Thursday, July 11, 2019

Blog hiatus day four

I'm at ThrillerFest today, making writers miserable from 9-noon.
I thought it would be fun to see reading/writing spaces from the blog community while I'm chomping elsewhere.


Writing comes easily when I'm outside in my garden.


  1. What a lovely space to write, Cynthia. Must be inspiring! Looks like you may be even more of a list maker than I am. :) I'm curious about the species of bird in the upper right. And I got a kick out of the combo of what looks like a palm tree and a snowman mug.

    Now I must get out to my own garden. I have admitted defeat to the dreaded cabbage moth. For this year. Next time I try growing my delicious, delectable, delightful kale, I think I'll try covering it with the garden fabric I've seen that lets in light and water, but will keep out my nemesis. Happy writing, all!

  2. That looks so peaceful. What a great writing space.

  3. Amy - that's one of our blue jays. We also have cardinals, tufted titmice, woodpeckers, and some kind of black bird with yellow eyes.

    E.M. - I love my garden. It makes me laugh that I took a picture in between things blooming, though. It's usually bloomier than that, but I've been working a lot.

  4. It's so interesting to see different styles of getting the story on the page. I've never been able to do the notebook/journal thing. This is impressive, Cynthia. And your yard is lovely.

  5. Your workspace looks lovely, Cynthia. Any place with plants and birdlife is a win in my book. I'm impressed with your organized approach to writing - gives me food for thought!

  6. What a beautiful writing space. I love it.

  7. "Easy reading is damned hard writing." ~~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

  8. A smarter central Floridian than I. I am obstinate about wanting a lawn. I am closer now than ever, but this is Florida. I get three new varieties of weed every year. Some of last year's are still around. Then the monsoon season arrives. Everything except the lawn explodes.

    Sod Web-worms in back, Chinch bugs in the front and fungus everywhere, with too much rain to get any treatment to work.

    Then there are 2.6 billion weed seedlings popping up each week. I don't even wish to mention the veggie patches.
    I can't write outside because I get distracted by all of that.

    Should have done it the CynthiaMc way and laid down landscape cloth and gravel.

    Lovely spot girl.

  9. Thank you all for your kind words.

    Melanie- I went old school in sheer self-defense. I had a computer and a laptop crash on me and lost a ton of work. Plus this way I can write wherever I am - at the day job during lunch, backstage between scenes.

    Craig - I hear ya about the weeds! My rule is if it blooms, it can live.

  10. I love your garden. I always think I want to work outside, but then the sun causes reflections on my screen, or the mosquitos show up, or something drives me inside again.

  11. I envy you at the moment being able to sit outside to write - and in such a pretty spot.

  12. Thank you all. It's my little piece of heaven right here on earth.

  13. Cynthia-you have a wonderful garden! I can see why you'd love writing in it. That said, WOW - paper, binders, notebooks! Don't know how you do it!


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