Sunday, April 03, 2016

Rae Carson 1 WIR 0

The week in review usually gets started on Friday afternoon.
This week was no exception.

Then I work on it again on Saturday evening.
This week, not so much.

Why you ask?

Now, if you would like to give Miss Carson a piece of your mind for writing a can't-put-it-down-historical-adventure that kept me from finishing the WIR, well, I think you should. Make sure to copy her equally nefarious agent, Holly Root (pictured below)

Leave my name out of it of course cause I want Holly to send me the sequel as soon as the galleys land on her desk.

(I'll try to finish tonight-Sunday- but no promises. These clients of mine keep getting offers. It's really troubling)

It's 9:10pm and I just now finished assembling my To Do list for next week. I'm going to read your comments and then flop on the couch with a novel. 


  1. >>These clients of mine keep getting offers. It's really troubling

    Congrats on this type of trouble. May you have much more of it.

  2. Instead of working on Saturday I spent most of the day reading Bill Bryson's The Road to Little Dibbling (and laughing hysterically while I did), so I don't think I can say anything to you.

    And congratulations to your clients and their "toubling" news :)


  3. Much ado about nothing...enjoy your day a bit...but understand the work you put in here is appreciated.


  4. Such a gorgeous book. Everyone should read it!

  5. Congratulations on that kind of trouble indeed.

    That sounds like a book I'd enjoy reading. One summer up at the mine, Dad showed me how to use divining rods. So, I walked down the road, feeling very much as if I were the brunt of a joke. The metal rods turned in my hands four times. I walked back up the road and they turned in the same spots.

    I asked him what was causing the rods to move. He grinned and said he didn't know, but they knew three veins were exactly where I'd pinpointed them. He was going to do some digging where I pointed to the fourth spot.

    What a strange and wonderful world we live in.

  6. Rae Carson is an amazing writer. The Fire and Thorns trilogy was really well done. This post reminded me I wanted to pick up her newest!

  7. Congrats on the trouble! And now, a new book added to the must read list.

  8. Reading is a fantastic reason not to work! Congrats, Janet for your problems, lol.

  9. I keep meaning to read that book, but have I yet? Nope. Sigh.

    Congrats on all those offers, troubling or otherwise. I have no doubt that as QotKU, you can handle it!

  10. My new goal: become really troubling. 'Nuff said.

  11. Totally understandable. WALK ON EARTH A STRANGER was on my top 10 books of 2015 list. If you really want to avoid ever accomplishing anything ever again then get started on her GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS series! You can read all 3 books now! No pesky waiting for sequels to publish.

  12. "These clients of mine keep getting offers. It's really troubling."

    I echo the congrats for this. I need to get in on that kind of trouble sometime. But I guess I need to finish the novel thing first. *sigh* Carts and horses... :)

  13. Janet, your last line is a potential subheader for sure! Nobody here is going to complain about you taking care of your actual clients. We just sigh, stare into space, and imagine one day being one of them.

  14. Cool. I'm almost to the end of the Reacher books. I needed a new author to get hooked on.

  15. Janet, your last line is the sub-header. And you really are growing my TBR list at an exhorbadent rate. Such is the fate of an omnivorous reader.

  16. Here's to double trouble x 1M!!!

    No worries on the WIR - if it shows up, GREAT! If not, we'll just figure you got into some trouble!

    Thank you for all you do!

  17. Rae Carson kept me from doing any sort of chores earlier this week, too. "Girl of Fire and Thorns" was fabulous!
    Kiersten White, Harlan Coben, and Amy Alward took care of this weekend :D

  18. I'm taking this opportunity to be completely off topic with some good news.
    O.M.G. I. Have. An. Agent.

  19. PANDA!!!!!! Woo hoooooo!!!! :D

    Great news!! Will you be blogging the deets somewhere? If so, be sure to share the link! :D :D :D

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! :::::: <--confetti.

  20. Janet, just enjoy your Sunday reading and taking care of your clients. We understand, besides there will always be other WIRs.

    Panda, congratulations on the wonderful news, so happy for you!

  21. PANDA!!!! WOOT WOOT!
    Living the dream. Great news.


  23. Congrats, Panda!! That's terrific news. Please tell us details as you are able.

    I was up all night, past dawn, writing something I didn't expect to be writing, so I'm actually a bit relieved to see I didn't miss anything over here this morning. And I'm delighted to hear you've carved out a wee bit of time to read for pleasure, Janet. So necessary.

    In an odd coincidence, just the other day a couple members of this group mentioned over in our FB group how much they enjoyed Carson's Fire and Thorns trilogy.

    And if I may add a recommendation: I recently read (sometime commenter) WR Gingell's MASQUE and thoroughly enjoyed it. Very clever and entertaining writing.

  24. Congrats Panda, that's great news!

  25. I guess this means we should start thinking of 100 word stories that include the words Panda, Chief, Agent, and... two others... After all, isn't that how we like to celebrate round this reef? :)

  26. Congratulations Panda!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Wow, I just happened back by, and saw that Panda has an AGENT!


  28. OMgosh Congratulations, Panda! What wonderful news.

  29. I'm so glad I stopped in here today--YAY, Panda! So happy for you! It couldn't have happened to a more-deserving or nicer bear :)

  30. Oh man, congratulations, Panda!!! That is awesome. So very very happy for you!!

  31. YAY Panda!! Can't wait to hear more of the story.

    Rae's one of my peeps from the OWW. I remember reading Girl of Fire and Thorns when it was in early draft stage. So glad her work's getting the attention it deserves.

  32. Exciting news, Panda! Congrats.

    And Janet, what wonderful trouble to have!

