed again.

    We have a huge and comfy front porch overlooking the pastures here at the sanctuary. Y'all c'mon over. I'm making pies and there's a dedicated fridge chilling a bunch of yummy dark beer.

  17. A beautiful family, a safe place to live, a good job, good health.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Thankful for my awesome family, my friends who might number few but are so much the dearer for it, to the community here who has given me more than any of you will ever know, to Janet who opened a tiny door on her life and let us all in, and a life that is full of blessings galore.

  19. I'll be making a simple dinner for the very old people (my inlaws). Mom on Cape Cod has gotten a dinner pre-made from the favorite local restaurant. She's 86 so she's excused from cooking.
    I think I'll be going down there next week to ride my electric fat bike on the sand.
    I'm grateful for so much.
    Everyone's health. My cozy home. My Ramona who is here with a paw placed on my knee.
    My nutty family and my crazy but brilliant husband.
    Janet and the rest of you at the Reef.
    And Melanie I would love to sit on your porch and watch the horses. Almost as good as cats!
    best wishes to you all

  20. Great photo!

    I'm thankful for more than a hundred words will allow (which is an expression of how fortunate I am, and not an a complaint about the 100-word rule). I hope I can slow down a little and get better at gratitude during the remainder of the year.

    Have yourself a merry little Thanksgiving!

  21. I am thankful for so much. My husband, as well as my friends and family. This blog, and this amazing community of woodland creatures that helps me meander through the wood's twists and turns. Thank you all.

  22. I'm thankful for (in no particular order) my readers and all the reiders. My family and friends. Cats. Everyone who refuses to give up the battle to preserve the things that matter. Mystery Science Theater 3000, Terry Pratchett, and the good fortune which allowed me to live in a time and place where I can have them both.

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

  23. It's not Thanksgiving here, but I'm grateful for so many people. I'm grateful for my family, who has been so helpful while I've been experiencing problems. I'm grateful for my friend Brandi (a lurker here) who talks to me everyday so we can share our ups and downs together. I'm grateful for all my critique partners and writing friends, for Janet and all you Reiders, who have helped me to better my writing and my understanding of the industry. I'm grateful for my friends and my Little Girl Dog, who are all helping me through tough times. And I'm grateful I have my faith to give me hope.

    Thank you all.

  24. Not Thanksgiving here (and now the day after anyway), but I hope everyone who does celebrate has a wonderful dinner with friends and family.

  25. People. I'm thankful for all the people in my life. And for the cat, who thinks she is a person.

    And I'm thankful for the internet as it allows me to interact with all the people in my life, especially the people in virtual spaces like this one, in a way that doesn't overwhelm my introverted little hermit self.

  26. After spending a day helping out in a women’s refuge, I’m especially thankful that I have such a strong network of family and friends that I will probably never (fingers crossed) experience the true loneliness and helplessness of having nowhere to live.
    I’m thankful to Janet for all that she’s taught me about writing and the publishing industry - this place is a goldmine combined with group therapy.

  27. Thankful for my Savior, my family, and the fact that there was no drama this holiday.

  28. The day after Thanksgiving, but I am so thankful to have God in my life. My Aunt Rose and Grandma and Grandpa who gave me quiet pools of sanity and love in my childhood. Thankful I made it through that awful winter in Oklahoma a few years ago without money and heat many times and often prayed "Now I lay me down to sleep" wondering about the next few lines. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    I'm so thankful for my wonderful boys and especially Will who has promised to find me a nice nursing home if I start acting senile. Should I be concerned he's looking into them now?

    I'm thankful for Books and Writers, Janet and the wonderful community she's built here and all of you Reiders I have become so attached to.

    I'm thankful there are people like Melanie who truly make a difference in the world. Even if you can't save all the washed up starfishes, we can save one and it makes a difference to that one. I'm sure Melanie didn't start out with the idea of something as wonderful as she has now, but she started with one or two.


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