Wednesday, November 16, 2016

If you're looking for a way to do something good

Today, as I was buying a new kind of daily planner (with the job at New Leaf, I'm going to need Page A Day, not Page A Week---yikes!) I noticed my donation destination for the Amazon Smile program. I'd set that account up years ago, hadn't really thought about it since.

I thought, hey, I should tell Melanie Sue Bowles about this! I'd love to be sending the Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary some dough (or better: hay!) Then of course, I realized I'd assumed she didn't know about it. (Bang head on desk Janet, you numbskull)

I looked on the list of groups one can support and sure enough, there it is and I changed my designated charity.

I don't think I've generated much money over the years, but some is better than none. It's easy and free. Click on Amazon Smile to learn more.

And if you need a persuasive reason, here's Jackson to encourage you:


  1. Personally I support World Vets with Amazon Smile. They go into disaster areas and provide veterinary care for animals of all sorts caught up in the disaster. Between those situations, they hold free veterinary clinics in poor areas all over the world, where they give basic veterinary care, first aid, vaccinations etc. They're a wonderful group that provides a world of support to our animal friends.

    I do love Amazon Smile! It's a painless way for me to support an organization I care about.

  2. I picked St Jude Children's Research Hospital. They haven't received much (if anything) from me, but I think their ideals and values are in line with mine.

  3. Right now, I'm supporting Detroit Dog Rescue. They were the first to be allowed into Detroit's high-kill shelter to rescue.

    If you use the Chrome browser, there is an extension titled Smile Always that will automatically redirect any Amazon link you click on, on any website or page, to your Smile address at Amazon so rather than just going to the item, it goes to the item on

  4. I make use of Amazon Smile, and I must confess, I have generated some revenue for my selected cause. I know I'm supposed to make the sacrifice and support my local Indie retailer. I'd also love it if we could do all our grocery shopping at the local Fresh Market. But with eight in the family, and now a mortgage, there's only so much one can do. So judge me, but there it is. Maybe when I have that extra income from my books... :)

  5. Mine goes to <a href=">Special Needs Dobermans</a>, which helps seniors and special needs (i.e., abuse cases, an injury, illnesses like DCM, etc.) who are in Doberman rescue groups. They used to be able to help individually owned dogs, but that stopped a few years back :(

  6. I am also St. Jude's. I had totally forgotten about this. Thanks for the reminder. It goes well with that huge TBR list that keeps building here.

  7. I'm also on a tight budget but I support local food pantries and 2nd hand clothing store (through donations and purchases). I also intend to get/buy a cat or kitten from the local no-kill shelter next spring. I give year-end support to our church's denominational system that is seeking alternative ways (theological degrees have become expensive) to provide skilled, innovative pastors to our churches who do not always have the money to equitably support staffing desires or needs.

  8. It's that time of year! I donate a small sum monthly to ASPCA and have for a long time.

    That said, I've donated to Proud Spirit in the past, and keep up with Melanie and her "crew" via the FB pics she posts. And sometimes, there are the difficult, hard posts she shares which motivate me to voice my opinion against cruel practices. (like the Big Lick she recently shared with her followers) Unbelievable, what some will do to animals all for show.

    All I can say to this is, Melanie is doing amazing work at her sanctuary. Thank God for people like her, and her husband, and all the others there, truly making a difference in these animal's lives.

  9. Janet... Thank you! And our herd of nearly 50 rescue horses thanks you! By the way, Jackson is a very snugly horse. When I burrow into his neck he always tucks his head around my back. Well, not always. Most of the time. He also gives good kisses. Usually.

    nightsmusic: Detroit Dog Rescue is a terrific organization. I'm a MI girl, too. Born and raised in Pontiac.

    I'm so appreciative of this, Janet. Very meaningful.

  10. I love this! Amazon Smile is such a cool idea, and there are so many good causes to support. I, like Colin, don't support local bookstores as much as I probably should. When I do go shopping for books in person, I typically go to the larger chain because it's close to my house and I don't have to find downtown parking (all our local bookstores are downtown).

    But I do love local bookstores. One of my favorites lives in Pullman, WA. It's called Brused Books, and walking into that shop is like walking into a different country. There's just something different in the air.

