Sunday, September 21, 2014

I hope this makes you as happy as it does me


  1. If you're as happy as these guys...

    Than yes :-)

    Anita Joy

  2. Early seventies, (before you were born), top of a hill, in Italy I think, Coke said, “I’d like to teach the world to sing.” That made me cry too.
    Thanks J. Nice way to start a Sunday. Actually, a nice way to start any day.

  3. Dancing and stories draw people together. Sad to see the intentionally blurred faces in the one image but they're still dancing. Thank you for inspiration.

  4. Strange what makes me cry sometimes.

  5. I cannot watch Dancing Matt without misting up.


  6. Wow, jcwrites, I just watched a bit of Here's what Matt says.

  7. @jcwrites
    Well... Matt's "revealed" budget includes $1 million for Robot Uprising Insurance and $60,000 for an Animatronic Masseuse : )

    Rest assured, the hoax was a hoax:

  8. Matt's dancing makes me cry every single time.

  9. Great video, as always! I've been following Matt Harding since his first world trip over ten years ago. As a matter of fact, I'm on his mailing list that lets people know when and where he's dancing next. Unfortunately, I couldn't get down to Lyon for his most recent video, but I'm sure I'll dance with him one day!

  10. That dude sure gets around. BTW, by my count I've been to 8 of those places.

  11. My jaw dropped when I saw North Korea. I am happy to watch this video, but that location raised so many questions as to the authenticity of that location.

  12. This gets me a bit weepy, as well; though not as much as the earlier one.
    I actually danced with him when he came through NYC, shooting this video.
    Alas and alack, as he'd already been to NYC, we didn't make it off the cutting room floor this time around.
    But he did send a link to an out-takes video, to all of us who participated.
    And there I am, all the way in the back, completely unrecognizable to anyone but me and two friends who were there with me…
    The experience was indeed a little magical.


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