  33. Panda!!! That's beautiful news!

  34. Wish you more of that "troubling" news. Saturday hit 74 degrees and it hasn't rained in four days so I spent two hours writing and the rest of the day in the garden. Way behind on those weeds. Same schedule today but RAIN comes back tonight.

  35. Alright, Panda, you're the Chief! Super news. I bow toward Langley. Yours, not the one in Virginia. That one scares me.

    Try to enjoy every moment! And let us know any details you can. This is exciting stuff.

  36. Congratulations Panda!

  37. Thank you everyone! I will reveal details as soon as I have the signed contract in my little furry paws, but I beilieve this is solid news. I'm happy I found a slow news day to drop my good news. And yes John Frain, I live in the unscary Langley in the other Washington. We are overrun with bunnies, not moles.

  38. Way to go, Panda. That rocks! Congratulations.

  39. That's terrific, Panda -- congratulations!

    Your good news made me think of this panda-with-ball video:

  40. Huzzah Panda!
    Let us know when it's all official so we can celebrate.

    Hmm...prompt words

    ?? or maybe we can use flogiston again.

  41. Janet,

    I am thankful for you and all you do.


  42. I just read your note Panda. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wow! What great news for you.

  43. I am throwing my manuscript against the wall, and curling up with a good novel. Angela Marson's Lost Girls.

    And Panda, do let us know if you do a "how I got my agent" blog. Or you can do a show and tell right here if you feel like it when everything is all official. So happy for you.

  44. Janet,
    The Bulgarian judge gives you a 9.9 on the couch flop, excited when you were able to stick the landing and also citing the high degree of difficulty with a novel in your hand.

    She refuses to give 10s unless you're from the Balkans.

    Can anyone tell I'm supposed to be editing my manuscript? Procrastination still leaves me ahead of E.M. cuz in the morning she's gonna have to gather all her pages that bounced off the wall.

  45. John, probably true. I edited for 11 hours today. I drank loads of tea. No beer. And I still have 5 more chapters. Ugh! So I am reading myself to sleep.

    But I will surpass you, John. I work for a school system and this is our spring break week so no day job this week. Just editing. And blogging. And maybe querying. And possibly a mental melt down. We'll see how things pan out.

  46. Panda or Anne, I am so happy for you. I hope to here even better news soon.

    In Flogistan there sits a tower. It has been there so long it found a name. Bildgertoppoer. It has become the coming of age ritual there. It is an ugly thing and in two hundred and fifteen years only one person has beaten the thing. Then he disappeared.

    That created the story of it being magical. For one hundred and six years it has been believed that it transported Querty McTypebyte to a better land.

    Now it was Bunny Lang's turn. Her Panda told her so. The going was slippery but she made it.

    On top of the tower she realized that some mistook the normal drunkenness of Flogistan's residents and both added and subtracted from bilge excrement as she sank into that massive pile of excrement. She didn't even have time to spurtle.

  47. Would love WALK ON EARTH to be available on Kindle over here in OZ.

  48. I've been seeing Rae Carson's name lots lately. After I finish my 35th novel so far this year, The Spellman Files, I'm going to start Rae's books.

    Way to go Panda! I'm overjoyed for you. Especially from another artist/writer. Last night the words Blue Panda were obsessing my brain for some reason.

    John, you are not procrastinating, you're writing 6 sentence stories for the month of April. You wrote, my goal: and I read, my goat. Dyslexic vision.

    Dena's got a great topic for the AtoZ blog challenge and Colin is killing me with his flash fiction twists.


  49. Just dropped back by...time difference is a female dog!

    Congrats "Panda in print!"

    great news, thanks for sharing.

    Cheers Hank

  50. Thank you, Janet, for being human... I mean, Sharkly. I've spent time reading instead of writing this weekend, so it's good to know I wasn't the only one! On the up-side, Kristin Cashore's GRACELING / FIRE / BITTERBLUE series have ensured she's a new 'favourite author' for me :)

    Congratulations, Panda! That's fantastic news!

    And KDJames - MASQUE by WRGingell is on my #TBR list already - but thanks for sharing your recommendation... I'm looking forward to it even more now :)

  51. @ Panda: Congrats! I checked out your website ages ago and had a huge chuckle at your panda satire, so I'm not really surprised. Well done you!

    @Julie: I tried that divining thing as a kid, but I guess I haven't got it, cos all I got was bruises from falling over stuff while I was trying to find water...

    @KDJames- hey! Thanks for the rec! I'm glad you enjoyed MASQUE: it was one of the most enjoyable books to write. I keep meaning to check back in here and see how you're all doing (mostly getting agents like mad, by the looks!) but then a publishing deadline rears its ugly head and I have to put my head down and get to work. *grumble grumble* but I wouldn't have it any other way.

    and thanks, Kae Ridwyn for bringing me back in tonight :D

    If anyone wants to know what I've been reading, I've been mixing fantasy (the amazing KINGDOM OF RUSES by Kate Stradling--totally pulls me in every time I read it) with more classic fare (BARCHESTER CHRONICLES by Anthony Trollope).

    Anyone who wants to stay up ALL NIGHT because they can't put the book down should def. check out Kate Stradling.

  52. Oh that one is next up on my TBR mountain! Thanks for the warning that I'll need to set aside the day for it LOL

    And congrats for your clients getting more offers!! That's awesome :)

  53. Panda, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I have a gorgeous mental image of a panda doing a happy dance when you got the news.

  54. Jane should definitely quote herself in the subheader.

    GO, PANDA! WOOHOO!!!!!

    Now I'm going to go #amwriting for a bit. Probably.

  55. Love love LOVE Rae Carson. I'd seriously read the dictionary if she wrote it!!!

    So glad you're loving her new book, too!! :)


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