Tuesday, January 31, 2017

We are not alone here

Yesterday's blog post about my wretched state of query behindness (and the deluge that happened after a blog post) prompted one of our regular commenters to say:
I always think we woodland creatures are a small, intimate group. But if Janet got 100 queries right after posting -- 100 who had queries ready to go about the topics she wanted -- think how many zillions must read this blog every day!
Well, not zillions, but thousands. I'm astonished sometimes at the people who tell me they read this blog. (I never ask if they read, daily, weekly or only after a Twitter link!)

The comment is a good reminder to us all.

Despite feeling cozy and personal to us all, this blog IS public. The contents do get linked to on Twitter (sometimes YEARS later) and because you are REACHABLE, people can see who you are.

This is not a problem, as far as I've seen.
No one here is saying or doing anything that would raise an eyebrow should an agent wander by holding your query letter and wondering if you are someone s/he wants to work with.

In other words, get off that rodent wheel you just warmed up and don't fret.

This is more along the lines of "just remember" particularly now that many people in this country are going into the streets to protest political moves.   I have to restrain myself daily from ranting here (my office mates are not so lucky--they get a full tilt rant about every 30 minutes as I read the New York Times.)

I value beyond words the community that has flourished here and I want it to stay the way it is: cozy and personal, but also aware that we are not alone here.

And just a PS. Our film guys get Oscar screeners. Manchester by the Sea and Arrival. Holy fuckamoli!!!
Have you seen either/both? What did you think?


  1. Yes, I've seen both and LOVED both! Holy fuckamoli is about right.

    And regarding blog readership, I just want to add that I've been happily represented for many years, but I read your blog with devotion. I learn a lot about the industry here, and also pick up tips for my writing students and others who come to me for advice.

    Thanks for all you do, Janet!

  2. Sorry. I'm cinematically deprived.

    I really should go see more movies. They were the original escapist fiction during the Great Depression.

  3. My husband and I saw Manchester by the Sea. The fact that he even wanted to watch a movie in a theater qualifies as a red letter day in our household. The last movie he willingly saw in a theater was Patton, just so's y'know what a big deal this was. 'DogMan' is a Patton kind of guy, not a Manchester by the Sea kind of guy. So you can imagine how floored I was when he said he liked it, even though it was very sad. We both liked it and agreed we'd watch it again when it comes to TV. But it was sad.

    I haven't heard of Arrival.

  4. I really liked Arrival and am looking forward to Manchester by the Sea.

    Like Ellen, I'm happily represented. But I like to keep up with issues important to writers and that's what I find here, along with a great group of people.

  5. It is sobering to consider how many eyeballs hit this blog on a daily basis. But, to be fair, not all those eyeballs hit the comments, which is good because I'm sure I would have been sectioned by now otherwise (ooo--there's a Britishism for you!). I have yet to run into someone I don't know who says, "Oh, you're the Colin who comments on Janet's blog! How's Carkoon?" I definitely haven't encountered any agents who admit to knowing me from the comment box. Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't agents scanning the comments to see what their clients are up to when they should be working on those revisions, who might notice the odd piece of wit or eloquence that causes them to jot down a name (good luck with that, InkStainedWench!) in the event they turn up in the slush pile. But maybe that's just my woodland creature wishful thinking.

    Just in case, though, Hello, Agents and other publishing professionals!! We're all really nice people, really... really... *picks nose*

  6. Arrival is on my list, but I am what could only be called a late adopter if you were in the mood for understatement ...

    Regardless of my total lack of fame, anything I ever say online I consider to be on a billboard. It may be a billboard on a backwater route, but it's not private and not hidden.

    Colin, would that be like Section 8? :)

  7. I haven't been much of a movie goer in years, not since my daughter left for college (she's graduated now, moving to New York in just over a month). She used to drag me to movies pretty often. Now, my nephew and brother will occasionally coerce me, but they tend to be drawn to Marvel inspired sorts of films.

