Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Connection issues

dont worry. I’m alive!


  1. good to let us know before a full scale panic begins!

  2. Alive and disconnected? Is this a permanent condition? I think I might still panic.

  3. connectivity restored.
    Today's blog post is up.
    The contest results are in process.

  4. Ha! What Kathy said! This made me smile! That you worry that we worry when we worry that you're okay.

  5. Connection issues? More like: Sharkey tries to torment writers with contest, so writers torment back with stunning entries. Sharkey's only counter-move is to delay the results as long as possible for maximum torment value. I can almost see her typing the results at 2 wpm, while chatting with Ms. Volpe about their weekend reads, a wicked gleam in her eye... ;)


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