I hope all of you are celebrating with people you love.
Let me just say this: I'm profoundly thankful to have you blog readers as part of my life.
You have a created a virtual community here that I value beyond words. You guys crack me up, amuse me, exasperate me, and keep me accountable on those blasted misspellings!
My life would be the poorer without all of you collectively and individually.
![]() |
Thanks for being my chums! |
I'm also thankful for this blog!-- Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving, everyone!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you, Janet for this wonderful place to gather and learn.
I'm thankful for you, QOTKU, this blog, the Reiders who speak out and share their wisdom, and yes, even the ones who lurk and pop out every now and then(you know who you are!).
ReplyDeleteGot a houseful today - I put a couple of pics up yesterday on my blog of The Table - which I had to modify to fit in two more. Not a HUGE crowd coming, about 14 I think. Everything has been done in advance, so all I have to do is cook it all. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate, and for those who don't, like someone else said, it's almost the weekend!
(and that pic is seriously freaking me out. WHAT'S BEHIND THE SHARK?)
We're all thankful for this blog and its community. For the advice and insights you give, for the support of the other writers, for the fun and opportunity of the contests. So thanks to everyone here, and I hope all who celebrate Thanksgiving today have a great one, and those who aren't can find something good to celebrate, too.
ReplyDeleteI've come here literally every day at 12pm (uk time) for the last two years or more! Thank YOU for such an entertaining and informative blog, Janet!
ReplyDeleteThank you for what you do, every day. It doesn't come close to describing the myriad ways you've brightened, and tidied, so many writing lives, but thank you all the same Janet Reid.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Donnaeve. That's just the Spirit of Publishing, backing our dear QOTKU with strength and whale-like bulk.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to all the Americans here!
Thanks, Janet, for all the time, energy, and soul that you put into this blog. We appreciate it all.
Happy Thanksgiving, Janet. Thanks for your support over the years, and for all you do for writers. I truly appreciate your friendship.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Janet. I love this community. There are no words that can express my gratitude to you and your Reiders and how willing you and they are to share their wisdom and experience.
ReplyDeleteAll those who celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving! I too have a house full tonight. I raised a daughter on my own. My daughter, since the time she was very small,has brought home strays - dogs, cats, bunnies, a beaver (long story) and children.
We took them all in and now those children are all mostly grown(20-25 yrs) and come here for Thanksgiving. Six of them including my biological kid. We play games. Cards Against Humanity, Munchkins, Magic, etc. And we eat, play music, laugh, talk.
It isn't what you would call a traditional Thanksgiving but it's ours- a time for us wayward souls to have a place they belong. This blog is like that- a place a wayward, oddball like myself feels virtually at home. Thanks for that, guys. I really hope I someday get to meet you face to face. Drinks will be on me.
Thank YOU, Janet. This blog has enriched and expanded my writerly life, created a new set of friends and colleagues, and, often, often, often, it has given me my first chuckle or outright laughter for the day.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to all my American friends, may it be as stress free as possible.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how I stumbled upon this warm and most helpful site, but it was a lucky day for me...a jellyfish I'm thinking.
I don't remember the first post I read or the reason I started commenting here. All I remember is being awed at the generous information within these pages and the welcoming spirit and feeling of support that seemed to exude from the comment section. I don't remember why I started commenting, but I'm so glad I did. I have a lot to be grateful for this year--every year--and this blog and the people who frequent it is no exception.
ReplyDeleteJanet, thank you for creating this space for writers. Not only do you devote your time and energy to helping us better ourselves as we work towards our dreams (and calm our neuroses!), you nurture a community full of the most supportive, talented bunch of writers I've ever had the privilege of meeting. Thank you doesn't begin to cover it.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate, and a lovely Thursday to those who don't!
Happy Thanksgiving, you lot! We convicts don't celebrate it over here, but if we did, right now I'd be thankful to be able to breathe through my nose. (I have the 'flu, and you never realise how thankful you are for a clear nose until it's blocked...)
