Sunday, September 25, 2016


I'm sorry to report the week in review is hiding.
Well, truthfully, everything in this apartment is hiding right now.

Yes, I Am Painting this weekend, and the books are cowering under the duvet; the couch is hiding on the fire escape; the fire escape is searching for a wrench to unhinge itself from the building; the local booze delivery service is on speed dial.

This may be a selfie

or this

If I don't paint myself into a corner (Vegas oddsmakers list this as 5:1) I'll be back on Monday.

While I'm watching paint dry (and this is a lot more fun than I was led to believe) I'm reading a terrific new novel by Nicholas Petrie: Burning Bright.  It's available for pre-order on Amazon.  It has the best opening chapter I've ever read. EVER.


  1. Enjoy your painting! Which reminds me, I need to get back to my art.

    Recovering from Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios. I used to work it as a performer but it's been a while since I've been as a guest. We covered about 7 miles. I realized we were just about the oldest ones there. Thanks to our daughter's planning skills (she works there) and the express pass, we managed to hit all 9 houses. We didn't get home until after 2 a.m. I don't even remember the last time that happened. Great fun.

  2. YAY! Nick Petrie's novel BURNING BRIGHT is also available for pre-order on Indie Bound!!!

  3. I literally have to move. There is no more room for me and the library the Reef has created. I will need a place with a library roughly the size of The Met.

    Good luck with the painting. Will we be treated to before and after photos? And do let us know if the fire escape escapes. *chuckles*

  4. I am beginning to think that apartment painting is a hobby for you. Just sayin'...

  5. I was a big fan of The Drifter so I'll make sure to read this new one.

    I hope the painting goes well, Janet. It's one of my least favorite things to do.

  6. I had a feeling you'd be painting again soon, call it writer's intuition!

    I'm currently reading Cyberspies: the Secret History of Surveillance, Hacking, and Digital Espionage by Gordon Corera. It's dry at times, and has a somewhat uneven narrative, but it's pretty much what I hoped it would be!

  7. OH! And I meant to say, I'm currently reading The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Gruesome, gory, right up my alley. And fictionalized truth at its best. Larson is really good at that.

    The Devil in the White City


  8. I just finished Counting by 7s. Interesting book.

    I suspect that within a month of when Janet finally finishes painting her apartment, she'll be bored and start all over again.

  9. I remember your paint yourself into a corner writing contest 3 years ago. I wrote:

    Perhaps you could brighten that peachy one a bit? No, not gonna work.
    Ahhh, Butterfly Wings. Yes, I like it!
    I don't like the Straw at all.
    Nope, not a'tall. And Texas Sage? Hmmmm...
    Texas Sage might work, if it doesn't fight with the
    Snot-green sofa.

  10. Roy G Biv on a Sunday, perfect because Janet's on a roll again.

  11. Ya know, we'll have some painting to do when we move. Can I call on you, Janet? :)

    That's a tempting teaser for a book, though I think you ought to say, "best opening chapter I've ever read--EVER... yet." There are novels being written out here that you haven't read yet... ;)

  12. Ze question: Did Razzle Dazzle cause heartburn or did it start to look like Pepto Bismol and need some more pizzazz?

  13. Watching paint dry sounds nice right now. Zen-like and peaceful.

  14. I have friend who we figure insulates with paint.
    Sound familiar?

  15. Yay, painting. While I hate the whole moving furniture and taping part, I love the actual painting, when I see the room transform before my very eyes. And at the end of the day, there's this lovely sense of accomplishment. Enjoy!

  16. What? Talk about torture! I dash over to look inside the terrific new novel...? And there's no inside look yet.

    How can you tell us it has the best opening chapter you've ever-read-ever and we can't access it! And it doesn't come out until January. Well, there's another long wait. Between Donna's book and Panda's pandas and now this (did I miss anyone? there's so many talented folks here, I may have. I know Susan's is already available. And did nightsmusic have one out too?)

    Enjoy your Sunday. And hope to see you tomorra.

  17. I did the same thing Lisa - went to try and get the sneak peek. Like I mentioned somewhere...i.e. my blabbing about the internet - can't keep straight what I've said where...I'm gonna need a new room if I order one more book. My bookcase has books double-rowed. One of my dressers has books bookended + lying sideways, spine out so I can see the titles - these are stacked 10 high. My bedroom has a stack on the dresser, the nightstand, and another stack on a vanity. This doesn't count the boxes of books - which are mine - in the office.

    I must stop the madness.

    Maybe if I paint. If I paint, I could sort of camouflage the TBR. It makes me nervous.

    Have a GREAT Sunday afternoon y'all!

  18. I still cringe when I think of painting. I would have to move things, which means cleaning up after the things I moved...oh the horrors of it all!

    Look! The sun is shining. I should go outside.
    Later Reiders! Hope everyone has a good week ahead of them.

    Panda on!

  19. Wow, that's quite an endorsement! I wonder how many books Janet has read so far in her life? Good luck with the painting, Janet.

    Donna - that sounds like our house. Our family helped us move a few years back and we had labeled all our boxes. "MORE BOOKS?" my husband's sister shrieked every time someone brought in another box.

