Tuesday, November 22, 2016

under the weather

no blog post today


  1. Janet, I hope you revive in time to enjoy Thanksgiving.

  2. Rest up and take care of yourself, Janet. Catch up with you when you are feeling better!

  3. Boo, feel better soon!

    It's that time of year, where sickness fells everybody one by one. I work in a public library, a cold/flu thing ravaged the staff a couple of weeks back. I've been ODing on vitamin C and praying.

  4. Oh, that poor puppy.

    Sending wishes for a speedy recovery, Janet. Would this be a good time for a hot toddy? (After all those mentions yesterday of drinks I had never heard of, I'm trying to use my very limited booze-knowledge to be helpful.) Feel better soon.

  5. You should nae hae said no to the Scotch!!

    That poor pup. And bless you Janet, get well quickly.

  6. Feel better soon!!

    I'd post a picture of Red Dobe with a band-aid on his nose this past week in commiseration, but I can't, so here's the link:


  7. Awww. Shucks. What you need is a good dose of turkey, gravy, dressing, mashed taters, shoepeg casserole, sweet potato casserole, English peas, bread, tea...

    OR! Waffle House. Yeah. That's what you need! Scattered, smothered, and covered! And, a pecan waffle please. Lots of syrup.

    Oh. Wait.

    Unless you have a stomach bug.

    I sure hope not. Feel better soon...!

  8. Hope you feel better soon, Janet! Rest & water & Vit C. Hope you can at least feel well enough to read a good book.

  9. Put a little bit of scotch (brandy is better) in your tea with lemon. That should perk you up or make you drowsy...I forget which. Hope you feel better soon!

  10. That reminds me of one time I sent a colleague an e-mail that said, “This page intentionally left blank.”

    He sent back a response that said, “Thank you, that was very informative.”

    Start feeling better soon.

  11. Take care of yourself, Janet! Sending positive thoughts your way!

  12. I'm going with the greeting card industry Gold Standard: Get Well Soon!

    Perhaps the DoY will share her tuna with you...

  13. Janet!!! :( What you need's a good hot toddie. I'll send you some whisky... *remembers yesterday's article*... maybe not.

    You know what I think Janet needs? Some Flash Fiction. Anyone up for it? 100 word max. Five prompt words. Let's see...


    I would usually offer a story first, but I've only just made my tea, so I'll post one in a little bit. Have at it folks--let's give our dear QOTKU something to smile (or scream) about! :)


  14. Not as ambitious as Colin, but this book showed up in my twitter feed this morning. Maybe it will help take your mind off your woes


  15. Oh no! If you're feeling half as good as that puppy in the pic, you're really on the outs. Hope you're snuggling under some covers and getting lots of rest. Vitamin C is a must, but so is Vitamin D3--at least 5,000 iu, especially in the winter months.*

    *I'm not in the medical field
    **But I've taught doctors a thing or two
    ***So I probably should be

    Feel better!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Julie Maybe too many links? Strange. It was a good comment too with all Colin's prompt words and everything.

  18. OK Colin, I couldn't resist:

    Gobble, gobble, turkey and trouble
    “Cancel Thanksgiving,” says the farmer, draining the last of his flask. “Damn weather’s makin’ me sick as a dog.”
    In the barn, Ms. Turkey lounges, kicking her feet against the empty antifreeze container, musing over her deeds and sipping the farmer’s whiskey.
    Gobble gobble 

  19. Perchance it was just too much discussion on the subject of booze yesterday.

    Do rest up and I hope you get over it before Turkey Day. If not you can drop me a line and I'll smoke a turkey for you.

    Hope all of you have a good turkey and don't turn into one by talking politics at the table. Amen, y'all

  20. The Duchess of Yowl looks horrible!
    Ms. Reid, I hope you feel better than your cat appears.
    Has anyone seen my cheaters?

  21. Colin,
    You asked for it.

    "No, no! Turdogen is not a holiday meal!

    Uh-huh, uh-huh.

    No. I don't care how much whiskey you soak it in.

    Uh-huh, uh-huh.

    Weather or not, I'm not eating it.

    Uh-huh, uh-huh.

    No, you're a sick puppy.

    Uh-huh, uh-huh.

    Linus, tell your neighbor to cremate his dog just like everybody else.

    Uh-huh, uh-huh.

    Yeah, happy turkey day to you too."


  22. Yes, probably too many links. I don't have time to break it up. It was my odd contribution to Colin's flash fiction.

    I'll leave it with a hope for Janet to feel better soon and a link to my favorite turkey escapade.

  23. Excellent, Lennon and Kregger!! I missed Julie's! Awww... :( Here's my attempt:

    "I hear the weather in Istanbul is mild this time of year."

    "I have never been to Turkey."

    "The sunsets are beautiful. They whisk you to another world."

    "Flying makes me sick."

    The man smiled and handed me a manila envelope. From the weight and shape, I knew this was no letter.

    "Meet at the same time tomorrow. Bring his dog tags as proof. He never stopped wearing them after Iraq. I will not rest until my daughter is avenged."

  24. Okay, Colin, here you go:

    He called her Turkey Dog.
    Silky coat the color of mist on a morning hunt.
    Ears smooth and fine as whisky.

    He’d found her as a pup, wrestling a holiday carcass from the neighbor’s bin. Afterwards, bits of stuffing clung to his whisker-tickled ears.

    He, her savior; she, his comfort.

    But years of love stranded them on a foreign shore. No more saving, none at all.
    Heartsick, he consented.

    She sensed the change of weather before he did.
    Bones creaking, she listed to leeward before coming aground at his feet,
    To ease his sorrow, as he eased her pain, forever.

  25. Okay Colin, you're on.
    Winner gets a cake baked by your daughter, right ?
    This lead-in is not included in the AMAZING 25 WORDS.
    Here goes:

    We gave Felix the wonder-dog a smidgen of our whiskey. He ate too much turkey and didn’t weather well. He got sick. We got drunk.

  26. What a pitiful looking hound. Hope you feel better soon, Janet!


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