Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Christmas!


  1. Happy Holidays

    May this coming year have you uncovering the next epic novel, and may your happiness be boundless.

    Thank you for all your time and effort to make your minions better.

    Cheers, Hank!

  2. Merry, Happy, Joyful, Spirited, Wonderful, Beautiful Christmas!

    Cute kitty too.

    Little dog would be jealous if he knew I said that.

  3. A Very Merry Happy Christmas to you too!

  4. Very Merry Christmas to you! Have a happy, snarky new year, free from the writerly ignorance you're constantly fighting against here on the blog.

  5. Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful day, everyone.

  6. A very happy Christmas to you, Janet, and to all my blog commenter friends! :)


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