Sunday, April 01, 2018

Hiatus Day Four

Client Bill Cameron

I really wanted Bill to use this as his author photo!
Follow him on Instagram (bcmystery)  for more pictures of his chickens (they're really beautiful!) and the chicken coop he built for them (which I think might be larger than my NYC apartment!)

Bill has the best advice ever on writing.


  1. What a beautiful chicken. Happy Easter!

  2. As a fellow chicken lover, (we currently have six, and one duck) this photo made me happy.

    Happy Easter to those celebrating today.

    Will check out Bill's writing advice soon.

  3. Hi Bill, Hi Chicken!

    This is a great photo, not just because of the chicken ;).

    Yeah, I have read Bill's advice, he says I can suck. Cool! And thanks!
    Did so this morning when I straight away spotted the Easter Bunny that Boyfriend had hidden for me in the apartment.

    "Man, Boyfriend, didn't you know I would notice if the Teddy Bear isn't EXACTLY in the same position???"

    My Teddy Bear wasn't 'facing south'. Do you know the ceramic penguin in MISERY by Stephen King?

    Happy Easter everyone!

  4. My grandfather was a chicken farmer. My dad wrote a comic that involved a chicken and a walrus which evolved into his mysteries, and this pic reminds me of my dad’s fictional detective, Waldo Chicken. So very cool.

    Happy Easter.

  5. Love that design on the chicken. Looks like lace.

    Happy Easter, everyone!

  6. What a gorgeous chook. Cynthia you're right, the feathers do look like lace.

    Modern day pirate?

  7. O my gosh, I love that chicken.

  8. If this was me, I TOTALLY would have used it as my author photo. If I had a picture with myself and a panda, for instance...actually I do. I can't use it for several reasons, one of which is it is embarrassingly hard to tell which is me and which is the panda. Sigh.


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