  11. I'm currently supporting the Small Wild Cat Conservation Foundation on AmazonSmile. Proud Spirit is an amazing cause, though, so I'll be sure to keep it in mind in the future. Who could resist Jackson?!

    OT for the St. Jude supporters: I can't help sharing a bit of family pride. After St. Jude was established, my dad was their first attending surgeon. He continued to work with them throughout his career, and it meant a lot to him to be able to help the children being treated there.

    OOT: I saw a bobcat yesterday - totally thrilling! It was much smaller than I expected.

  12. I'm in Smile, but didn't realize there were more than just the biggest names. Thanks for pointing this out, Janet.

  13. Okay, I was ignorant of this. Had no idea. Not sure if my Amazon purchases will lead to much, but it'll be more than nothing I suppose.

    Meantime, I'm heading to a little place called The Novel Neighbor, who is holding a book for me.

    Since I can't come out and play on Tuesdays, I wanted to add Alan Furst as the author who showed me the way to world building. I love his stuff anyway, but he tells a story different from anyone I had read before. If I could be Alan Secund, I'd jump at the opportunity, but I can't match his superb style.

  14. Wow, I had no idea. For some reason I also thought there were 'big' names for Smile.

    Also, I love Jackson's 'smile' for the camera :)

  15. Also, Bethany Elizabeth - congrats on making the subheader! I didn't noticed till now.

    OT - Colin - can you tell me how to get to the Treasure chest? I peeked on your website and couldn't find it, but sometimes I look right at something & don't see it. And, if there's no category for subheaders I think that would be a fun one (you know, with all the spare time that I'm sure you have). I feel like someone already suggested that though, so if you've already done it or dismissed the idea, just ignore this :) Thanks!

  16. I buy local AMAP, but when I go top Amazon, I use smile for Agape, the pregnancy resource center my wife works with. Smile is a pretty cool program. I haven't seen a way to tell how much I generated, or how much Amazon has given, but they're big enough I assume the auditors scrutinize *everything*.

  17. Thanks, Janet, I didn't know about this, but then I don't use Amazon very often.

    Still, your post motivated me to go to one of our local radio stations that's sponsoring its annual Christmas Is For Children drive. I selected two children to buy presents for, and I'm very much looking forward to shopping for Legos and assorted princess items.

    I've also made my annual contribution to St. Jude's and will be making a big fat one to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood.

  18. Roadkill, I discovered today if you click Accounts and Lists, about halfway down under account is Your Amazon Smile, and it shows how much you've generated.

  19. I support Pandas International (of COURSE I do!) Not that they get much support from me via Amazon, because mostly I buy through my local bookstore, Moonraker Books in Langley, WA. I also make donations of books and art to Pandas International, since they don't get much from my Amazon sales. For this, they list me as a "Corporate Sponsor" hahahahahaha!

    Be the Bear, everyone.

  20. I also use a page-a-day style planner. However, I use it in conjunction with my weekly planner, lol. It helps me keep on track and stay focused with daily to-dos vs. keeping track of deadlines.

    And thanks for pointing out Amazon Smile! We use it to support the American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders (APFED). They support research for eosinophilic esophagitis, which my son suffers from.

  21. To those asking how much Amazon Smile donates, it's a very small amount: 0.5%. In other words, in order to donate $50 to the charity of your choice, you'd have spend $10,000 at Amazon. It's better than nothing, of course, and it does add up if multiple people have chosen the same charity, but please don't think of this as a substitute for actually donating something.

  22. World Wildlife Fund is my smile organization. But like Noise in Space said, it's always wonderful to give where we can.

  23. I don't use Amazon much anymore - their delivery into Malaysia is spotty (probably not their fault). But when I did, my "Smile" was African Leadership Foundation - the American fundraising arm of African Leadership Academy, a pan-African non-profit that is training the next generation of African leaders how to be ethical and sustainable in their endeavours.

  24. Thanks for sharing details about Spirit Horse Sanctuary. I've not heard about them before, and now I'm happy to check them out!

    I've supported Duchess Horse Sanctuary in Oregon as my Smile Organization. I hope to visit someday. :)


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