    I tend to prefer European films (and television shows) which are not often shown in our theaters or television so I manage with Netflix, Amazon, and such services. Still, you are more likely to find my head in a book than me watching a film. It was the other way around when my daughter was growing up. Movie night was a big thing for us.

  8. Ooh, Oscar screeners! Congrats! I hope to watch those movies in the 2030's when my kids will all be in college. Till then I'll take it from everyone else that they're good.

    Happy writing, folks.

  9. When we abandoned Paradise to try our hand at Civilization once more, my husband and I had a serious talk with our girls about the Internet. One key message was: don't put your faith in privacy settings. Expect that anything you write, any photos you take, any smart remark you text could be read by anyone, anywhere. In short, don't post anything you wouldn't be comfortable seeing in the newspaper.

    And while we woodland creatures might write a lot of kale-based Carkoonian nonsense around here, I think we all stick to that principle.

  10. I saw Manchester by the Sea and I must confess, I disliked it.
    I felt there was no real resolution—not a happy resolution, not a tragic resolution—and that frustrated me a great deal. I don't think I'm alone in that either. When I went to the movie, I was seated near a wizened woman with a cropped cap of snowy hair and classic tennis ball walker. At the end of the showing she actually shouted at the screen—What was THAT? Where's the ending?!

  11. I appreciate today's timely reminder, as emotions are running high these days. Thank you, Janet.

    I'm hoping to see Manchester by the Sea and Arrival before the Oscars, plus Moonlight and Hidden Figures. Saturday night we experienced a Comedy of Streaming Errors, but finally managed to watch Hell or High Water, which was great.

    So many movies, so little time. Too much competition with the bookshelf.

  12. Megan, I thought it was a realistic ending, as though it might have happened in real life (as opposed to reel life).

    A woman who sits in the pew ahead of me in church said a few of her friends saw Manchester... and walked out before it was half over because of "the constant foul language and bedroom scenes."

  13. Me? Go to the movies? Right now I'm fighting for time to go to the grocery store. Maybe when we finish this round of stomach bug. I meant the grocery store. Movies aren't gonna happen until they're all old enough to go to college. I've heard good things about both those movies though. So, that's almost the same, right? Man I need to leave the house.

  14. It's interesting how many of this group aren't big cinema people. Love of the written word, perhaps?

  15. Thank you for this, Janet. And thank you for this community, which you not only let thrive, but you nurture. I was going to comment on yesterday's post, but I felt like I had emotional whiplash from the weekend--I feel desperately off-balance. I'm trying to find that balance between normalcy and not, between leading an everyday life and this need to stand up and make my voice heard about the things I care about--this country, this world, and the people in it. Couple that with feeling helpless because I'm still physically limited in what/how much I can do, and it's a recipe for charged emotions. I'm grateful, at least, that my experience with the politics of my own illness and those advocacy efforts have in a way prepared me for more activism, but I never imagined this torrent of emotions to come with it.

    So I'm struggling to balance that with still being a part of everyday life--a life that somehow still goes on. It feels a lot like how we as writers straddle two worlds, never fully part of one or the other. Yesterday, I decided for my own well-being to refocus on my world at home. I played with my dogs. I wrote a bit. I read a beautiful book. I found my way back to myself. It was what I needed to recharge.

    And now I find myself here, in the comments section of a generous community, and I'm grateful for the normalcy, this warm and inviting place. Thank you for that. Thank you for this.

  16. Stories like Arrival are exactly why I love sci-fi/fantasy. Not for the big space battles and dragons (though don't get me wrong, I love big space battles and dragons), but for the ability to tweak the rules of the world in order to ask fascinating questions.

  17. I haven't been to a talking picture show in over 25 years. Truth. During the daylight hours, I don't have the luxury of time. And by evening? I'm too tired. Once I'm in from tending the herd I just want a shower and my pj's.

    Plus, I'd rather read a book. Reading HIDDEN FIGURES right now. Any movies we're really interested in we order on pay for view.

