Thursday, September 22, 2016

Pubbing soon?

I've said it before, let me say it again now: Dana Kaye is the best.

If you've got a book coming out in the next year, Dana's new book is a must read.

I bought a carton of them, and I'm sending one to each of my authors. That's how much I believe in the message of this books.

I'd show you the books, but our conference table was full of some of the brand management we're doing here at New Leaf!

Yes, those are four hundred signed bookmarks, and soon to be numbered!

Laird Barron has a devoted fan base and it's fun to do special little things for them. Signed, limited edition bookmarks, numbered too, will be available for Swift To Chase!


  1. Apparently, she knows what she's doing since I just ordered it through Amazon. :)

  2. A timely post! Publishingcrawl did a great interview with Dana Kay yesterday for anyone who wants to learn more about her book.

    Colin, if you want to do the link-thingy thing. . . . .

  3. I ordered this book when you first recommended it. I won't be needing it anytime soon but the deluded optimist in me wanted to have it on hand anyway.

  4. I can't imagine needing Dana Kaye's book, which is probably exactly why I have to buy it now and prop it next to my computer. Inspiration!

  5. Ooh, one of my Writer Friends (and an attendee of my library workshop) just self published her book on Saturday. I should get her a copy.

    Also, I always wonder how the extra goodies, like book plates and book marks and whatnot come about. I mean, I know an author can out of pocket do what they want, but for agency/publisher/???? support, do they just pitch the idea and hear yea or nay?

    (I'm sorry if that's been covered, particularly when we were discussing author swag at cons. My brain.)

  6. Yay, bookmarks! I've told y'all about the panel Janet hosted last year at Bouchercon, and how she invited the panelists to provide website etc. details AFTER I had put my pencil and pad away? For those that don't remember, Hilary Davidson was the ONLY panelist to offer a bookmark that contained her website, FB, Twitter, etc. details. So guess whose was the only info I got from that panel? Okay, I know it's early, but that was a rhetorical question. ;) And I was happy to get a bookmark because, well, you can never have too many bookmarks. :)

    Dana's book is on my TBR. Let's hope we all need it soon--at least those of us who have yet to get agents and book deals. :)

  7. Ever the optimist, I will pick up a copy just in case I publish before too long.

    I love bookmarks. I never have enough. Signed bookmarks is a brilliant idea. Now back to my fevered work day.

  8. If only I were to need such an excellent publication.
    Stares out window at sunlight sparkling on the last green leaves of summer. Contemplates writing-reality.

    Ah, damn it, I'll buy it anyway.

    This message brought to you by your friend and mine, Justin Case.

  9. Well, crap. I could have used this days ago. Ordering it ASAP to up my game for my marketing--my new book just released on Tuesday!

    Janet, if I'm not allowed to mention my book, please let me know so I can delete my comment. I don't want to stir waters in the reef.

  10. Carolynn Justin Case and I are kissing cousins. Book ordered.

    *stares longingly into distance, imagining WIP complete and ready for press.*

  11. Susan Tell us about your book immediately. We love seeing others of the Reef hop that hurdle as often as they can. Colin will even linkify you I think.

  12. MA I commented on your comment from yesterday's post, but comment moderation is on by QOTKU apparently - PLUS there's a spammer out there to boot. BUT YES. Exactly. You nailed the point perfectly. It sounded like a line out of one night stand.

    Great link, Hermina, and yes, I too bought Dana Kaye's book a while back.

    I love bookmarks. Kensington designed mine, and they are lovely - and Colin? They contain all of my contact information. :)

  13. Dang, I was busy commenting.

    Congratulations, Susan!

  14. Susan: I don't think there are hard-and-fast guidelines for promoting your book here. Think of this like a gathering of friends at a party. No-one objects to your buddy telling you about his latest book, and providing links. But if that's ALL he talks about, he'll find himself ignored, or worse, shown the door. You definitely don't want the stranger gatecrashing the party just to sell copies of his latest work. He too will be removed to whence he came. In your case, I don't think Janet would have a problem with you providing a link. And if you can't do the linkify thing, I'll be happy to oblige. :)

  15. Susan- congrats!

    Hermina - thanks for the heads up on the link. I really enjoyed the interview.

    I'm going to start this book when I finish Spellbinding Sentences (I always keep a writing related book in rotation - anyone else do that?). I loved what I got from the interview - your brand is you + your book. That is why I've never taken the oft repeated advice that writers shouldnt be "political" to heart. The things I tweet, blog and discuss places like here all show up my stories.

    I also love her advice to know the common thread that connects all your work. 7 books and lots of years in and I'm just starting to really be able to articulate it.


  16. I don't know Justin Case but I do know Jaques Merde'. (2nn's, you always crack me up.)

    Susan, Congrats.

    Am logging onto Amazon now.

    Cheers Hank.

  17. Susan... Congratulations! Tell us more (I love your website) :-) And I must've missed the previous recommendations for Dana Kaye's book. Will order today.

  18. Thanks everyone! I always thought of this community as a great support system, but I'd never want to misstep and take that for granted. Please let me know if I do!

    My book: Written as a series of letters between 1999 and 2003, THE LAST LETTER is a coming-of-age tale about Lia Lenelli, a teenage girl struggling to shape her own identity while a chronic illness threatens to tear her world apart.

