Monday, December 19, 2016

Sam Craddock WinnerS

Today's blog post offered a free copy of the new Terry Shames novel to a reader who made his/her case most persuasively.

Needless to say, y'all rose to the occasion.

Herewith the completely subjective, totally unscientific, biased and sharkly long list:

Timothy Lowe's entry evoked my fierce attack on the requested fulls here at year end!
Year-on-year stats:

Number of 11th grade students – 75

Total word count per student, according to – 5,000

Total junior word count – 375,000

Number of 9th grade students – 40

Total freshman word count – 160,000

535,000 total for the year

Not quite War and Peace (587,000 words)

*I need something to read!*

Nate Wilson cracked me up
Until just now, I’d never even heard of Terry Shames or Sam Craddock. It’s an egregious lapse, I know. The surest remedy: Get this book in front of me, stat.

Afterward, I’ll pass it along to a similarly afflicted Reider. To continue the healing.

As did Steve Stubbs
This the winter of my discontent,
Make glorious spring with this child of Craddock,
By giving it to someone else.
I have too much to read.

And the winners are:
Sharyn Ekburg
I think Kathy Joyce deserves it.
Though my 85 year old mystery devouring mother would love it.
She was just in the hospital for an unexpected stay. The nurse gave her a NY Times Best Selling author's latest thriller and Mom said.
"It's not written very well."
Cause this is textbook show not tell. Besides, I'm not depriving an 85 year old lady of a terrific book. My God keeps meticulous notes.

S.P. Bowers
Mom of three adopted kids (7, 6, 5) and a writer in my spare time (ha). Youngest faced trauma and neglect before adoption. Sometimes I need to escape. Our raise-the-kids and build-a-house-in-Colorado (yes, we are crazy, thank you) budget doesn’t include books for my 100-books-a-year reading habit. Send help.

Since half the people in my extended family arrived via adoption (to the point that we've all forgotten which ones arrived how) I'm a sucker for people who open their homes and hearts to kids.  Plus, maybe S.P. needs some painting advice for the house. Have roller, will travel!

Elissa M
There's no reason I should win over anyone else.


I live over 100 miles from the nearest bookstore and I find browsing online for new books and authors frustrating. Many of my purchases occur because of mentions on this very blog. I'd love to win one though.

 I've lived in those towns. Those towns are the reason I've read every Zane Gray novel published. 

If you three will send me your mailing addresses I'll get these in the post to you. I doubt they'll arrive before Christmas (sorry!) but hopefully you'll see them early next week.

I purposely did not pick any entries that I knew were outside the US since I can only mail these to US addresses.

And you'll all be glad to know that another book will be available on Tuesday morning for the comment cotillion. Details in tomorrow's post!


  1. Congrats, Sharyn, SP, and Elissa! Worthy winners. :)

  2. Congrats to all!

    Those were some pretty great pleas for reading material, and the winners are definitely deserving.


  3. I'm going to be so under-dressed at the next comment cotillion. Nothing to wear since my plunging neckline fell.

    Congrats to the triumvirate of winners. Good reiding!

  4. Congrats all! It was fun to learn a little more about everyone!

  5. "comment cotillion"

    Dear lord, now I'm singing Karma Chameleon...

    "It comes and goes, it comes and go-oes..."

    Help. Send Christmas music, stat!

  6. Congrats to the winners!

    I also love the cotillion reference. But I'm a bit underformal in my comfy clothes. Unlike Hank, I never did do the plunging neckline!

  7. Congrats to Sharyn Ekburg, S.P. Bowers and Elissa M!

  8. What fun getting to know a few of you a bit more. Congratulations to the winners.

  9. Thank you! Congrats to Sharyn and Elissa.

  10. Cheers to the 3! Yes 3! winners. Yay, Janet had an extra book squirreled away. Or she ran out to a bookstore late last night.

  11. Congrats to all! And thank you Julie for the info yesterday! I hadn't considered those items! :) You are a wealth of information!

  12. Glad I could garner some laughter with my appeal, and congratulations to the winners! (Or rather, to two winners and one winner's mom.)

  13. Congrats to all the winners!

    And yes, it was informational to read everyone's trials and tribulations. My Christmas doesnt look so bleak anymore, there are others who are just trying to cope. May they have a very merry Christmas this year.

    Meanwhile, the UPS guy keeps calling me to see if my spouse is home yet from going to our local post office 22 miles away to see how the roads are (spouse isnt home yet- he left at 10 am) and now the fed-ex man shows up whimpering about how he had to "break trail for 60 miles" (true) and how we should "unite and go after the county" about snowplowing.

    Which they dont do out here.

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Oh my, mom will be blown away. I just sent her a box that included the last seven of The Story Of Crime (Per Whaloo and Maj Sjowall), A Camilla Lackberg she hadn't read and a couple of Hakan Nesser. I guess I email Mom's mailing address to Janet.

    She is recovering nicely and cuddled up with an electric blanket and Bonnie, her ancient and bad tempered cat. Bonnie is only cuddly when a book is involved.

    what a hoot!

  15. Congratulations to Sharyn Ekburg and S.P. Bowers. I'm still a bit in shock after discovering I won one. I almost feel like there must be a mistake... but I'm keeping the book!


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