Thursday, April 12, 2018

Caption contest results!

There were some really terrific caption suggestions yesterday!

I may need to do this more often cause you made me laugh out loud, and given what I was reading at the time, that wasn't easy.

Here are the ones that stood out for me:

Dena Pawling
Jeff Somers is wearing pants?

Kathy Joyce
Laird, you gotta make it more scary! Like this.

Amy Johnson
Client Amy Johnson's debut novel, #1 on bestseller list!
I should add here, that I laughed in a GOOD way at this!

Omg, did you hear?! Schrodinger's cat found alive!

Colin Smith
Is that John Frain's manuscript??

Like Jeff Somers pants, the jokes about John (manuscript) Frain never get old.
Also, as above, laughing in a GOOD way!

Stacy McKitrick
Aack! Look at that calendar! Contest ends before it begins!

 I can't get a damn thing right some days! Honestly, if this isn't proof of why you need to let work sit overnight, nothing is.  I wrote and posted this very quickly, and of course, didn't see the date error till Stacy mentioned it.

And as we learned in today's comment column, this was Stacy's first comment.
I think we can all agree that this is the one that should win! First comment, Janet's typos, and utterly perfect caption! Nice job Stacy!

If you'll email me with your preferred mailing address and what you like to read, I'll get your prize in the mail to you!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to write captions and enter the contest.  I loved reading your entries, and they were a welcome respite from some very dark reading (but oh my godiva GOOD reading!)


  1. Way to go, Stacy. I can so hear Chester the Brooklyn Cat screeching your words out. A fur ball gets caught on "Aack," but only for a moment, and he recovers to finish his line.

    Good choice, Janet. Although Colin's wins on accuracy. My manuscript, not of the horror genre, has scared a lot more than cats. And we're not only talking about the first draft.

  2. Fabulous choice. Congrats, Stacy.

  3. Congratulations, Stacy! Welcome to the Reef!

  4. Congrats Stacy!! Aren't you glad you came out of lurkdom?

    And reading through those captions, I wanted a laugh button for so many of them.

  5. Thanks, Janet... and John for inspiring the caption! :)

    CONGRATS, Stacy! And welcome!! I hope you will continue to enlighten and entertain us with your comments. :D

  6. (By the way, in case anyone's wondering, which they're probably not because I'm resigned to the fact that I'm the only one who thinks about things like this, this contest won't be on the Contest Spreadsheet, since, for practical reasons, that sheet doesn't include contests that depend on pictures. Sorry!)


  7. Congrats Stacy! But Janet, which client did you send this to? And why?

  8. Congratulations, Stacy! Wow, first comment, and it's a winner. Which means you have a 100 percent success rate on contests here. Has anyone else in the history of this blog had a 100 percent success rate? Stacy, clearly this means you are the best writer here! (Does that count as nutty logic? Weren't we all just talking yesterday about our nuttiness?) :)

  9. Oh dear, my apologies. Seems I got so nutty I forgot my manners. Thank you, Janet, for the mention. Glad my caption made you laugh in a GOOD way.


  10. I'm with Amy. Forgot to thank Janet for mentioning my caption. Thanks! It's Friday and I'm in jury trial this week. My brain is fogged =)

  11. Oh wow, I won? Cool! Thanks, everyone. I'll try not to be a lurker any longer. :)

  12. Congratulations, Stacy! Your entry was totally hilarious, and detail-oriented. A winning combination! Coming out of lurkdom has its rewards :-)

    Additional congrats to all the other mentionables and un-mentionables. I laughed and laughed reading the comments. Good work!

  13. Congrats, Stacy,! I didn't pick up on the typo. But it was perfect humor--we all try so hard to comply with all rules/regs that I think we would say Aack! (and then try to figure out how to time travel.)

  14. I actually had an entry for once, but saw the deadline, assumed it was correct and I was just seeing it late, and went away. Oh, well.

    Go, Stacy! Great first post!

    Colin, just use your writerly skills to describe the photo!
    Photo: John Frain has been turned into a cat. He is standing tall with his front paws on something elevated, mouth agape to express an unknown (but not happy) emotion.

  15. Congratulations, Stacy, love your entry :)

  16. You're all amazing. Congrats, Stacy!


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