    Although it's a good reminder, I don't worry too much about alienating anyone with my opinions as I mostly keep them to myself. Unless the topic is animal abuse... then I have a difficult time keeping my mouth shut. I worry more about typos. :-)

    Once again... Janet, thank you for this truly terrific place.

    Colin: You kill me.

  18. Kitty I can see that. I thought the movie told a depressing real life scenario well, but, for me, the finish was not a real life ending either. It was just no ending. Granted, life doesn't have clean endings, but there are rocky resolutions, even if they're resolutions we dislike. I think, in part, because while I saw what happened coming, and I saw the reason for it, I didn't see the process of the decision. *trying to avoid spoilers*

    Bright side? I didn't mind "the constant foul language and bedroom scenes." :)

    There are a lot of wonderful movies out now though. I've been able to see quite a few as it's one of the few activities friends and I can come to a consensus on. I loved Hidden Figures.

  19. Colin: *picks nose*

    "Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!"

    --- ISW's nose


  20. You know we are living in interesting times when people are publicly thanking lawyers for the work we do.........

  21. I don't go to many movies either, but that's also partly because it's expensive, so I'm very picky. If it's a movie that looks interesting and my wife or kids want to see it, I can be persuaded. Otherwise, I'll wait for it to come out on BluRay/Netflix/AmazonPrime/Hulu and watch it at home in the comfort of my own couch with a bowl of mushy cereal that hasn't cost me half my mortgage... :)

    I also have a bit of a beef about the recent spate of "based on the novel by..." movies. Why do I want to have one director's vision of the book imposed on me, when my own vision of it is just as valid (and the special effects are always better in my head)? I've ranted about this before on my blog, and perhaps here, so I'll stop there. :)

    ISW: Sorry, I'm very picky about my noses. It's not just me though. It seems picky noses run in the family... ;)

    Dena: Just wait. After having a non-politician in the White House, maybe we'll see a growing appreciation for the work and skill of the politician... and maybe a hundred agents really do read my comments on this blog... *sound of woodland creature wishful thinking wheel spinning*

  22. I need to go see another movie to get the taste of the last one out of my mouth. Don't get me wrong, the acting was phenomenal - but it was almost too good. One of the characters reminded me too much of my grandfather, and that's not a good thing.

    But I've recently taken up the luxury of going to see movies by myself every once in a while. It's a really nice treat. :) Although if it's a movie based off of a book that I might want to read, I have to read the book first. I don't mind spoilers for movies, but what's the point of reading a book if you know how it ends?

  23. As with anything on the internet, unless you have a specific login to keep others out, you are open to the world. That includes blogs like this one, Twitter, and anything public you put on Facebook. When online, it's always a good idea to make sure your fly is done up and you've got your public face on.

    Even areas with logins and restricted access are vulnerable. Not to hacking, because most people aren't worth hacking, but to the people around those who have access. A friend of mine had a private Facebook messenger conversation with a couple of his friends where they were talking trash about someone. One friend's girlfriend borrowed his phone, saw the convo, and all three involved got into trouble. You might trust the people you're talking to, but do you trust everyone around them?

    I rarely see movies. They cost too much these days, I don't like going alone, and my vehicle isn't running so I have to sort out the bus before going anywhere. I still haven't seen Rogue One, and that's next on my list. My concentration isn't the best right now, and I need action-heavy movies or I tend to fall asleep. A good explosion or two helps to keep me awake.

  24. I like the blogs, facebook pages, etc. I read about "writing" and such to be about "writing" and such. I am seriously considering unfriending some writer "friends" on another venue because they are writing and writing and writing about politics. (They're people with different views.) I don't want to read any of it.

    If I am considering this, how many other people are doing the same thing? I wonder, too, is this political stuff going to hurt book sales? I think so.

  25. I just saw Arrival on Saturday. We have a small rep cinema within walking distance so we tend to wait to see this kind of thing there.

