Monday, November 14, 2016

injured reserved list

It's going to be a very funny story, once I can type again.


  1. Oh, no! Is this another broken bone to add to Janet's list? Hope whatever it is heals quickly!

  2. Owie! Sending healing prayers and a secretary - the suspense is killing me (deleted the first one because I just learned I can't type and do my hair at the same time).

  3. Until your tweet yesterday, I didn't know the word defenestration. Sorry you got injured teaching it to me. Get well soon!

  4. That picture reminds me... If you live in cold weather, don't start your car before banging on the hood, and maybe honking the horn as well, in case any kittens/cats crawled up under the hood to get warm. We learned the hard way.

  5. Ouch! I hope you're already feeling better.

  6. What what what??! I wasn't on Twitter yesterday--can someone explain? Thanks! :)

  7. So you found out air conditioners can't fly? I hope you recover quickly and your fingers forgive you. Ouch!

  8. ohno, Janet. Fingers are so precious. And so easily injured. I hope you heal quickly so we can hear the whole story. Maybe you could buy or borrow a voice dictation computer so that we can read the story sooner!

    In the meantime, I guess that means all you can do is read. Poor QOTKU!

  9. Heed Kitty's kitty advice...other critters crawl up in there too.

    Sending healing thoughts your way. If you can squeeze a funny story out of it - I'll just be sitting over here waiting to read all about it, while I contemplate what the injury might be...

    Burned finger/s acquired when you decided a nice cup of hot cocoa would go swell with a latest read? Hopefully not broken finger/s as you dashed to the door for the takeout you ordered, thereby tripping over the Razzle Dazzle paint cans? Or maybe it happened when you decided to fix that doggone leaky pipe (no idea if you even have a leaking pipe - just go with along with me here) and used your fingers in ways only imagined in horror shows?

    Speculating minds wanna know.

  10. Donna, if I were speculating and ignoring her tweet about the flying air conditioner as an obvious cover up, my guess would be she became a bit overzealous in training her baby attack sharks over there at New Leaf.

    You have to be careful when young sharks get into a feeding frenzy. I wonder how many writers are missing various appendages this morning?

  11. Flying air conditioners? Who sent *that* query?!! Surely a form rejection would have been sufficient?

    Seriously, though, I do pray for a speedy recovery, dear QOTKU. :)

  12. Donnaeve ... "Kitty's kitty advice..." :~)

  13. Cynthia Mc, I'm smiling that you used the term secretary instead of admin. I use the term myself, and it's amusing the responses people have to it. The term has been sidelined by one too many decades of "affair with the secretary" jokes, but personally I prefer it and have been a (non-affair-having) secretary for over 30 years now. The word has a long heritage; presidents and princes have secretaries. Boring old corporations have administrative assistants - and, the terminology feels to me more like it puts way more emphasis on subordination than "secretary" does.

    Okay, sorry for the diversion.

    However, Janet, Gossamer the Editor Cat and I are at the ready should you need typing services! You'd be amazed at G-TEC's skill and creativity.

    Get well soon!

  14. Oh, no... I'm sorry to learn you've suffered an injury. I'm not on Twitter, but what's this about flying air conditioners? I'm envisioning the installation of a window unit in the new office and it didn't quite fit. Sort of a "look out below" scenario.

    Whatever happened, I'm sending healing thoughts.

    OT: Lennon! I didn't have much computer time this weekend. Just reading back through a few older posts and came upon your thoughtful comment about DOG OF PROUD SPIRIT and your support of my other titles. Thank you! So very, very much. HUGS to you...

  15. Oh the humanity! Get well soon.

  16. Hey, at least you have the foresight to know it's going to be a funny story?

    Feel better soon. Order up some nice comfort food or cat snuggles or something, y'hear? Or make those minions work, I'm sure somebody at New Leaf has an adorable animal they can bring around for a visit.

  17. Yeah, but *which* fingers did you injure? Any chance you're saying goodbye to 2016 in style? ;)

    In all seriousness, it sounds awful. Heal fully, heal well!

  18. Oh no! I hope your injury heals quickly and you can type again!

  19. I thought we were just having a cute kitten day. Hope JR is soon typing away. I've become very proficient with voice typing. It saves me tons of time, since I'm so slow at the keyboard.