    More info on the what and why of the book is here:

    Colin: since I'm typing this on my phone, would you mind linkifying? Thank you!! And thanks again, everyone!

  19. Susan: Of course!

    Order from Amazon

    Susan's novel came out on Tuesday, so it is bright and shiny new! Don't forget--if you read it and enjoy it, write a review. Post your review on Amazon and on Goodreads. And tell the Reef! Word of mouth sells more books than you might think. (e.g., HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE) :)

  20. Is it weird that the photo just makes me excited? It's like an army from LotR but... bookmarks.

    I'd forgotten about this book. I think I'll have to get it now.

    Susan - that's awesome!! sounds intriguing.

  21. Congratulations, Susan!

    I had bookmarks made at my own expense. Even with hiring a designer, I thought the total cost was reasonable. I have my website on it, which contains further contact information. I keep a bunch of them in whichever bag I'm carrying so I can hand them out to people.

  22. Oh Susan, I love your cover! Congratulations!


  23. My biggest gripe about this blog [including the comments] is that my TBR pile now has its own zip code. Thanks! I think..... =)

  24. Susan, I checked out 'The Last Letter' and your website. Whoa. What an amazing story behind the story!

    Lyme disease awareness is growing, thank goodness. My kids have had some brushes with it and recovered with antibiotics. A friend's husband, diagnosed late, was not so lucky. The emotional decline claimed him.

    Thank you for writing your story and maintaining your Lyme sites. I would love to read the book!

  25. Susan,

    Congratulations, what a beautiful cover and it sounds like such a poignant story.

    I should order Dana Kaye's book, and will, but not today. I'll put it on my Amazon wish list. Right now it would just be a negative reminder, like staring at the prom dress that never got worn.

    I love those bookmarks and I agree you can never have too many. I always have umpteen books going at one time and run out of book marks.


    We used to have a dog named Justin Case. I think Justin is best friends with a character named Jess Waten in a cartoon strip I did years ago. Yeah, I've been everywhere and done a little bit of everything.

  26. My copy of Dana Kaye's book arrived the day before yesterday, and already it has disrupted my worldview. What? Each individual book I write won't sell itself, like, individually? I need to figure out my author brand, like Lucie says above? Hmm, yes. Yes, I see. I see why that makes sense now. Fortunately I have some time to work on this...

    My ultimate goal is to incorporate singing into my book tours. I welcome any ideas. (And again, there is plenty of time to figure this out.)

  27. Thanks again, everyone! This means a lot to me!

    Hermina: Thank you so much. I'm happy to hear that your family was able to get treatment swiftly and easily--what a relief that is! But I'm so sorry about your friend's husband. It breaks my heart, but I understand it. Twice my family and my dog were instrumental in saving my life that way, and I'm grateful every day for it. This disease causes such suffering--physically and psychologically--and it's such a low quality of life that patients have to endure day after day for years. That's one of the reasons I pushed so hard to finish and publish this book and why I'm such an advocate for awareness...My greatest wish is that people know they're not alone in this. Thank you so much for your support. I'm sending all my well wishes to your family!

  28. Susan, such a lovely cover and emotional subject. Best of luck.

    Janet, another timely recommendation. I just got the news Monday of my first sale. I haven't even signed the contract yet, so I probably have a year or so to educate myself on marketing before the first book comes out. I'll need it.

  29. Beth: Congratulations!! Don't forget to pass along the deets when you are able. :)

  30. Such a lot of exciting buzz around today! Congrats all around to the newly pubbed, and soon-to-be's. My to-buy list keeps growing.

    Donnaeve just pre-ordered your book a couple of days ago. Can't wait!

  31. Rosanna Thank you very much!

  32. This book is definitely going on my "to be acquired" list. Hopefully I will have a book to market in a year or so!

    Oh hell and off topic: the damned flicker (one of those woodpecker-ish birds) is jackhammering on my metal roof again.

    Also off topic: They announced the MacArthur grants for this year, and once again, Panda Satire has been ignored. But another graphic novelist, Gene Luen Yang, received a fellowship, so I am taking that as a good sign for the current graphic novel market.

    Now it sounds like a coyote is howling right behind my house. It's fucking animal planet around here!

  33. Congratulations, Susan! My TBR pile just keeps growing and growing and there aren't enough hours, days, months or years to read everything I want to read. But I'll keep trying...

  34. Susan and Beth, CONGRATULATIONS! What an inspiring post and comment stream it is this morning!

  35. Yee hah Beth and Susan !!!!!!!

    I used a years worth of exclamation points.

  36. Coming in late and not much to say as my WIP is a ways off from seeking an agent let alone needing a brand.

    But look at all the bustling news amongst the commenters!

    Congratulations, Susan and Beth!

  37. Just opened up the book jar again; this looks to be an excellent read! Thanks JR!

  38. Congrats Susan and Beth!

    Lucie - I always have a writing book going, sometimes a new one, sometimes a re-read. Every time I re-read them I see something new.

  39. Thanks everyone!!!

    Beth: A hearty congratulations!

  40. I know I'm late (what's new?), but high fives for Susan and Beth. Slap, slap. Fantastic news, what a great day.

  41. Well done, Susan! Congratulations!

  42. I'm late, but congratulations, Beth!


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