Friday, October 03, 2014

Caption contest results!

Here are the results for the caption contest from Sunday:

These are the entries that made me laugh the most:
Sam 8:51am
Is the Shark gone?

Andrea van der Wilt 10:15am
I know what you did to my toys last summer.

Kim English 11:15am
Whatever you found in the Haliburton suitcase, it's not mine.

Chris Owens 1:55pm
On the eighth day, God made Transformers.

LynnRodz 5:13 pm
"Shh! I'm not here and you don't see me.

Craig 5:42pm
I sure hope Santa didn't get hurt in that wreck.

AJ Blythe 9:08pm
It looked bigger on ebay.

Julia Munroe Martin 6:40am
Why is it always the last freakin' place you look.

Special recognition to linked entries that defied the rules but are too awesome not

to note:

jennyferguson 11:53am
Yep, I'm a Jedi.

Jed Cullan 11:56am
Apple are sponsoring the next Star Wars movie, so they are to be known as an iJed

Jed Cullan 11:57am
iJed. uJenny.

SiSi 5:27pm
Toys are not us. We are not them.

Rena McClure Taylor 11:26pm
The eyes have it.

Eileen 12:00am
Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

And the winner is Rena McClure Taylor!

Rena email me with your mailing address and what kinds of books you like to read and we'll send you your prize!

Thanks to all who entered! It was such fun to read all the comments.  I'm continually amazed by how smart and funny my readers are.


  1. I think we love reading them just as much...least I know I do.

    Congrats Rena!

    *I loved the one about the mommy's "lost marbles."

  2. This is so fun! I've never won anything before but a pot roast--raw, at that!

    Congrats to all. Lots of funny,clever posts.


  3. Harder than it looks, real fun mental gymnastics.
    Congragts to the winner, and the runner ups.

    I enjoyed them all.

  4. Yes, Sunday was an enjoyable day of fun reading and fun working to come up with an entry. Congrats to the people listed.

  5. Congrats Rena and all the rest. This was fun.

  6. Congratulations Rena! What a great way to start the weekend. And, those were such adorable eyes, they had "it" for sure.

    To Donna Everhart, thank you for the compliment Donna. I really appreciated it. It's a great way to start my weekend too. Great blog by-the-way, I admit I cyber stalked a little bit, but in a good way - promise. :-D

  7. This was fun! Congratulations to Rena

  8. Congratulations, Rena. You were great, as was everyone who entered. And thanks to Sharky for the competition. Can't wait for the next one. More rules to break.

  9. HA! This contest was awesome. All the entries were clever.

    Congrats to Rena! Twas awesomest!


    But, you already have a raw pot roast?


    Pay no attention to that dripping package on your doorstep. None. At. All.


  10. A very pleasant diversion, Thank You

    PS. Congratulations to all who entered, not just the winners.

  11. Congratulations, Rena & all finalists & entrants!

  12. To Terri--

    The "dripping package" wasn't a pot roast! Ugh!


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