Saturday, July 13, 2019

Blog Hiatus Day Six

I'm at ThrillerFest today, making writers miserable from 9-5. Then retiring to the bar to make MORE writers weep. I tell ya, this is paradise.

I thought it would be fun to see reading/writing spaces from the blog community while I'm chomping elsewhere.

Ashley Whitt
This is my writing/art space. 

The three drawers under the desk contain:

-Polymer clay and tools
-Acrylic and watercolor paints
 for the  three hobbies I don't find nearly enough time for. The space was recently painted, decorated, and refloored. I have tons of new room for books which I am excited to fill up. The only problem is it's also my bedroom and that bed has no business being so comfortable. It is a miracle I get anything done.

And yes, I've removed one of drawers from the bed to make a space for my dog. If you look close you can see Sunshine peaking out. 


  1. Seeing sunshine peek out typically makes my day.....and this Sunshine is no different!!

    Also, what a nice airy space! I even like the carpet (I've been very attuned to carpets, with the library construction project slouching towards its conclusion)

  2. Love it Ashley. The boat shelves are beautiful.

    And Sunshine peeking out just makes it that much more perfect.

  3. I need that bookshelf!
    Lovely space.

  4. Love the boat bookshelf, and really love the dog nook. Cozy!

  5. Aw, that is an adorable pic. I love that you took your drawer out specifically for Sunshine. And the boat shelf is pretty awesome!

  6. Hello, Sunshine! What a great name for a dog!

  7. I love the dog under the bed in the storage bin. Mine does that too. Cool space, Ashley

  8. So organised! I share my office with my two Barbarians. Our desks are squished into a small bedroom - we can't open the cupboard door fully! There is just not enough space so I am very envious of all of yours.

  9. Law, so organized. I weep. And what a sweet dog peeping out.


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