Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Blog Hiatus Day Two

I'm at ThrillerFest this week, making writers miserable from 9-5.
I thought it would be fun to see reading/writing spaces from the blog community.

My darling dogs—little hellions that they are—have taken over my office space. What was once a haven for books and words is now a repository for Kongs, shredded blankets, and stray hairs. 

As a result, I have moved my day to day writing space to my kitchen/ dining area (pictured below). Sadly, the giant clock has not helped me be more productive. I’d take it down, but then I’d have to move the three other clocks as well. And well, I love that clock. It was a gift from my mother and it goes very well with the random Sci-Fi decor (Each room in my house has a genre-related theme—the kitchen and dining area is sci-fi and it bleeds into the fantasy section of my living room). 

My favorite place to jot down plots is at Ooh Aah point at the Grand Canyon. It’s a bit of a hike, but it’s one of the easier treks. Worth it? Definitely. It’s called Ooh Aah for a reason! I used to go there on the weekends, but now I spend them watching the darlings lounge in the sun whilst I try to figure out how to stop them from eating the rest of the plants in my yard! And how I can incorporate them into my stories.


  1. Themed rooms--very creative! And how wonderful to have such an inspirational location nearby.

  2. Megan, I do the same thing - well, with the themed rooms. Dragons to distant galaxies. What a wonderful bit of inspiration with the Grand Canyon. That is an awe-inspiring bit of landscape.

    Thanks to everyone at blog for all the support. My elation at having a finished WIP has turned into fear that no one will love my book back. Is that normal?

    Back to work. These writer space themes are fantastic.

  3. E.M. Goldsmith ... Congratulations on finishing WIP! And, oh my gosh, that fear is *so* normal.

    My writing space ain't much, but it's about to be even less as we are planning family move across the country.

  4. How boring of me to only think of color for theme! I had not heard of the Oooh Aah point. Love the name and so appropriate.

    E.M. Congrats on finishing your WiP. Best of luck in the next step!

  5. Those are some precious pups, Megan. It's wonderful that there are so many animal lovers here.

    Elise...! Congratulations. I'm so happy for you and eager to see your journey unfold. *fist bump

  6. Wow. What a fantastic place. I do love that clock and am happy you are not getting rid of it! The pups are sure cute and boy, I hope I can visit the Ooh Aah point some day myself. That is spectacular!

  7. Megan, how OUTRAGEOUS... ;) I mean, that site from your 'doorstep'... You know, someone like me from the other side of the pond, I've been there ONCE in my life and that was when I was 21 years old (a LONG time ago!).

    I remember how I sat down, trying to write down some words about what I saw (which was difficult cause it was hard to grasp), and then there was a little ground squirrel that snatched my apple that I'd put down next to me. Gone it was. And SO fast!

    Elise - "is that normal?" Are you kidding... ;) So I should be shedding tears right now, not just feel the fear, because my book is out on Amazon since YESTERDAY and by today I haven't seen 100 sales nor 100 reviews yet. I am SUPER scared that it'll be a flop and just go pop like a soapbubble.

    Is THAT normal? I suppose it is. Also, now my look-inside-content is a mess, but oh, I'm glad they haven't released my ending, at least.

    Then I fear that people think I've overpriced cause they don't know the difference between traditional publishing and self-publishing and how MUCH I pay per copy, and how much I paid for my cover design and how some people don't pay for designs and editors AND proofreaders and blahdiblah. I am SO scared that people won't love my book back, too.

    In case anyone could spare a minute and have a look, you can see it via my site if you click on my name here in the comments, I suppose. Please throw some candy at me, also the bad ones :).

  8. P.S. Oh, and if I'm allowed to add this:

    If you look on my website and scroll all the way down, there is a flash-fiction-derivative by Lennon there. Janet, she had written it for a contest but then gave it to me because of the topic! I'm SO proud I got it instead - that means A LOT, doesn't it ;).

    It is exactly 100 words long, like a JR-flash-fiction-piece (yes, I checked it before I put it there!), and it is WONDERFUL but rather tragic. But that's why it fits so well.

    Thank you, Lennon, once again for this poem! Love ya!

  9. You are sweet, Katja. *Hugs!* I am rooting for you and your book! and it is ordered!

  10. Another glimpse of the land I was born into. It is such a majestic place, but somehow surreal. The vistas are so huge, they almost seem to discount you and your humanity.

    Maybe it is why I have such an affinity to water. I went there to see what caused me to be me. It was as alien as I sometimes am. Even sweating was different from where I live now. Florida sweat sticks with you all day. In Arizona it transpirates before you realize that you are sweating. Played hell with my hydration.

    Lovely house and cute dogs, Megan.

    We started towards theming our rooms, but our house collected its ten percent more than it could store and it all fell apart. Paintings don't know a theme, they just kind of happen.

  11. Thanks everyone! I started the themes mostly because I wanted to add some of my favorite things to the walls.

    The dogs have become semi-patient writing companions and I look forward to when I can take them to visit one of my favorite places. The canyon is breathtaking for sure and frightening too. It has a way of making you feel like a single thread in a tapestry.

  12. Megan, you are far, far braver than I if you can get close enough to the edge to take that pic. Seeing those people sitting on that rock makes me reel and catch my breath. But I'm glad it inspires you! And I love that clock. Why on earth would you even consider taking it down? It's perfect in that space. Your pups will calm down . . . eventually.

    Trying to catch up (I've been busy, dammit)--

    EM, huge congrats on finishing! Such a great feeling. Best of luck in the query trenches.

    Katja, best of luck to you on the release! And yes, we all feel that cautious hope/sinking dread of putting ourselves and our work out there. I'm proud of you.

    Lennon, I loved seeing those pics the first time Janet posted them, but they're even better with the accompanying email exchange. "perfidy of friends" *snort*
    Oh, wow. Just read your poem on Katja's site. Powerful writing. Thank you (both) for sharing it.

  13. Megan Good grief. I would never get any writing done if I had that view. I would be too busy having heart failure because people were sitting so close to the edge and were about to plunge to their doom. Or, I would even if I was 40 feet from the edge.

    Even so, it's gorgeous and lucky you.

    Elise "My elation at having a finished WIP has turned into fear that no one will love my book back. Is that normal?"

    Yes. Right now I don't even love my book. >:(

    And not everyone will love it. BUT, others will and you will be fine.


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