    I was blown away. I had chills the whole way through and now my inner linguist is rattling the cages again (did she learn nothing from the attempt at getting into a master's program?)

    My husband tells me the short story it was based on is quite different, so now I have to read that.

  26. As a shy woodland creature who has been reading this blog for years but has yet to comment, this post certainly resonated with me. Years ago, back when HarperCollins' website Inkpop.com used to exist, I ended up sitting next to a girl in psychology class who had read my story online! A bizarre reminder that there are actually real people hiding behind their usernames...

  27. number1texgirl: I've also noticed an exponential increase in political chatter over the past month. I follow a number of writers and literary agents on Twitter, and many of them have a liberal/progressive point of view. In the past, they would talk politics on occasion, but mostly stick to literary/industry topics, and fun personal banter.

    Of late, however, for many of them, the political comments have far outstripped the other types of comment, to the point that I have considered no longer following them. It's not that I object to their comments per se (I voted for neither Trump nor Clinton, and, in fact, share some of their concerns about the current state of affairs). But I followed them because they are agents and writers, not because I want to be bombarded with their political views.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand where they're coming from. Especially those agents/writers in the US who are of a Democratic political persuasion, they've just enjoyed eight years of solid representation in the White House, and all of a sudden everything has turned Republican. The White House, Congress, the majority of State Governorships--and DT will probably nominate (and Congress approve) a right-leaning Supreme Court justice, tilting the balance of the court more to the right. Many liberals/progressives fear a complete about-turn on the last eight years. On top of this, we now have a President who... well, let's just say he is of questionable character, and unpredictable enough to make BOTH sides of the US political aisle nervous. So I understand why passions are high, especially on the left.

    HOWEVER, unless your intended audience is political junkies and friends you know share your views, it's highly advisable to moderate political commentary in social media. I wouldn't say keep your politics to yourself. Your politics are part of who you are, and no-one should object to you expressing yourself on social media. But you don't want to give the impression that you care more about politics than you do your clients, the people who are waiting on responses to queries, or your readers who don't share your politics.

    There. I've said my piece. :)

  28. I adored Arrival. I walked expecting something more action-packed and was pleasantly surprised to discover a thoughtful drama. I can't gush enough about that film.

    Still need to see Manchester by the Sea. :-)

  29. Megan: I didn't mind "the constant foul language and bedroom scenes."

    I had to agree with that woman, although I do admit the language was realistic for the characters. But she's a cradle Catholic and I'm a newly minted one (2012), and I wondered if I should confess to watching the movie with its foul language? And then I kinda laugh at the thought and then I wondered if I've committed yet another sin by laughing. My viewing habits didn't as conflicted in my Episcopalian life.

    Speaking of which... When my RCIA class was discussing what constituted a sin, I piped up and said that I keep the sin of gossip as my backup if I can't think of anything else to confess. Another student said: "Do a search on youtube and watch the gossip sermon in the movie DOUBT." OUCH! Lesson learned.

  30. I haven't seen either of those movies yet, but I must go… Considering I work in the movies, I see remarkably few these days.

  31. I'm kind of surprised anyone who wants to get into publishing DOESN'T read this blog.

  32. Some years ago I was reminded that I needed to respect the office of the president even if I didn't agree with the person who was president. It was difficult for me when my son's life was put in harm's way for the sake of Rules of Engagement that put not raising dust in villages and "winning the hearts and minds" above safety. It did such a good job of winning hearts and minds six good men died the fist six weeks they instituted the new routes that couldn't be properly patrolled. Thankfully, Will deployed home at the end of that six weeks and, yes, I feel horrid guilt to say that, but at least my son got taken out of that horrid Russian roulette.

    And while I may have had some pretty strong emotions about things, I wasn't out in the streets protesting and destroying property every other damned day. Trump sure as heck wasn't my pick, but I'm not going to go destroy your business because of it. Frankly, it's getting old fast. And if someone reads this and doesn't want to work with me because I feel this way, that's fine.

