Friday, July 12, 2019

Blog hiatus Day Five

I'm at ThrillerFest today, making writers miserable from 9-5. (And hoping two of my clients are able to get here! Thunderstorms are really screwing up plane travel!!)

I thought it would be fun to see reading/writing spaces from the blog community while I'm chomping elsewhere.

luralee kiesel

I don't have an art space anymore. It's kind of my whole house. Our youngest took over my studio five years ago, and I haven't done much painting since then. I write my rough drafts longhand here on the chaise, or at the repurposed drafting table in the kitchen nook. 

I type it all into my 13 year old computer in the home office. Usually with our cocker spaniel Pepper as my writing companion.


  1. Love the chaise (and the dog)!

  2. Such lovely spaces, Luralee! So much color. And Pepper is adorable.

  3. I've always wanted either a chaise or a window seat to do my reading and writing. And that room has some gorgeous lighting!

  4. wow! What inspirational paintings to be surrounded by!

  5. I love the art, all the colors. This looks a great place to dream and write.

  6. That’s pepper at his fluffiest. He’s sporting a summer haircut now and is about half as big. Except for the ears and tail which now look somewhat ridiculous. He’s a real sweetheart.

    Jill, we have nice big windows which I love but they are terribly drafty in the winter.

    Theresa and Jill, there is something luxurious about a chaise, even an IKEA one.

    Amy, Lisa, Jenn, E.M., Thanks so much!

  7. Gorgeous paintings, Luralee. And I love the chaise. What a powerful writing corner. Inspirational.

    I've enjoyed each post this week, but have been too busy to comment until now. I love all the different creative spaces.

  8. Love the Jackson Pollock style. I have only used it in small scale, as a focal point in my darker and celestial abstracts. Need more room and three fewer curious cats to move up the scale.

    Also love a freshly washed and brushed cocker spaniel. They tend to like to play in puddles.

    Lovely space. I am in awe of someone who can run a first draft in longhand. Mine get started six or seven times before they get anywhere.

  9. Aw, hi Pepper!

    The art is inspirational. And 13 yo computer! That's impressively ancient.

  10. Love the painting over your desk. It draws me into the scene. And your loyal dog at your feet.

  11. Wow, that’s some nice art you’ve got there. This series has been pretty nice.
    It made me wonder... did any of guys have to modify your workspace/keyboard positioning in the interest of ergonomics?

  12. What a gorgeous space! The artwork is magnificent.

  13. Wow! What an inspiring place to write. Love those paintings!


  14. I, too, love that painting over the desk. And Pepper, of course.

    More photos of writing spaces, please?

  15. I'm another who loves that painting above the computer. I think any space is worthy of writing if it has a dog.

  16. Thank you everyone.

    Craig, yes Pollock is an inspiration. I’m not sure about other cocker spaniels, but pepper hates the water. He’ll refuse to go for a walk if the road is the least bit wet. My notebooks are terribly disorganized. I don’t write straight through from beginning to end, but tend to hop around.

  17. Thanks, Luralee he is an inspiration to me too. I wish I could do more justice to it. You did.

    My mother's last dog was an American Cocker. It hated me and all other men. She got it from a single mother and her daughter who lived in an apartment.

    They chained it to a post along the walkway each morning and asshole guys abused it. They all figured it out.

    If I would put my niece in her inflatable tugboat, put it in the pool, and walkaway, it would jump in and tow her around.

    Cockers were originally water dogs, that doesn't mean that they all like wet feet.

  18. Those drip paintings! I want them all! Such a vibrant space. Thank you for sharing Luralee.

    And look at your writing companion!

    I am loving all the pups :)


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