  20. Uh oh. Had to check twitter and am now caught up. Very sorry about your fingers, Janet. Perhaps if you hadn't lunged, it would've fallen that much quicker and smooshed someone below... either way, I think it will be funny in time :/

  21. Does not sound like fun! Get better soon...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The heck with typing. How the hell can you cut-in color or roll.

    This is a dark, dark Sherwin Williams SW7615 Sea Serpent kind of day.

  24. Defenestrate is one of my favorite words and I have yet to find a way to use it elegantly in a manuscript, but I will.

    Poor Janet. The poor fingers. The poor ac. I have to wonder who was passing below to prompt the defenestration.

    I shall be hit and miss for a while, but I have sent a healing prayer, both physical and spiritual for you.

  25. Melanie just saw your comment after I posted mine. Glad you got that earlier comment!!

  26. :o ! Hopefully you heal quickly! I read that sharks have many rows of teeth, so that when they lose one, another one takes its place...

  27. Sounds painful! I hope you feel better soon.

    When I was in Prague, my husband obliged me by taking a picture of me about to fall out of the window where the 1618 defenestration took place. Ah, nothing like a couple of early modern historians in Europe…we know how to have a good time.

  28. Uff da! I am glad to see the little one appears to have found a home. My queen, I give you a long distance kiss it and make it better. Hope everyone recovers quickly and completely. It must be something going around.

    A few days ago our Troubled cats litter mate showed up. He had been in a fight and had a freshly almost healed cut down his left rear quarter panel. He was also skinny enough to disappear when turned sideways.

    I opened the door to check on him and he just walked in and took over the place. He has gained weight from a decent quantity of food and a dewormer. I think he will be gimpy all his life though.

    I had been trying hard to forget the old days of window unit air conditioners. The question I have is why do you need and air conditioner at this time of year in NYC?

  29. Craig, my guess would be you don't, and she was trying to remove said A/C from the window. I could be wrong. It's happened before.

  30. Oh no! A break? A sprain? I hope the recovery is quick and as painless as possible, and that you can get some rest!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Julie W.

    Lord Hampton admired the painter, Wentzel Fene. On Lord Hampton’s 55th birthday, his cousin Amanda Blackerby found an original Fene in a London out of the way art gallery. She was so excited. She bought it on the spot to give to Lord Hampton at his birthday party that evening. After the gallery wrapped it and put a nice red bow on top, Amanda took de Fene strate to the party.

  33. Oh no! I hope the fingers feel better soon.

    That kitty! If the cast was hot pink, it could be Hops!

  34. Just catching up with this news. Ouch!
    So sorry your fingers got injured, Janet - wishing you a very speedy recovery!!

  35. What's this I hear about you being defenestrated by flying monkeys?

    OUCH. Hope you heal quickly. And start keeping better company.

    Years ago, I worked for a home inspection company. One of the standard pieces of advice we put in the reports, usually for older homes, was: "None of the upstairs windows are operable. At least one window in each room should be operable for the purpose of emergency defenestration." Made me smile every time. We later changed it to "emergency egress" as that was more apt.

  36. Trying to piece together what happened….something about a going out a window (or avoiding such) and fingers that got injured in the process. And a cat. Definitely a cat.

    I think I'll wait for the funny story, which depending on the severity of the injury may be awhile in coming. That's okay, I'm patient.

    As for you, Janet, I wish a speedy healing process and your pain reliever of choice of course.

  37. Oh wait! I think I have read about what she was doing. It is called winterizing. Living in central Florida I don't know much about it though.

    Back in the days when window air conditioners were used here we would go to a hardware store and buy a roll of plastic sheeting (Visqueen, take the face off the unit and put a sheet of it in place. The rest of the roll was used to stop the draft in what were called windows at the time. The proper name for them were Jalousie windows. They didn't stop anything because the four inch slats of glass left gaps everywhere.

    The only place I have seen jalousie glass of late is as glass shelves.

  38. Speedy recovery to you and your fingers Janet!

  39. Oh dear. Hope you have access to some scotch. For painkilling purposes only, of course.


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