    I have a new author twitter account where I will post writing things. I'm in the process of migrating writer and agents I follow to that account.

    I also have an author facebook account, but it got hacked by a Chinese outfit that was selling crap. I finally got them shut down and took it back over, but I am so fed up with facebook I doubt I will use it much other than to say, "Hey, ya'll I posted something on my blog!" or "Look, John Frain has a new book out!"

    We've been rebuilding my site after it crashed. Apparently Blue Host lost several of them, mine was one of the casualties. The lady who's rebuilding ti with me wants me to link to my social media on it. If I link to the professional ones on the blog, they are going to be pretty boring as I don't post much. My personal Facebook is closed to the public. I'm not sure social media is that much of an asset unless you're on the "correct" hamster wheel.

    I've been watching Person Of Interest lately. I say watching, it's more listening as in background noise. I may replay the same episode six times to finally figure out what happened as I get sunk in the writing or researching and don't hear what's going on. Anyway, I wondered why I hadn't seen more of the lead actor, Jim Cavzeil, who is quite good. He played Jesus in Passion of the Christ. Gibson warned him before he took the part it would most likely ruin his career if he did the movie, but Cavziel wanted to do it. Cavziel is also staunchly pro-life, Roman Catholic, and conservative. It affects an actor's career.

    No, I haven't seen either of those two movies. Will the Wonder Son will occasionally grab me up and take me to the movie. The last one in the theater was The Hobbit-Battle of Five Armies. He bought 13 Hours for me, which was excellent. It was cleaned up quite a bit, but still very good.

    I wanted to see Hacksaw Ridge in the theaters, but missed it I guess.

    My back bothers me so much, I have to really want to see a movie badly to sit through one in the theaters.

  33. RE reader numbers: I've been lurking here for years.
    The hype for Manchester by the Sea doesn't do it justice. Best movie I've seen in a decade, and I watch a lot of movies. Visceral. Heartbreaking. Real.
    Arrival is based on Ted Chiang's 39-page "Story of Your Life," which should be required reading for any serious writer. Deft handling of POV and time shifts, sometimes multiple within one paragraph, including successful(!) use of second-person. Read it before you see the movie.

  34. Colin

    I agree. I have most agents, writers, and editors on mute right now. I had hoped it might calm down after the election, but it shows no signs of doing so. One of the few I haven't muted retweeted something an editor said this morning about white people stop writing about the anti bellum south. Both author and editor told white authors to stop "romanticizing" this.

    I had to laugh. One of the few ones that isn't non-stop politics shoots me in the heart.

    Regardless of where you are on your journey, do try to be kind to someone today. I had two MRIs done yesterday. I almost canceled because I didn't feel good to begin with and I am so terribly claustrophobic anyway. The first machine they put me in was so close I told them it just wasn't going to work, it was so tight, my shoulders were crammed against the walls. I was like a sausage in a casing. So, they revered me and did my back first, with my arms above my head. Well, my shoulder is still messed up from the fall, so that was very uncomfortable.

    The girls doing the scan stopped the machined a couple of times to come check on me and make sure I was doing all right even though I had the panic button. They'd squeeze my hand and pat me.

    This meant a lot. They didn't need to do this. They put me in a different machine to do the neck scan so my shoulders had more room. I promise I'm not a linebacker, but I was still like a stuffed sausage.

    Those girls were so sweet and kind. They helped me get through a very unpleasant situation and didn't need to take extra time to do that.

    And now it's time to get some work done on the Crow.

    Life quote:

    Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.--Winston Churchill

  35. I love the movies. We don't go as often as I would like, so it is always a treat. And our closest theater just installed these luxury seats that raise your legs as you recline. Delish!

    I did see Manchester By the Sea. An older lady sat next to me and kept asking me questions. "Who's that guy?" etc. I tried to handle it as quietly as possible. The theater was packed. And just as the movie was ending, the older lady's cell phone rang. LOUD. And she fumbled with it while we all tried to focus, and then she answered it and started talking, the way an older person thinks they are talking quietly, which is to say at regular speaking volume.