    We are thinking of finally getting a bedset for our bedroom (our mattress has thus far rested on boxsprings), and we are looking specifically for one that has a headboard with a bookcase built in! because, why not feed the madness? :)

  20. I am reading columbine. And weeping. Often.

  21. I was really happy to discover the Overdrive app (yay audio books for long commutes, working in the garage, yardwork, and anywhere there isn't a t.v.). I had to institute a new rule: only check out one audio book and read the vast numbers of books on all my many shelves. Then I had to make another rule: only 4 physical books in progress at once. That's because I was reading when I need to be writing. I can read as many writing books as I want but I have to be writing, too (there's always a loophole).

    Today was a good writing day. I love writing in my sketchbook. Very freeing and fun - color, post-its, pencil so I can erase and nice, heavy paper that doesn't tear when I fix what's not working seventy bazillion times. Also there's room for everything I'm working on in one big book so I don't have folders spread all over the house /at the beach/wherever. Wish I had figured this out years ago. (I still write the actual book/screenplay on real paper or computer, but the sketchbook is perfect for plotting/brainstorming).

    I owe myself several more pages before bedtime. Night, y'all!

  22. The idea of quietly watching paint dry sounds pretty relaxing but in reality it totally stinks. Hope you got water-based paint and good ventilation!!

  23. As much as I enjoy the WIR, I'm oddly relieved there isn't one today. I've been procrastinating this weekend like it will save my life and the last thing I need is another internet rabbit hole. The things I'm avoiding aren't really even that difficult, I'm just feeling all ornery about doing them.

    Hope the painting is . . . going well? Not sure whether that's an appropriate wish for someone who appears to be addicted to the process. Maybe I should hope it's going badly so it will never, ever end.

    Lennon, I still have the twin headboards we got for the kids when they were little. They have a bookshelf built-in and the sides are constructed such that it's easy to clamp on a reading light. I figure someday there will be grandkids who need me to enable their stay-up-all-night-reading habits.

  24. I'm glad you have booze service on speed dial, Janet--this sounds harrowing. Your poor books!

    Speaking of painting, I celebrated my birthday with friends by going to one of those paint a picture, drink all the wine places. It was a ton of fun and I highly recommend it to everyone if you ever get a chance to go. But I think I'll be leaving the painting to our artist-in-residence, Angie ;)

    nightsmusic: "Devil in the White City" was an AMAZING book. I've had "In the Garden of Beasts" in my TBR pile for years because White City freaked me out so much--it's been hard to pick up another of his books, especially knowing it's non-fiction. But that's how you know he got it right ;) Glad to see another fan.

  25. Susan! I am SUCH a fan! I have In The Garden of Beasts, Dead Wake and Isaac's Storm in my TBR as well, but it will have to be Isaac's Storm for me next. I watched a Weather Channel or Discovery documentary on the Galveston hurricane and it sparked a story idea and I've been writing that on and off since. Not a story about the hurricane, but I'm hooked on the whole "he knew it was coming but no one listened" story. His books are so well researched and so well written, they make you feel like you're there. Even though you know the ending, you're tense the whole way through hoping he can change it. Yup, big, HUGE fan. :)

  26. Off Topic (if there is one today)

    I'm going to buy a small notepad that fits in my pocket.

    I had a great idea while at the Alabama Theater to see Jason Isbell Friday night. I think it was something to do with my second E.J. Sniegorski novel if I get that far. I was pretty excited about it. By Jason Isbell's third song I forgot what my idea was. I have spent two days trying to recall it. All I can remember is I thought it was a great idea.

    Also semi-off topic:

    Donnaeve - Isn't it October yet?
    I'm still reading Theresa's magnus opus, but I should be ready for Dixie Dupree in a week or so.

  27. I had another bit of insight at the Jason Isbell show. This one I do remember but don't know what to do with it.

    It's the word "Styrofoam" as in styrofoam cup. Isbell used it in one of his songs, and it made the line. I want to use it sometime, but it'll have to wait for another story.

  28. nightsmusic: I didn't realize he had a new book out (or newer, at least)--both Dead Wake and Isaac's Storm sound fascinating...And now your story sounds intriguing as well! You're exactly right that the research, along with his storytelling skills, makes for a compelling read--and you don't even get the peace of mind that sometimes comes from knowing it's fiction, that's the brilliant part! I had heard that Devil in the White City was being made into a movie, but I'm not sure what happened to that. I think I'd really like to see it, but I don't know if I can quite bring myself to--the book still haunts me.

    Holler when you read In the Garden. I'd love to chat about it!

  29. I believe Janet is channeling her inner Dorothy Parker:

    I hate to paint. I love having painted.

  30. Joseph - I remember when the Alabama theatre was in danger of being torn down. The whole state was in an uproar (we had a similar battle in Mobile). Everybody wore T-shirts saying "Meet me at the Alabama." Gorgeous theatre. So glad it was saved.

  31. Susan; I believe the White City movie is still in development. Scorsese is supposed to be a producer as well as DiCaprio who wants to play Holmes. That's all the info I can find. I can't imagine they could make it any more gruesome than all the teen slasher flicks though.

    I'll let you know about Garden. I'm still working my way through White City. It's hard because people interrupt me actually giving me work to do...

  32. I missed this whole thing because I was plowing through the Winner's Curse trilogy by Marie Rutkoski. Now I want to drop everything, enroll at Brooklyn College, and take one of Ms. Rutkoski's classes. Awesome, un-putdownable books!

    And Janet saying she was watching the paint dry reminded me of a hilarious picture book I read recently: Meet the Dullards, by Sara Pennypacker and Daniel Salmieri. Highly recommended!


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