ReplyDeleteI don't comment a whole lot but I read this blog every day, coming back multiple times to peruse comments. This place feels like home, thanks to all of you.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving.
I hope each of you have a wonderful day, whether celebrating or going about your regular day.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I read this blog every day, always looking forward to Janet's information/advice and the lively responses.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving, Janet! May your days be filled with great clients, marvelous books and the best paint Brooklyn can provide. I never start my day without visiting this blog and I am so very thankful for all the wisdom, comfort, reassurance, and occasional shark bites you provide. Long reign the QOTKU!!!
ReplyDeleteI am very thankful to Janet and all the crew here. I've known Janet for many years and I'm greatly indebted to her for many reasons. I thank her and all of the commenters here for making this such an interesting, welcoming, and valuable place to hang out.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving
Happy Turkey Day Janet! I am so glad that you do all that you do. This blog, QueryShark, and more... you are a boon to the writers of this world. Happy Turkey Day to all you Reiders out there.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your insight encouragement, humor and willingness to share your talent.
I hope that everyone is spending the day with those they love, whether or not they are celebrating this American holiday.
That said, for those of you living in big cities(in New York particularly), I admit, I kind of like to imagine your holiday happening something like this:
A Gleeful Turkey Day
Merry Thanksgiving, everyone, celebrating or not. Just fired up the grill and we'll have 37 people traipsing through the house later today. They'll represent four continents, so we're getting closer to an international Thanksgiving. Any of you folks from Down Under want to slip over, lemme know ... there's always room for one more at the table.
ReplyDeleteGotta give huge thanks to the Queen and the Reiders here. What a joy to look forward to meeting up every day. Remember the book "Third Places" (I hope I have the title right!). This is my Third Place.
Merry happy whatever to all of you, whether you are American or not. Hope you find something wonderful in today.
ReplyDeleteThank you my Queen. for both creating this place and remembering me today (the exasperating one_.
Thanks to all of you Reiders. I do appreciate you all even though I am a better Devil's Advocate than anything else.
I must go and harass a relative for buying a new trolling lure. Yes, she bought a Vette.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to my fellow Reiders. I hope everyones family arrives safely and you all enjoy this special family day. This year we bought a turkey...a huge 7.5 kilogram (huge by French standards; hopefully it will fit into our european sized oven....bats! didn't think of that. ) I miss the twenty five pounders from my youth....hell I miss my youth!
Cheers to my second family....literarily
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends, and happy Friday to everyone South of the equator. May you all have wonderful weekends and not get stomach aches from eating too much turkey...
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving, folks!
ReplyDeleteI've got a quiet, ish, day of cooking and writing happening. Friendsgiving is on Sunday (and not at my house WOOOOOOO).
Thank you, Janet, for hosting this marvelous and extremely valuable blog, and thanks fellow Reiders for being who you are. Now, eat and drink responsibly ;)
Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Reiders! I'm thankful for this blog, and all of the amazing information in it. I look forward to reading it every day. I'm also thankful for this community, even though I can only post sporadically. Every day, I'm blown away by the generosity and talent of everyone here.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to the Americans. Everyone else, happy Thursday!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I read the blog often, but rarely have time to come up with a witty reply worthy of the comments section. :) Nonetheless, I am thankful for all the wisdom and humor offered here.
ReplyDeleteNow back to the pie making!
I don't often comment, but wanted to thank you for hosting this wonderful blog! I've learned so much and look forward to reading it every day.
ReplyDeleteThis is my 15 minute break. I have to get back to cooking and finishing cleaning in a few so I'll read all the comments later. I wanted to say thank you, Janet, for everything you do for us. Thank you to all of my Reider friends here who I've come to know. I'm thankful for so much in my life. But today especially, I'm so thankful my daughter will be taking her cats and rabbit home with her tonight. One of her cats has spent the day climbing my leg while I'm cooking, the other has emptied my cupboards twice and the rabbit found the stairs to the upstairs bedrooms and for an hour has run from one to the other...
Thank you all. This blog is a gift that keeps on giving.