    So forgive me if I think the ending didn't satisfy. I felt my heart had been yanked out, twisted, and then reinstalled incorrectly.

    But the characters hung around my life for quite awhile.

  36. It has been sixteen years and 22 days since I last went to a movie. That day will probably be the last time ever. There are some things you need to hold onto.

    Besides, the second run movie house with the good burgers and draft beer that was in our town is no longer.

    There are other reasons than that too.

  37. Julie Weathers, my husband had an MRI in August. They warned him ahead of time that he might feel claustrophobic. His doctor prescribed a tranquilizer and he was fine. Also, there are two kinds of MRI machines. One is open on one side and feels less confining. I hope you feel better soon.

    I make political comments or retweet them on Twitter, but am non-political elsewhere in social media. If someone doesn't like my comments they are free to unfollow me. I wasn't publically political before November but I am now. I'm not trying to convince people on the other side of the political spectrum. I'm just sharing information with those on my side.

    Janet, thanks for the heads-up about your manuscript wish list. My friend said she was going to send you a query.

  38. Oh, I almost forgot... I saw Arrival. Both my husband and I found it a snoozefest. Literally. And we're both normally SF fans. We'd like to see Manchester by the Sea.

  39. Late to the show today, had to be at damn job early.
    Well, I have gotten naked here a few times. I'm thinking I should cover up a little...no way. It's REAL here. That's why we show up.

  40. I'm having to let my fingers hover over my keyboard now, just like I have to bite my tongue sometimes. Remember, it's good exercise--keeps your mind--and your public face--healthy.

  41. Barbara, I had an MRI in late December (non-emergency) and then broke my arm two days later and had both x-rays and a CT scan. So if anyone needs a comparison of those three methods of imaging, I had all of them done in one week. Feel free to message me with questions. The x-ray was the most traumatic even though I had an amazing tech who was very creative as he figured out ways to take the images since I couldn't move my arm. MRIs are incredibly boring. CT scans are fast and now my preferred method of imaging.

    I finally watched Hell Or High Water at my local second-run theater and loved it, so I'm rooting for it to win an oscar or two. I still need to see both Arrival and Manchester By The Sea so my opinion isn't that informed.

  42. Barbara

    They used the open MRI on me the second time in Oklahoma and it made a world of difference. They also introduced me to a little trick of putting a washcloth over my eyes, that helped.

    No open side ones here apparently, or not at this unit.

    Sleepy One MRIs are not boring if you are incredibly claustrophobic and imaginative.

  43. Running madly on my rodent wheel, so don't have time to read the comments right now. We have a friend in the Directors Guild, so he gets screeners too, and we are having fun watching them in their lovely home theater. Big screen and comfy recliners! what could be better?

    Haven't seen either of these two, but they are on the list of movies to watch. I HIGHLY recommend "Hidden Figures", about the African american women who worked at NASA. It was inspiring and brilliant.

    I haven't been around here much. I think maybe it would be better for my blood pressure to spend more time here and less time on Twitter reading the news. The good thing is that I've been able this week to stay off the internet until after my work day is done. This way, I only have nightmares, not nightmares AND angst about getting no work done because I'm so upset.

    Cheers everyone. It's 5 o'clock somewhere. time for some scotch.

    1. The reasons I'm cinematically deprived are:
      1. No time.
      2. Aussie movies are hella expensive.
      3. Must coordinate chosen movie with His Grace and Their Ladyships because...
      4. We have a proper home theatre to rival a commercial theatre. Recliner seats, sound and light engineered, projector with cinema-quality silver screen and the ability to pause the movie for toilet breaks.

      I totally want to see Hidden Figures because I'm an Astronomer and we think movies about space are cool, even if they're taking place on Earth.

