Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm profoundly grateful today for many things:

a job I love, in a city I love, with people I respect and admire;
the readers of and commenters on this blog who provide on-going enlightenment and entertainment;
health, happiness, and the friends to enjoy it with.

I hope you have a lovely holiday filled with the things that make you happy.


  1. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you too.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Janet.

  3. I am thankful that I have this place to come to every morning, with my cup of coffee and the expectation that today I will laugh, learn and more often than not, shake my head in bewilderment.
    I know I should dress better, my old blue robe is pretty shabby and my hair looks like a Shiatsu’s butt, but I’m here. Happy bird to everyone and especially you, QOTKU. Just remember that Thanksgiving is only one day and nobody got fat by eating obscenely, one day.
    Dig in and don't fight. We're supposed to express our thanks, not prove we're right.

  4. I'm happy to have found this site, and the hostess with the mostess, and the interesting commentors.

    Cheers Hank

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Janet and to everyone celebrating today.

  6. Happy Thanskgiving! Be good, be grateful, and keep your chin up.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Janet! Thank you for sharing your wit and expertise...

  8. Happy Turkey Day!

    Hope you all have a great day.

  9. Thank you for brightening up my inbox several times a week with your info, insights and delicious snark.

  10. Best wishes and thanks to everyone here, of course most especially our Queen, from my humble self and the cuddlesome goodness that is Penelope the Pup and Gossamer the Editor Cat.

    I am grateful for my job, my family and friends, my home, and my writing. I wish everyone were so richly blessed.


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