Sunday, January 08, 2017

Call For Submissions: Best New England Crime Stories 2017

Snowbound: The Best New England Crime Stories 2017 Call For Submissions

Submissions open January 1st for 
Snowbound: Best New England Crime Stories 2017

Beginning January 1st Level Best Books will be accepting submissions for the fifteenth Best New England Crime Stories anthology. Snowbound: Best New England Crime Stories will be published in November 2017 and debut at the New England Crime Bake

The submission requirements and procedures have changed from previous years, so please read the guidelines carefully before submitting.


Stories must be set in New England or be written by a New England author* in the following genres: mystery, thriller, suspense, caper, and horror from any time period (historical, contemporary, future, etc.)

Stories must not exceed 5,000 words.

Stories must be previously unpublished in print or electronically, including self-published works (to include author websites).

Stories from both previously unpublished and published authors will be considered.

The Level Best editors will consider up to two stories from the same author per anthology**

Stories submitted previously, and not published in the interim, are welcome, especially those that have been revised.

New England stories are set in the six New England states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. If you have questions about whether your story qualifies, please query before submitting

We will not consider stories that feature graphic scenes of torture or sex

*Please note: This is a change from previous years. Authors do not need to reside in New England to submit stories for the anthology.

**While we will consider up to two stories by any author, only one story per author will appear in any anthology

How to Submit: 

Submissions will be accepted from January 1 -  May 31, 2017

Please email your submission to VerenaRose at comcast dot net

Type "SNOWBOUND Short Story Submission" in the subject line of your email (without it attachments will not be opened). We have overlapping submission periods for different anthologies so please indicate which you are submitting to.

Include your name, address, phone number, email, story title, word count, and a brief summary of your publishing experience (if any) in the body of the email

Please paginate your story (format page numbers in either the header or footer of the document)

Send your story as a Word attachment, double-spaced

Please either type ### or "The End" to indicate the ending of your story

Submissions will be read blindly by the judges. Your story will be coded to insure anonymity before it is sent to the judges, therefore your name should not appear anywhere on the document

We will promptly acknowledge the receipt of your submission

There is no entry fee

Level Best Books is a paying market & an MWA approved publisher

If eligible, you may submit your story for consideration for both the Level Best Books anthology and the Al Blanchard Award

Copyright © 2017 Level Best Books, All rights reserved.


  1. Mmm... do they consider stories by authors from OLD England? :D

    Seriously, thanks for the tip, Janet! :)

  2. Geez, too bad I don't live in New England. I could write a true story right now about the dubious honour of living on the best sledding street, ever, and how I'm currently trapped (snowbound? does sleet/ice count?) due to it being a hard-packed sheet of ice. It will be the last thing to melt in the entire city. Oh, the incessant SCREAMING. It's to die for. The only question is whether I'll be a victim or the perpetrator.

  3. Thanks for the kick in the butt to get on this one.

  4. Sounds like fun. With the cold, I've been reminiscing about my time in Maine. Might as well put it to use.

  5. Looking out my window this morning at cold, clear, shining Mount Washington. It was probably ten below here last night and much much colder up at the home of The World's Worst Weather.
    I submitted one idea to the Bigger Person. Now it's his turn.

    We might give this a try. Thanks for the post, Janet!

  6. Thanks for the post, Janet. I bought last year's when it came out so I could prepare for this year. I want to try my hand at this!


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