  44. Or beer Panda, or even limoncello (I just discovered a bottle of this stuff, homemade by a friend, shoved in our freezer. It's delicious, but deadly strong stuff!).

  45. Julie, I hope that those MRIs find whatever you need them to find and that you're happy, hale, and healthy.

  46. Top o' the evening.

    Julie, I'll follow any blog, tweet or post that says "Look, John Frain has a new book out!"

    You will forever bring Nostradamus to mind for me now.

    That said, I'm gonna plug this as your best comment of the day: "Regardless of where you are on your journey, do try to be kind to someone today." Everyone is going through something, so this is sound advice.

    I saw the documentary Happy on Netflix the other morning and it turns out (not surprisingly) that scientists have evidence that doing something for someone else makes you happier. I've been able to turn around a bad day doing that before. And it doesn't have to be a big thing. My dopamine is just itching to get unleashed some days.

  47. There was a meme going around a while ago that said: "Dance like no one is watching; email like it might one day be read aloud in a deposition." I think that holds true for anything you put on the internet, and more so for things you think are "secure" or private. There's no such thing.

    I don't ascribe to the notion that writers (or anyone) should sit down and shut up and censor themselves when it comes to politics. Especially when there's such a fine line between politics and civics. Sure, there are consequences for speaking up. We need to understand and accept that. But I can't fathom why anyone thinks it's a good idea to muzzle an entire segment of society, whether liberal or conservative, that is generally better educated, more well-read and more articulate than average. Our only purpose is to entertain? That's a dangerous premise.

    That said, I do appreciate that this space over here is mostly dedicated to discussion about publishing and writing. And pet pics. I support Janet's prerogative to post any opinion she cares to, but it's refreshing and comforting to settle in to read over here every day, knowing it's an oasis of neutrality and camaraderie.

    Oh, and hello to all the lurkers who are coming out of the woodland. Welcome.

  48. We saw ALL of the Best Pic nominees (Except Hacksaw Ridge, if that one made the cut.) My personal fave is Moonlight. Next in line are both Manchester BTS and LLLand. Two very different movies. Like TV these days, the quality of visual entertainment is in a new golden age, or silver or platinum. Which means its even more competition for us book makers....
    As to your Blog--I love it and read it every day even tho I seldom post. I am so grateful you put out the effort (I know it's fun for you, too, but still...) I learn so much, and continue to learn day by day. And it connects me to the world of writers and almost-writers and reminds me I have a community.

  49. Totally on board with Her Grace on the price of Aussie movie tickets! Costs as much to take the family to the movies as it does for nearly a weeks worth of groceries. Eating v movie. Not a tough choice.

    Although a friend took me to see La La Land recently. Love musicals (and the music was lovely) but... oh. Disappointed. It's like they got to the black moment and couldn't work out where to from there.

    But I am rather boring when it comes to both books and movies. Unless it has a happy ending I really am not interested (hence Manchester by the Sea is definitely not on my want to watch one day list).

    Her Grace, lucky you live on the other side of the country - otherwise I would be very likely knocking on your door about now (I promise I'd bring the popcorn).

  50. AJ: I'm with you on La La Land. It was okay. It was fine. It just didn't strike me as great, which made the recent SNL skit about it very funny indeed.

  51. Kdjames, well said! I understand everyone's sentiments about wanting writing blogs to be about writing, but it is uncomfortably close to claiming that writers should not be allowed to express political opinions at all.

    Also, if you're simply not interested in someone's political opinions (as opposed to being outright uncomfortable with them), some platforms let you mute certain tags. That assumes, of course, the person you follow uses tags.


Keep your comments succinct. Any comment that runs longer than 100 words is generally too long.

If you're commenting more than three times a day, it's too much.

Civility is enforced. Spelling/grammar mistakes may be pointed out ONLY in the blog post itself, not in any of the ensuing commenter's contributions.

If your comment doesn't show up, it's most likely that Blogger ate it. Try posting again using a GoogleID. (comment moderation is on only for older posts)