Saturday, November 10, 2012

A quick quiz

After watching this video trailer, did I buy the book?

1. No (I remembered my vow to quit buying books for awhile)

2. Yes (ok, just this ONCE!)

3. HELL YES (this trailer is AWESOME!)


  1. Ms. Reid,
    Thanks for the awesome comments about the video. We had a great time making the video and I couldn't be happier with the finished product. Having your feedback just makes it even better! Thanks again!
    Charlie Thiel
    (the video producer, director, camera operator, and general dogsbody)

  2. That was a mean move. I vowed no more new books until I finished my first draft and then caught up with my very large pile that are waiting anxiously to be read. Now I have to have this.

    Thank you for letting me know though. Some things are just worth it.

  3. I went to add the sample to my bookshelf from iTunes (which serves as my wishlist), and it's not available. :-(

  4. Hi!

    Janet - thank you!!! Happy dances and kittens abound today!
    Charlie - you made the best trailer EVER!
    Tracy - thank you! :)
    Accurate - It is coming to iTunes!! if you want to email me at leah.rhyne at gmail, I can let you know when it's available! Many thanks!

  5. I'm guessing the answer is C.

  6. ... and i just swore off buying new books FOREVER! Okay for at least six hours.

  7. I am a Muse It Up author too. Mine is a YA faerie book, Lore of Fei. I am editing the second book now. I do love me some zombies though and have a
    MG humorous zombie book I am querying and a YA thriller with zombie-like creatures I have I am working on getting published. Good luck with yours!

  8. Well now, normally I'd say "1" on the basis of the scare factor. But, this was SO freaking clever and looks like so much fun that my final vote is "3."

    ::off to check Kindle::


  9. My vote is 3. I loved that video!

  10. Crap. Watched that right before bed. If I can't sleep without nightmares in an hour, I may as well stay up all night reading it.

  11. Wow - thanks all! SO glad you enjoyed the video! Hope that, if you read the book, you love it, too!!


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