Thursday, August 25, 2016

This blog is going to the dogs, Day 25

Barley Shea

Here’s a photo of my wonder dog, Barley Shea. She’s taking a hammock hiatus while waiting for you.


  1. What a gorgeous photo! And she has a lovely name, too. :)

    I must admit, I've been inspired by the posts this month to be far more creative with my pet's names in the future...

  2. Aww, what an expressive face! She looks rather embarrassed though. I wonder what she was up to right before the photo was taken?

    Going OT... wondering if anyone here reads cozies? In a month or so I'll be looking for a Beta reader for my Aussie set cozy - mostly to see if it's got too many Aussie-isms and if they pull you out of the story (aiming US market). Happy to reciprocate =) My contact addy is anitajoy 'at' live 'dot' com 'dot' au

  3. Oh she's adorable! Hammock snuggling seems like just the right thing right about now, but instead I have to not only stay awake, but also go into work. Elka will just have to hold the couch down for me!

  4. Such a sweetie. Would love to be there too. Is it too early for a nap? (It's 7 am here.)

  5. Caption: "Yeah? Whaddayawant? Can't you see I'm busy?"

    Another great picture! You guyz are so creative. :) (Yes, I used the US spelling of guyz--it's guys in the UK.)

  6. What a beautiful dog and what a great name. Wish I could hang out in a hammock today.

  7. Dogs are wonderful. Hammocks are wonderful. Dogs IN hammocks are perfection.

    AJ - if you haven't found someone, let me know - I'd be willing to read your cozy! I've never been a beta reader so I'd be a newbie, but I'm a yank so I could let you know about your Aussie-isms :-)


  8. Lovely, summery photo; gorgeous dog who knows how to chill out. Thanks for sharing this.

  9. Lovely dog! The picture certainly captures "the Dog Days of summer."

  10. Ha, ha - smart dog, hogging the hammock. Who wouldn't want to cuddle up with that sweet face? And the blanket looks pretty cozy, too. Barley Shea, you have a fetching smile.

    ps: Colin, I thought "guyz" was either a Shark-ism or a NY thing (or maybe even a mafia thing)? As far as I know, we use "guys" in the US. I hope someone can enlighten us further, in case I've been spelling it wrong my entire life!! Oh, and then there's the whole further/farther thing, too.

  11. Hammocks are great - especially with such a sweet dog.

    I love cozies. One of my favorite Christmas presents was the Murder She Wrote collection.

  12. Claire: S'okay... I mean, Z'okay, I wasn't being serious. Just having a giggle at the way Brits prefer s over z--or the way Americans prefer z over s. Depending on your perzpective. ;)

  13. What a great face. Plus, Barley Shea obviously knows what's important in life!

  14. Colin: I feel like an idiot! But good joke :-)

  15. I love that name! Barley Shea. Sounds like a wonderful smelling soap.

    Claire, I'm with you. But we know by now our dear Colin bestows on us his own sense of humor, warped though it may be at times. :)

    Ms. Janet started the whole guyz thing - far as I know. I've always spelled it guys, and sort of like fuggedaboutit, she just spells it the way it sounds for fun. Like she says "yanno" for ya know. Etc.

    But. Back to the doggie. I think by her expression, with those beautiful eyes and quizzical look, she's saying, "you don't mind, do you? Do you? Please don't mind...because I really like it here."

  16. Donna: thank you! And since we're talking pets, I've sent myself to the doghouse of cluelessness on Carkoon. Turns out there's coffee there, so hopefully that will activate a few brain cells :-)

  17. Claire- be careful with coffee on Carkoon. It tends to either go in one end and out the other explosively and/or results in illusions of fiddle playing dancing goats. Depends on whether they roast the beans with kale or... Well, best not to say in polite company.

    Dogs in hammocks probably doesn't happen on Carkoon. It's a good thing we have them here at the Reef.

  18. Donna: Is that a request for another Carkoonian fable? :D
    EM: The phrase on Carkoon is,"In one end, out another."

  19. Colin, thank you for the clarification. And there really ought to be a collection of Carkoonian Fables if only as cautionary tales to frighten rotten children, vegetables, and writers into behaving so as not to land on Carkoon and be forced into eating kale and mushy peas.

  20. E.M. - I swear, this is my last comment today. You are too funny! The coffee just snorted out my nose...

  21. Beautiful dog! Chocolate lab, right? And such a wonderful name!

    Claire: 'Farther' is generally used when there's actually distance involved, while 'further' is used when there's not. "He couldn't go any farther down the dusty road." "He couldn't go any further with this dastardly scheme."

    I live in a doghouse of cluelessness. You're just fine, Claire.

  22. Do youze guyz know about Black Ivory Coffee? It's made from elephant dung. For realz. :-)

  23. Barbara's link: Black Ivory Coffee (CBC article)

    (Note: CBC = Canadian Broadcasting Company)

  24. BJ: As opposed to the Carkoon Barbecue Club. Beyond kale and lima beans, we haven't talked much about Carkoonian food. And let's leave it at that, shall we? :)

  25. This picture just makes me want to go outside and enjoy the outdoors with my dog. And I was thinking just what Kae said - I'm feeling my poor pets got the short end of the stick as far as names go, after reading all the posts this month.

    AJ - I don't read cozies so I don't think I'd be too much help to you. But I'm trying to expand my reading horizons rt now. Not to selfishly turn your request into something for me, but do you (or anyone else) have a fav. cozy they'd recommend? (And good luck AJ - that's an exciting place to be)

  26. Colin: If you read the article, you may find that the subject might actually be at home in Carkoon...

  27. Barley Shae looks so comfy. Lab or Chesapeake? Is there a story behind that pretty name?

    "Tuck me in?"

    Anita, I've emailed you. I love a good cozy, especially in a new setting. If I'm traveling someplace new, I like to read a mystery set there just before I go.

  28. Barley Shae looks like smooth chocolate velvet.
    What a beautiful dog. I'm so impressed that she can get onto a hammock without her paws falling through the holes and getting stuck in some sort of contortionist nightmare!

  29. This picture made me happy/sad. This beauty is a twin to my fave dog ever.

    And, AJ, I've sent an email.

  30. Hi Barley Shea! What a beautiful animal. I love bigger dogs like this--they make excellent huggers.

  31. Hope you have another hammock. Barley Shea ( someone should name a ber after her) looks enthroned on hers. She might let her owner share but I doubt the Queen would have a chance.

    She is a beautiful animal.

    Off topic alert!

    Since we missed National Black Cat day by a week and a day (yes, it is August 17) I have to tell you that today is National Banana Split Day. The evening is young so go out and enjoy one. All of you deserve one.

  32. I love the dog in the hammock. She has such an expressive face. This has been such a lovely month of beautiful pets.

  33. Dogs love hammocks. Always a surprise. Cat on a hammock--has it ever been done? Barley looks so sweet, do I see a little gray?

  34. Barley Shea is the exact colour of my favourite truffle, sold by Southern Season. Rich dark chocolate dusted with cocoa. I'm not even kidding. Here's a link:

    What a beautiful dog.

    No, I did not buy truffles just now. *hides browser history*


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