ReplyDeleteI echo the others - thank you for such a lovely holiday message, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. (Feeling homesick cuz they don't celebrate it here...)
ReplyDeleteThank you, The great Queen of the Known Universe, the Shark, the CEO of the Reef. Thank you for your blog. It's mundane insanity and lessons. I've learned everything I know about publishing and how to write well through this blog. Directly and indirectly. If I can put it to use is my business. I hope to, and I am, via my infrequent blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you, all the vommenters, Colin the gatekeeper of Carkoon, Julie M. Weathers, Diane, Dena, Hank, Lynn, Donna, Carolynn and on and on. Thank you, Susan and Jim Frain.
I waited 'till the end of my day to read this post because I knew it would bring tears. It's been a stressful time, far from the family hearth.
No Turkey today, Beaujolais nouveau. Saturday it'll be turkey, oysters and champagne.
Bless all on this night of the super moon. May peace be in our hearts.
Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful I found this blog, for the generosity of Janet Reid, sharing information, for all the commenters and the experience they add to my education in this world of books and writing. Thanks for welcoming this panda into your midst.
ReplyDeleteI am not thankful for kale, but grateful that it has its own place, far from my table. Unless, of course, I wind up in Carkoon, then I'm screwed.
Thank you all! You are the bears (and a shark)!
Thank you, Janet, for your magnificent blog.
ReplyDeleteYou are inspirational, as are the immense efforts you put in on a daily basis to help us out. It's only two little words, and they don't seem anywhere near adequate enough, but THANK YOU.
Thank you also, to the community here, always so welcoming and encouraging. You guys are the best!
I am so incredibly glad to have found you. Thank you for being such an important part of my attempts at this thing called 'writing'. I appreciate you all more than you know.
And Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. May your days be more blessed than you could ever have hoped for!
I love your blog, and I love your community. Thank you so much for everything that you do for us, Janet. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the Reiders!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving! I don't comment much but I do greatly enjoy reading. This blog has helped many a soul I know (including me, of course)!
ReplyDeleteBusy day today, but I couldn't go to bed without wishing Janet and all her Reiders a Happy Thanksgiving. No matter how many decades pass, this is always the one day out of the year I'm nostalgic for home, for family, for old friends, for my childhood.
ReplyDeleteI have so many things to be thankful for. Too many to mention, but I will say thank you, Janet, for everything you do for us. You have created something unique here on your blog. It's not only a place where you share your wisdom and we learn so much from you; you host the best get together in cyberspace. It's like a second home, where everyone knows one another and newcomers are always welcome. We may be from all over the world, from all walks of life, but here we're just your Reiders where we can pull up a chair, take off our shoes, chat a bit, and learn a lot.
Thank you.
I am thankful for my writing family, and especially those (ahem... Janet) who do so much to help us.
ReplyDeleteAh, so where's my check.
ReplyDeleteNo really...
You are such a part of my writing life, actually, it can't be healthy. Just lidding, not really.
Over the years I have followed a few other writing blogs that eventually went dark...a community washed away. Very sad.
Your commitment to Reiders is exemplary. I hope you realize what a difference you make in our lives. Really.
Love to all of you this morning of the day after. Tired beyond belief and so grateful we are all still here, with the same communal aim, to get decent indoor plumbing on Carkoon.
I just read all the comments and am off to work in a few minutes.
ReplyDeleteI hope those who celebrated had a great day and to those who did not celebrate hope you had a great day too. I love you guys. You make my day.
I'm not a writer and I have no idea why I enjoy your blog so much, but I do. Thank you for sharing your wit and wisdom…even if I never write a "fiction novel" (snort), you have made me a better writer and reader.
ReplyDeleteComing in late... Hope the US Reiders had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by those you love.
ReplyDeleteJust noticed the caption to the Bruce and friends image. Cracked me up!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving! :)
ReplyDeleteI have never noticed how scary you look, until you posted that photo. I do love your Australian accent!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being our chum????? Chum bucket? A bucket full of dinner?