Monday, August 22, 2016

This blog is going to the dogs, Day 22


This past March, our cat, Tasha, had to have an operation on her paw due to an ingrown claw. This was her expression, not long after she got home.


  1. Such a cutie. And I've never known a cat who likes to have their paws covered. That must drive her nuts. Hope Tasha healed quickly and was back to her usual playful self. She looks like a young one.


  2. Tasha is gorgeous, she looks like a patient little soul. My cats have always been gray tigers, except our latest orange tiger..on a field of white fur.
    Great photo, as she eloquently looks off into the future of a regained paw.

  3. Awww!!! (See how easily I awww over cats?) Poor Tasha!!! I too hope she recovers/recovered, though she does look quite adorable with the little paw protector. :)

    Caption: "This... is... SO embarrassing. How can I hunt wearing a boxing glove?"

  4. Poor kitty. I love the pink bandage though!

  5. Said Tasha, the cat, to her evil step-sisters, Elka and Missy Kay, "Told you b***ches it would fit!"

  6. I love (a) good pictures and (b) pictures that show personality. This one fits both categories.

    Tasha hasa casta. Her paw had a bad claw, y'all.

  7. My cat had stomach surgery, and was sewn up with hot pink stitches. For weeks, he would jump up on my desk, sit down, and lean back so his belly stuck out. Then he would look at the stitches, look at me, look at the stitches, etc. I spent most of those few weeks apologizing for the color of the stitches.

    The surgery didn't seem to bother him, but he never did like pink.

  8. She's lovely. So sleek.

    Post-surgery cats are always so sweetly confused. Like they know something happened but they can't quite figure out what and anyway it doesn't matter because home.

  9. Aww, poor kitty! A literal puss in boots!

  10. The boxing kitty. After winning the prize fight.

  11. Ooh, what a fine feline - smooth, soft coat, elegant neckline, and a posh pink glove. Purrfect.


  12. When my dog Ginger had an ingrown claw removed, she had to wear a cone around her neck for 10 days. I guess kitties are lucky and they don't have to endure that indignity? Your kitty still looks regal, even with a pink paw.

  13. Aww, poor Tasha. To me, she looks like she's staring out the window thinking: *sigh* "Don't get too comfortable out there Mr. Birdie, I'll be chasing you out of my yard before you know it."

  14. Karen, I like the puss in boots comment :-)

    Tasha is a very pretty kitty, indeed, but looking a bit miffed.

    Caption: "We're not on speaking terms any longer."

    Or, perhaps: "How will I make you sorry? Let me count the ways."

  15. Firstly, I am glad that there are others who don't believe in de-clawing house cats. It is a despicable practice in my opinion.

    I am sorry that she got an ingrown claw but am glad you got that fixed. Hopefully it has healed properly.

    It looks like you are a good parent to Tasha. I hope she realizes she has it so good.

    Keep up the good work.

  16. What a beautiful cat, rocking that pink boot! She looks ready to take off running, boot or no boot.

  17. "One word outta you, and I'll demonstrate what an ingrown claw feels like. I'll demonstrate it to your left cheek ... Both left cheeks, since you were about to ask."

  18. Off topic: For Julie (though I'm sure she's seen these, in all her research): Photos of the Real Cowgirls of the American West

  19. Poor gal. Hope she's feeling better by now :)

  20. She's lovely, even if the pink boot clashes with her formal coat.

    "If I don't look at it, it doesn't exist."

    Love the Cinderella and Puss-in-boots references.

  21. Poor gal! I hope she's happily running around again. She's quite a cutie. At least she doesn't need to wear a cone to keep her from tearing off the bandage. (One of our cats used to do that. It was awful because the darn cone made everything tougher for him, but it was the only solution that worked.)

  22. Tasha would fit right in with our Tigger and Petey. When we brought Petey home after my mother-in-law passed away we had trouble telling them apart. Petey has a little bit of white and his eyes are almost blue while Tigger's are very green. If they're asleep next to each other, forget it.

    Tabbies have such great personalities.

  23. Aw, I hope Tasha feels all better soon. Love the boot, though.

  24. In my imaginary world, all the JR blog-pets have signed Tasha's cast.

  25. Catherine: I like your imagination! That is a lovely thought :-)

  26. An ingrown claw? Poor kitty. At least the paw covering was a chic red!

  27. Oh, what a sweet little face. I love those dramatic markings on her head. Racing stripes. Her fur looks like a soft thick sweater and she has just pushed up the sleeve to get it out of the way. I hope she healed quickly.

  28. I just realized . . . I know who belongs to Tasha! Unless there's more than one cat named Tasha around here. This cat lives in Malaysia and helps her owner eradicate geckos that get inside. I know this because we had quite the informative discussion about various forms of wildlife recently, on my blog post about frogs in my fireplace. I am most likely never going to visit Malaysia.

  29. >KD, That is Tasha the gecko hunter. KD's great post is here for those who missed it.

    I've been trying to find the video from when we brought her home after this surgery. She ran everywhere trying to shake off the bandaging, then sat there, looking out the balcony, holding her paw out and crying softly. She'd recovered within a week, and is fine now.

    And to answer someone else, she's not so young. She'll be 10 in January. We're not her first humans (expats tend to pass pets along to trusted friends when they leave) but we've had her for 3 years and expect that we're her forever family.

  30. Geckos aren't so bad, I hear. I've actually never seen one, but my parents have lived in Africa, and they talk about all the geckos that lived in the house. Tasha must be a great hunter!

    And thanks for outing yourself as OP, Stephen! She's a beautiful cat. :)

  31. HA! I was right! I'm so proud of myself for (belatedly) remembering I'd seen that name recently. Normally, when it comes to names, my memory is like a colander with large holes in it.

    And I don't know how "great" that post is, but it certainly contains an awful lot of profanity (which I thought the situation warranted). So, y'know, if that offends you, fair warning. :)

  32. KD, While I'm not usually a fan of strong language, I agree it was absolutely necessary in that situation. I'm still laughing. I have a dog with a similar hunting instinct, who will stand all day staring at a crack that once sheltered a lizard.

  33. Thanks, Beth!

  34. Maybe Tasha would like to visit Down Under sometime? Those pesky Asian house geckos have set up home here. Not so many in Canberra (too cold) but the chirping when I visit my folks keeps me awake at night.


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