Monday, January 09, 2017

Writing contest RESULTS

None of you guessed who I chose for the winner.

 Here's a clue:

In this day of complete disjoint between truth and fact, between what's said, what's heard and what's true, there is only one entry that is hilarious beyond laughter, the true absurdist cum laud:

All the other entries were funny, but this was absurdly hilarious, and so I loved it most.

Of course, it's even funnier if Steve didn't actually intend it as an entry.

And best of all: this is going to make you all nutso, and tormenting writers is my idea of fun on a cold Monday morning.


  1. I voted for Julie Weathers and added, "I love Steve Stubbs' comment."

  2. Hey, congrats, Steve! Yours made me laugh no matter what it actually was.

    What's so absurd about that picture, though? Anyone who's watched The Little Mermaid knows it's a snarfblat.

  3. Late here today, so wasn't able to chime in. It was a fun contest--both to enter and to read the entries.

    Loved charlogo's and scott's.

    Steve's definitely made me laugh!

    And I would never dare to complain on a Monday. I am deathly afraid of bites (of all kinds, they just hurt so much!)

  4. Congratulations to Steve!

  5. Congratulations, Steve. My brain is all twisted up with all this absurdity.

    And I am not complaining about Monday. Was on the computer at two-something this morning, which is early even for me. And I got my reward--a request for a full in the inbox. Feeling good and sharky, though typing fingers are cold. Must take a break for lunch and get some soup. Ah, soup sounds so good. I'll enjoy it while I look out at the beautiful not-too-frequently-seen-around-here snow.

  6. It's too cold for a full functioning brain, but I do have it together enough to shout out to Steve Stubbs.


    And for the Shark, just what you need:

    Monday Monday

  7. Amy That is great news! Congratulations to you, also.

  8. Congrats, Steve! Your entry was very funny indeed!! And I'm delighted to say I got to see the "clue" painting in person a couple of summers ago in Chicago. It certainly does sum up the current state of affairs.

  9. Yes! To Steve. I LOL'd... Congratulations.

    And Amy, congratulations on the request for a full. YAY you!

  10. Congrats to Steve! A clever entry indeed.

    And congrats to Amy! What a lovely treat to wake up to.

  11. So sorry I missed this! What a great bunch of comments.


  12. Congrats Steve.

    Nice start for a Monday,


  13. This entry was the only choice.

    My win for the day was visiting the dentist and discovering that what I thought was a cracked tooth was only a cracked filling. Yes! These are life's small joys as one grows older.

    Also, my kids are back in school. So who is writing today? This girl!

  14. Thanks Julie, Melanie, and Kathryn. Hopped on my wheel after lunch and wondered why I'd mentioned my thing in what was supposed to be a congratulatory comment to Steve. (Shakes head in shame.) I got such a kick out of reading yesterday's comments--very funny stuff about that kitty.

  15. I think we all guffawed at Steve's - well-done sir, good humor is always appreciated, even when discussing "the rules"! In fact, I bet you were "that kid" in school, weren't you? :D That's okay, we all would have been in detention with you.

    And thank you JR- I'm so glad I could make you and others laugh- it feels good to do so, and we could all use more joy in the coming year.

    And YAY Amy! That makes any Monday more tolerable!

  16. So well done Reider.
    Great job Steve.

    Monday is shark day. Love it.

  17. Well done, Steve!

    This is a good example of an agent who asks for YA Fantasy being sent Adult Western and loving it. It happens, so I gather... :)

  18. Steve, this is not a congratulatory comment. It's a thank you for causing Janet to post a Magritte painting.

  19. Not one single howl of consternation or protest.
    I'm slipping.

    *swims off to torment Jeff Somers*

  20. Being a day ahead meant it was a great way to start off my Monday - thanks everyone for making me laugh (especially Scott). Thrilled to see my entry in the short list, but I have to agree with our Queen's decision because I cracked up at Steve's entry too.

    I had to google Julie's because I'd never heard of the author. Seems like I should have known of them.

    Back at work this week after a lovely break but finding it hard to find writing time when working from home with my two Barbarians home as well. 3 more weeks until summer holidays (suffering through temps around 100'F) finish and I can slide back into my regular routine.

    Off to catch up on the posts I've missed while away.

  21. No, no, no, no... don't feel bad, your majesty. After the first few shark bites, we simply go numb and dizzy and then we need the torment to keep us going. But we are tormented and we envy Jeff Somers for all the extra torment he gets. In fact, I wrote Jeff into my current WIP just to have him eaten by a giant snake so we could get more sharkly torment. Jeff won't need anymore- it'll take a while for the snake to digest him.

  22. Janet: 1) We know who's boss around here; 2) We know this is good training for the query trenches. Publishing. Life. :)

  23. Colin - Truer words have never been spoken. And I love Magritte, so I was stoked.

  24. I wanna see what Steve says when he finds out his non-entry won. :)

  25. HA! I forget sometimes what a weird sense of humour you have, Janet. Excellent twist on the contest. Good to hear our lack of protest was tormenting in return.

    Steve, congrats on being not the winner, with your not an entry. *snort*

    Meg, thanks for sharing Coco's story (and pic). Too funny, that she kept doing it until you gave up fixing her "arrangement."

  26. Midnight in the Garden of Second Chances and First Prizes.

    Ever the student, I'm now considering beginning my query with This is not a query for ...

    Oh, and congrats, Steve. Nicely played.

  27. John "Whatever Happened to His Manuscript?" Frain-that is a brilliant idea.

    Your Majesty, this is not a query. I am only inquiring for the position of tormented writer in case you grow bored of smiting Jeff Somers.

    I bleed easily. In fact I have a clotting disorder that makes me bleed for longer than the average writer. You're a shark. You will like that. And I write stuff. In fact my last book caused riots on Carkoon...

  28. Well done, Steve! So clever!

  29. Congratulations, Steve. Nicely done.

  30. I loved his the best, too. I did think he meant it as a joke, not an entry, which made it hilarious to me. Go, Steve!


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